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I was going through the feeds and noticed a my friend and another guy.. Well doing the sideways cha cha. It wasn't on hers and it didn't seem like her so made a comment about her getting bold with her avi. She tends to be more conservative. When she asked me what I was talking about I told her. She was very shocked and embarrassed. SHe asked him to take it down and he refused. She asked me if she could report it and be made to take it down and I said I don't know.

 I looked into it and didn't find anything but I would like to ask you all because maybe you know more then me. Before anyone makes fun of her and her shyness, she is new to this, it was her first time and she thought it was a private intimate moment. She did learn her lesson but she still would like it taken down. 

Thanks everyone for the help.

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

If the picture is lewd she can AR it from inworld, "Indecency->Inappropriate content or conduct in a PG region". "

Erm, that would mean she was ARing herself, and bringing down official censure to go along with public opprobrium.


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LL, attempting to provide FB-like facilities, has disastrously made a rod for its own back with the publicly viewable (it's not just SL inhabitants that can access them, nor global secret agents checking whether you are a suitably responsible person to be teaching children) Profile Feeds, as their avowed policy of non-intervention in inter-avatar disputes puts them in a cleft stick.

Whereas IMs are considered private and should not be republished in LL properties, profile communications have the capacity to be either private or public, depending upon the choice of the avatar - although most do not actually realise that they have the ability to restrict their communications using a number of Settings, and neither do they realise that those communications are universally visible, and in particular that they are potentially arbitrarily republished in Trending for all to notice.

It is easier for LL to ignore the Profile Feeds (See no evil, hear no evil, and so speak no evil) than to attempt to proactively moderate them. Look at the problems they have with these forums, which are also universally viewable to the detriment of their public reputation, and are commercially exploitable - as the recurrent waves of spam demonstrate only too conclusively.

Having said all that, the publication of an image of another avatar without their consent (whether in an embarrassingly compromising position or not) is an issue that has been discussed extensively, even before the recent changes to the Terms of Service. In fact, it is a moot point whether the "friend" in question could actually sue LL itself, since they now own the rights to everything in LL, and are thus responsible for that image and the naive stupidity of "your friend".



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Laetizia Coronet

If you are afraid to spell the ******* word, don't write anything at all.

Funny that you write the above, and your previous post to this thread. 

Your answer to the OP was spot on ... the feeds are lawless as you have first hand knowledge. 

I remember YOU publishing *Real Life* names and addresses of other SL residentsIn addition to publishing photos of other residents' homes and the personal items contained within.  


@OP Your friend really has no recourse but to find a new sideways cha cha partner.  Tell her to pick and choose her 'lays' using a bit more than just her emotions.     


ETA more bold and highlights for effect.

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Studio09 wrote:

****, you just had to go and prove me wrong.



And not at all; you are absolutely correct and it's merely an arcane form of punctuation. Anybody who might think otherwise and interpret it as some sort of coded communication has either got an extremely vulgar turn of mind, or is being paid by the NSA to try and decrypt the secret messages I am sending.


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How unfortunate for your friend.  Chances are even if she AR's the photo nothing will be done.  As you know, the Trending tab can be a wild and sometimes disgusting place.  At this point, whatever photo(s) were posted have been long buried and it is unlikely someone she knows might find it/them.

Now that she is aware of the feed, she may take more care in choosing with whom she shares an intimate moment.

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Thanks all for the help. I didnt think a lot could be done to be honest. I told her that no one really cares and wouldnt even pay attention to it. Might get 5 seconds of fame and then on to the next one. It was her first and no matter how much I told her dont get attached she did. I think shes learned to leave her emotions at the door when entering SL now. I kind of figured that the Feeds were no mans land. 

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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

I haven't talked to you in months.
This is the fourth time you attack me with your foul slander *this week*
. Readers should ask themselves who is doing the stalking.

It ain't slander if it is true. 

PS Did you mean libel? 

PPS It ain't libel if it's true.

PPPS You haven't posted to SLF in months.   I HOPE readers ask themselves exactly that question you ask, because it is exactly why I keep writing the same thing in your direction. 


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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

Stay away from me and you'll hear nothing of me again, as you well know. It's you who keeps coming up with new alts to antagonize people with - not me. It's you who keeps barging in to anything I write - not me. Buzz off already, I want nothing to do with you or your brainless turds of sock puppets who follow your every move in case they miss an opportunity to kiss your skanky behind like the mindless minions that they are.

Didn't initially recognise the style eh? So much for your ******* perspicacity. It's a ******* shame, isn't it, just when you think it's safe to go back in the ******* water, the ******* shark is still lurking - in plain sight, too!

I don't have minions, by the way; I have admirers - hundreds of them, thousands possibly, although only a very few are stupid brave enough to stick their heads above the parapets and admit that they are amused by my antics. They generally tend to be literate, which rather excludes you from consideration.


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