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i need help badly

Ninna Wylder

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hello everyone i need help and i know that lindens don't check or read what is put here in the forums.


but here is my question how long does it normally take for linden labs to look at appeal case tickets and then to investigate them...as i have 7 avatars most of which are on hold, i have this and two others at the moment which i still can use...


my question is how does linden labs investigate people as the only term i have by pure and utter mistake broken was the max limit of 5 avatar's.


now obviously im only assuming thats the reason that they have placed my other accounts on hold...otherwise i don't see any other reason why they would as i have never griefed or harassed or abused anyone in secondlife...infact from day 1 of joining secondlife with my very first avatar all i have ever is help people..


so i don't understand what else it could be as ive never done anything at all bad or wrong..

plus three of those avatars my older real life brother gave me and to clairfy im 26yrs old in real life..

this is the most recent avatar that was given to me by a friend in second life..


is there anything that any of you can suggest other then me ringing up or opening a support ticket as i have done both those already..


many thanks in return for any suggestions or help


 mmm true but they didnt sell them to me..they just gave them to me..but i understand what you mean..is there anyway to sort this problem out..as tech im not the one here at fault...

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3 answers to this question

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Ninna Wylder wrote:

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plus three of those avatars my older real life brother gave me and to clairfy im 26yrs old in real life..

this is the most recent avatar that was given to me by a friend in second life..
[ .... ]

Ah, well then.....  there's your answer.  Read the TOS (Sect 4.1): "You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab."  Your brother and your friend have violated the TOS by giving you their accounts.  Linden Lab has therefore blocked the accounts and may end up banning both of their real owners. 

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Hi Ninna,

I'm only guessing here, but as it's forbidden by the Terms of Service to transfer accounts between people, that may be the thing the Lindens are investigating. Here's the clause from the Terms of Service that you've probably violated...

"You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab."

While being given an account by a relative or friend may seem innocent enough, from a legal standpoint, it is the person who registers the account and accepts the Terms of Service who has contracted with Linden Lab to use Second Life. If that account is then given to someone who has not accepted the Terms of Service, Linden Lab has the right, and probably the obligation (to protect themselves) to terminate the account unless the circumstances of the account transfer are communicated to the Lab and written consent is obtained.

As you know, there's nothing we can do here. I've simply offered a theory to explain your present circumstance.

Good luck.

ETA: Yes, they didn't sell, but they did transfer. And by accepting the accounts, you are actually at fault. As I've found out in the past, ignorance of the law is no excuse. (Well, I wasn't really ignorant of the "Min Speed 45" sign on the freeway, but I thought I might get away with the truthful explanation that my VW Beetle couldn't actually go that fast. Ooops.)

I wouldn't be surprised if this sort of account transfer goes on all the time. Yet, that doesn't make it acceptable. If the Lab contacts you allowing an explanation, be honest and contrite. Don't expect mercy, but be appreciative if you get it.

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I will add to Maddy and Rolig's sage advice.

In the last year or so, there has been a huge upsurge in "phishing" activity in Second Life.  People are using phishing links to trick people into revealing their user name and password information, and then stealing their accounts.  The thieves then not only take all the victim's $L, and their transferable inventory, but may also use the stolen account to commit serious Terms of Service violations like copybotting, or scamming others, or "laundering" money by buying and selling $L.

Because of this, LL has begun to take a VERY dim view of ANYONE transferring their account to a third party.  You may have done so in all innocence, but it's against the TOS and could very well get ALL of your accounts suspended.

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