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That LOCATION thing

Chic Aeon

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I had to smile at my title but no matter ---

I have been making a lot of things lately that seems to do that weird shadowy thing when joined. Applying Location (as well as rotation and scale - you guys taught me well) before exporting solves the issue, but I am wondering WHY seemingly simple things (cubes, a six sided cylinder and one item which had a subsurf modifier and may be the culprit though I have seen this on occasions with no modifiers as I don't use them often) are having this issue.

There is no problem really, I just would like to know the WHY of things happening. Blender gal here.


Thanks for any insights.

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OH you are SO funny. I thought we all new :D.   Lucky me; the only one that has that happen. Promise to take a photo the next time it does. Meanwhile I have a similar issue that "location" doesn't fix. Going to put it in a new thread though as it isn't the same thing.

Good to hear from you!  


 EDIT: So the good news is that I figured out my OTHER issue.  Will try and remember to get a shot the next time the "shadowy" thing happens. Meanwhile you will be happy to note that I made 1 KILOMETER hills and dales over at "the other place" with perfect physics (I get no credit for that but still, I am impressed - wink). The hills you made for MOSP are still happily keeping the LI under control. I so do appreciate your efforts. Thanks again.

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I can understand that scale and rotation could result in fancy transformations in SL when they do not get applied before export. But you mentioned that applying location would help as well in some cases.

So you made me curious to see such an example for what goes wrong when location is not applied. I thought that the object center would be recalculated anyways based on the mesh data and not based on the object data ?

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O....K   So, now I'm curious.  I have been uploading and joining things quite a bit, but I don't recall having seen a "shadowy thing."  That doesn't mean it's not there; just that I have probably been too dim-witted to recognize it.  And now, you said that you "figured it out."  So, what the heck is a shadowy thing and how to you exorcise it when you see one?

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LOL.   And when you WANT things to go wrong -- they just don't.

Sorry. No photo (I did look through my recycle bin for ya, but no go.)

It normally happens to objects that have had modifiers applied, sub-surf, edge-split - one time bend. I don't use modifiers often. What happens is when you join the objects together as one mesh SOME parts get a very dark shadow ON the object. Like pillows will take on  very definite shadows that shouldn't be there.  It "seems" to have something to do with joining modified objects to ones that have had no modifier applied. That's only a guess though.

I honestly don't understand well about "location, rotation and scale". I do know that you can sometimes put on a garment that is HUGE while it is rezzing because (I am assuming) it hasn't been scaled.

Applying location (at least in my last experience with the problem) fixed things. Now, I often just apply all three before export as well as getting the origin centered. Someone on this board advised that long ago and it seems like a good plan and takes very little time.

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I have discovered a couple of things about applying location and scale (in Blender), after having been told 1000 times to apply it as a finishing touch, esp after doing anything in object mode:

Applying rotation means your things will be aligned to the grid inworld (so you will be able to scale things correctly instead of, say, on the diagonal).

Applying scale means your UVs will be to scale when you Auto-UV, and if you have mirrored something it will "take" when imported inworld.  Same for modifiers.

Also if I get some kind of upload error, applying R & S will often fix it.

Probably a lot of other stuff. 






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When you see it, you will REMEMBER this post - LOL. It is very in your face; you won't miss it.

I don't use modifiers all that much, but maybe a bit more and now perhaps that is why I am seeing it more often. Edge Split is VERY handy :D.



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OK. Here are three screenshots of a fountain. One before joining, one joined and one right after LOCATION was applied (I moved the origin to the center as the only step before that (habit)).  The very odd thing is that the ONLY modifier was one used up by where the water comes out. AND I had already uploaded the vertical part of the fountain before hand. No issues at all until I added the very simple (cubes and planes) base. HMMMMM.    








So now you know and if anyone can tell me WHY that shadow thing happens, I would still like to know. MUST have something to do with modifiers as I can't remember any issues with builds where there were NONE :).  

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Can you send me a blend file that is prepared such that i only need to join the currently selected items and see the problem ? Then i can prepare a blender bug report for it.

And please tell me if you allow me to forward the blend file to the blender bug report system.

And still you could do the bug reporting all by yourself as well if you prefer :)

thank you

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