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Say on Rez?

Pamela Galli

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Goody; another "question of style"; I enjoy these :-)

Apart from being able to read and remember a name more easily than a number predefined CONSTANTS (such as PUBLIC_CHANNEL, NULL_KEY, etc.) give you a bit of insurance.  Unlikely as it is LL could change the main chat to something other than 0.  The compiler will know this and substitute the correct number without you having to change your source code.

It can also make it easier to make quick changes when you want to - there are likely to be a lot more '0's in a script than "PUBLIC_CHANNEL"s so a simple replace-all won't work.  As a chat-specific thing I also tend to use DEBUG_CHANNEL quite a bit so I'm not spamming people while testing.

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So llSay(0,"public_chan") is difficult to remember? 

ADDED: OK,  Lets do it this way. 

code _I talking to everyone with in a 10 meter radii on the public channel "hi it me "throttle output to that range limit  (that's readable.) GOD gave us brains and memory, humans rely to much on computers to prop up laziness. This is a 64k memory limit not 900Mb. Human nature always goes for the easy to remember option. And you spelled it incorrect so it would not work any way. Just another way of creating a bug.

which way do you all use?



or this


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I tend to use PUBLIC_CHANNEL, for the reasons already given, but I might use 0 in a quickie one-off.


But it really is just a matter of style. My preference is always for one of the +500 LSL constants, which LSL Editor autocompletes for me. And out of all those constants, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Constants, I doubt more than two or three of them (if any) have fewer characters than the number they represent.


But, frankly, trying to recall the exact number to use for DEBUG_CHANNEL or ATTACH_HUD_BOTTOM is going to be time better spent writing my script, not to mention making my script almost unreadable if I didn't make use of these constants

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I think about that. But I really detest the use of PUBLIC_CHANNEL to spew out no relevant info to others when the message is of use only to the owner and/or the agent. Also I was not really referring to other constants just this one.

ADDED: LepreKhaun. Most LSL beginners use the in built editor so as the example above shows, a constant that can produce an error in typing is not very helpful and "0" unless one types o is almost impossible to get wrong. I accept what you saying about constants, but this one. I can see no need for it. I can only assume that this is a programmers rule.

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steph Arnott wrote:

I think about that. But I really detest the use of PUBLIC_CHANNEL to spew out no relevant info to others when the message is of use only to the owner
and/or the agent
. Also I was not really referring to other constants just this one.

ADDED: LepreKhaun. Most LSL beginners use the in built editor so as the example above shows, a constant that can produce an error in typing is not very helpful and "0" unless one types o is almost impossible to get wrong. I accept what you saying about constants, but this one. I can see no need for it. I can only assume that this is a programmers rule.

Back in 1991, in the 1st edition of Programming Perl (known as the Camel Book), Larry Wall said "We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris."


You are certainly on your way to developing all three, Steph.

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steph Arnott wrote:

Not sure what you mean?

Take it as a compliment, Steph, even though laziness, impatience and hubris are not usually virtues :-)

  • Good programmers are lazy - we prefer the easiest/quickest solution that works.  Programs using 'what works', work.
  • Good programmers are impatient - whenever we do mess around with 'what works' it's to make it even easier to write, maintain and execute.  Almost everything can be improved.
  • (Not sure about this one) Good programmers are full of hubris - if we manage to find a 'better way' we show-off like mad about it.  Everyone else can be lazy thanks to what we discovered.

That you have understood what we've said about PUBLIC_CHANNEL and other constants but have your own reasons for not using it demonstrates that you have your own style.  :-) This is all about 'a question of style' remember :-)  What works for you is what you should use, unless you find a better way - in which case please tell us.

Cool :-)


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That statement caused so much discussion amongst programmers at the time, the glossary of  the 2nd edition of Programming Perl included this:

Laziness The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.

Impatience The anger you feel when the computer is being lazy. This makes you write programs that don't just react to your needs, but actually anticipate them. Or at least pretend to. Hence, the second great virtue of a programmer. 

Hubris Excessive pride, the sort of thing Zeus zaps you for. Also the quality that makes you write (and maintain) programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer.


[it might be noted that it didn't stop the discussion btw. However, it did point how this "vices" could be regarded as "virtues" when it came to programming. And, yes, I meant to be complimentary.]

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LepreKaun wrote

And, yes, I meant to be complimentary.]


I did not think you meant it as an insult, i just did not know what it was refrenced to. But thanks for the update. All this free education, lol.

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The best argument for constants, for future compatibility, is the winning argument for using them.  However, allow me to digress...

I admit, I prefer to use 0 instead of PUBLIC_CHANNEL.  For me personally, since I'm the only one that ever sees the actual code, I can read it just as easily as I can PUBLIC_CHANNEL.  In fact, I prefer the code to be a bit obscure, because it's a good reading exercise to be able to scour through code that might not have everything labeled and perfect and get the gist of what's going on.  It's like word find puzzles; the more you do them the better you get at picking things out of obscurity. 

Don't get me wrong, the merits of using ALL constants (I use quite a few, just not PUBLIC_CHANNEL) far outweighs what I just described, but hey... I like to be difficult and set in my ways. LOL  Sometimes we can take LSL so seriously (and programming in general) that we become stuffy and set in our ways.

Constants are there for ease of use.  They're optional.  You may have just convinced me to make a change though, for the best of 0... er I mean PUBLIC_CHANNEL. :)

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