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The Knights who say?

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Over the last few days I feel like I am trapped in a recurring Knight-mare.

The story started when I visited a well known shopping sim, home of one of SL's oldest apparel creators. I noticed a name on my radar,  entering the region just after me, the name began with Knight. I can't remember the exact name but it was something like this; KnightSomebody Resident. After a while browsing I decided to visit another sim, an animations creator, and the same avatar appeared in my radar a few moments after I arrived. I didn't think this was particularly strange and didn't really consciously think about it, I just recorded this in my general awareness. 

The next day I went shopping again and revisited the well known shopping sim. Moments after I arrived a Knight appeared on my radar. I remembered the name from the day before. I carried on shopping then TPd home. Then I went to another sim, a hair store, and noticed that a few moments after I arrived a Knight had entered the region. I then realised my radar was only set to notify me of someone entering the region so I changed the setting to notify me when someone leaves. I carried on shopping and the Knight reappearred, and my radar told me that the Knight left the region a few seconds later.

This scenario keeps playing out in different sims, all retail based sims. I will TP in and some time after a Knight-----Resident will appear. I have started to notecard the names. They are all called something along the lines of; KnightMordred Resident (I made that one up) and there have been at least 7 different knights who appear in the sims not long after I arrive and then disappear. All the accounts are a few days old, most of them are 6 days old, to date, but I saw one that was 5 days old. 

Yes I know this is long to read and it may be confusing, I may sound like I am in some kind of Knight-mare of my own imagination. I'm just amused and curious. These knights seem to be bots. or acting like bots, but what could they be doing? Has anyone else noticed this? Are they benign knights? Am I a Damsel in Distress? Am I the Holy Grail? 

*edit: the Knights are invisible inworld. Also, if there is a real KnightMordred Resident out there innocently going about their business, I apologise for using this name as an example, I just wanted to use a name that was similar to the Knights I have seen without potentially breaking any TOS. 

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You are not the only person seeing this.  There are 2 Knight___ Residents who keep popping up on the sim on which I live ( we live on a light-commercial sim with a well known business on the other side of the sim ).  The 2 only go to the business, and yes they appear invisible when they land and only stay for a few seconds.  The 2 pop in within minutes of each other, when one leaves the other one appears.  I work from my home, so I am on my parcel at least 5 hours everyday and I see how many times they are in and out during that time ( seems like every 5 minutes or so ).  I have also seen them on another commercial sim in the past few days, the only difference is the name after Knight, and all I have seen have been less than a week old.  Of course these Knight characters are bots, but what purpose are they serving??  Seems SL is being invaded by these annoying bots!

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Thanks for your reply, you've at least cured my personal paranoia but I am still curious as to their business. Could they be recording visits to the sims in question? Perhaps they are following avatars around to record shopping habits? It's mysterious and part of the amusement of SL but let's hope they are not part of something more sinister and damaging to creators and their customers.

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Alas, I have no information to help explain this situation. I am thankful that I happened to peek in here on a Saturday afternoon, and I shall subscribe to the thread in hopes of some day reading the answer to this perplexing phenomenon. Other than that, I can only put some extra oats in my steed's feed bucket, buff up my armor, and (blame yourself) offer this for those who follow.

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I'm very glad you posted the video as that was what came to mind when I realised this preponderance of Knights. I've waited patiently yet somewhat fearfully in some vainglorious hope that I would hear the dreaded word "Ni!" but alas these Knights are not of that calibre.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen these knight people too.  I was taking photos for clothing for my gallery and I saw one appear maybe 2-3 times on the Key West sim (where the live venue is) and then it seemed like every single other landscape-like sim I went to after that, one or two kept popping up.  I swear, it felt like they were following me...it was pretty creepy.

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I'm really intrigued by this, I felt like they were following me too, perhaps these Knight-Bots are programmed to record where avatars TP to and from and follow people around to expand their network.

I've noticed them at the sim where the club I DJ at is based, then not long after they appeared a friend at another sim which also has a club, messaged me to tell me a Knight was appearing there, and it was the same name as the one I'd spotted. That got me thinking, perhaps someone left the club I was at and went to the other club and the Knight followed them.

They've certainly branched out from simply appearing at busy shopping sims. 


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I have seen them too.... one at a popular live venue sim and another at a populars 80's club and each time they stay for only a few seconds... my guess due to the plain annoyance of this is that the agenda may be a not so good one. As of this posting they both were the same age wich should be 26 days old a/o today

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