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Why is it absurdly difficult to search the Second Life Answers section?

Nadine Neddings

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Maybe I'm blissfully missing an obvious search solution, because apparently a lot of people are finding SL Answers useful on some level.

The main Search field in the upper-right of the page header doesn't seem to return any valid results from the Answers section, (and in fact asks "Do you mean SQL in place of my "SL" keyword, which is kind of odd to see on this of all sites!).

OK, so maybe this is a rhetorical question?!

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Honestly?  I was searching for the "top three" Answers discussions, as per the recent blog post:



In particular the "Multiple Partners in SL?" (typed in exactly as the blog has it writ), as I was curious to see the discussion as I've heard others ask it before.

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"Now I look even dumber than I feel"

omg that's so not the reaction you should have... you are absolutely brilliant.

you had an issue with something, you had the guts to ask, if you didn't ask question you wouldn't get answers, not everything will be solved but we both know how little would without the back-and-forth, you found the thread you were seeking... i'd say that's a good day and you shine.

i love happy endings myself  *passes the popcorn*

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Boy, I don't know...I'm no stranger to blogs or computers and I program for a living in RL. But I had a terrible time using search here. First off, I couldn't even find a way to DO a search for a couple of days. All they've got here is a tiny little text link at the very top right of the page. If your window is scrolled even a few pixels and you don't know it's there, you can't find it. I was looking for a search box, and of course there isn't one. Then I looked for a button but that isn't there either. It took me a long time to notice that tiny little link. Okay, so maybe that was my own fault. But I can't be the only one.

Once I found the link it gave me a generic search box. I had posted to a thread the day before and I wanted to read new replies but couldn't remember the thread title. So I typed my own name in there. All I got back was my own profile. I typed a few keywords of my reply that I remembered. No results.

I went back to the generic search and clicked the advanced option. Finally I could enter my name in a specific search field and it found the thread. By then I'd spent way longer than I should have. I was on the verge of just giving up.

If I were designing this area I'd put a usable search field in a prominent place on every page, with a clearly labelled "Search" button next to it, and an expandable pane for advanced options that did not require navigating to a separate area.

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Welcome to SLA, allow me to be of asistance  -smiles-

I couldn't even find a way to DO a search for a couple of days.

Anytime you can`t find something, ie the search box... instead of looking for days, just ask... answering is what we do and you would`ve happily been told where it was in a matter of minutes.  Sorry you couldn`t find it, but it is there right beside where you login, pressumedly so it won`t be missed.

So I typed my own name in there. All I got back was my own profile.

That`s odd as I typed in my name and the results were every post I`ve replied to... that said if you click on a persons name you`ll get their profile with all posts they`ve replied to lately listed below.

Finally I could enter my name in a specific search field and it found the thread. By then I'd spent way longer than I should have. I was on the verge of just giving up.

Again, just like when you`re visiting a location and you don`t know where something is, just ask if you can`t find it, you`ll have tons of people falling over themselves hoping to help and answer... which is the ultimate measuring stick for a help forum i`m sure.  Hope to see more of you 

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Yes!  That is exactly what I am talking about!!!


Why in the world hide the search field?  It took me several minutes to find that as well.


User Interface is not the place to get all experimental and artistic.  Don't make me think about where I have to go to do what I want on the site.  Major failure in that regard.


And if we veterans of the industry have such trouble, how in the world will the average denizens of the interwebs find their way around?  The SL website is such a reflection of the SL Viewer experience, I'd say.

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Unklebob.Hotaling wrote:

Anytime you can`t find something, ie the search box... instead of looking for days, just ask...

Right, I could have, but the point is, it's hard to see and hard to find. It shouldn't be. People should not have to ask on a public venue just to find a search field. It should be prominent, because 90% of the new people being directed here will want to know something that's already been asked. They'll want to search so they won't feel foolish. Like me.

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I work at a hotel that has double glass doors in the lobby, today the glass in one of those doors shattered so we hung a big 2ftx2ft "OTHER DOOR PLEASE" sign on that door... then watched 3 people in a row try entering the hotel by pulling on that broken door.

It doesn't matter where you put it, someone somewhere at some point isn't going to see the search button, in this post is a comment suggesting people who work with computers can't find the search button.  I'm a computer noob self-admitted, I found it the 2nd day without even looking for it, mind you it's right beside where I have to login so I could suggest it's kind of hard to miss without tripping over it.  I'm not going to suggest that however, I'll merely return to my original sentiment it doesn't matter where you put it, someone somewhere at some point isn't going to see the search button even if it's prominent.

People don't take time to notice things sometimes irregardless of how big a sign you paint; it's not a failing, it's just human nature.

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I certainly agree with you about human nature. But I forgot to mention in my other posts that I usually don't log on here, since it isn't required if you only want to read the posts. I generally come in via my dashboard by clicking on one of the "recent posts" links. That pops you to the middle of a page and the search field is scrolled completely out of view. Also, it did take me quite a while to find the login link too so that I could make my first post -- and if you aren't logged on, you can't ask how to do that. All those things are scrolled out of view if you come in by some other method.

Then there's the deal where after I finally did find how to log on, I was never asked to log in again. That's because either the dashboard remembers my login, or there are cookies, or something I haven't determined yet. At any rate, I never use the login link and haven't since I first logged in some weeks ago. It remembers me now. The top of the page is rarely in view.

I once bought some generic raisins in a yellow package. My husband couldn't ever find them in the cupboard. Finally I poured them all into an old red package from the most popular raisin company. Now we see them instantly. Humans expect what they are used to, and virtually every major web site keeps a prominent search field in view, usually in a sidebar.

I'm not especially out of whack about this, but I hope the web designers here will take the hint. Once you know where Search is, it's a piece of cake. But it isn't easy to find if you expect what almost everyone else does, and ease of use is important in a venue like this one. I won't belabor the point any longer.

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