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Wanted: Mesh Builder for weapons.


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I'm looking for a person cabale of meshing a few guns for me. I have models made inworld that you will be able to reference. I'm looking for someone willing to charge a reasonable price for these items and not some price gouger. I would prefer the maker to also be able to texture it as well but it is not required as long as the maker can supply a uv map to allow us to do our own textures.


Conditions i will require:

  • The item or items will be given to me full perm
  • The item will not be allowed to be given out or resold by anyone but myself
  • All uv maps and textures will be supplied as well full perm


There may be more work after these initial builds as i am having this work done for a group and we always will be needing more.

 Please contact me inworld: Synitry Resident


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Synitry wrote:

I'm looking for someone willing to charge a reasonable price for these items and not some price gouger. I would prefer the maker to also be able to texture it as well but it is not required as long as the maker can supply a uv map to allow us to do our own textures.

Conditions i will require:
  • The item or items will be given to me full perm
  • The item will not be allowed to be given out or resold by anyone but myself
  • All uv maps and textures will be supplied as well full perm

So you'd like a fully textured, custom set of items, full perm with the creator having no rights of resale or distribution.

A reasonable rate for that could easily be $20 an hour and could easily run to a weeks work (more or less depending on number of models and complexity) (say 37 hour working week).  That would be $20 * 37 * 250 = L$185,000, does that sound like a reasonable price to you?

Even at half the time or rate (peanuts), you're still looking at L$100,000 unless someone wants to do it for nothing and thus further the devaluation of mesh in Second Life.

Define "Price Gouger" or would that be someone just "making a living earning a fair wage for very real hours spent"?

If you removed the exclusivity demand, you'd stand to lower a rate somewhat massively.

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Well frankly im not looking for people like you. Actually in the area of SL that i frequent my demands are not anything but the norm. I am seeking stuff to be made for a exclusive group and ive already had people make me items with those exact stipulations for less than 1/10th the price you just quoted me. I hate people like you who think thier so awesome and people need to treat them like a god. Go elsewhere as im not here to give you more content to sell. If something as simple as what im asking for would take you as long as you say then well sweety your not as good as you think you are i know people who could do what i want and more in less than a few hours. They have before but sadly are just to busy and are unable to continue working for me. 

Seriously you need to stop just running around to troll forum posts. If you even are a content creator you are an amaetur otherwise you wouldnt be on second life youd be putting your skills to use for a real company and making real money. Stop attempting to use second life to create a "career" for yourself as it just doesnt happen except for lucky few and your certainly not gonna make it off commissions and small jobs.

I think you seriously need a reality check and bad.

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Troll?  All I see in Sassy's post is a price estimate and her reasoning behind it.

It does help to provide a price-guide when you request work so you aren't offered an unacceptable quality, high or low.  Of course, that's fraught with danger too - name a price and everyone will quote up to that, even if they would otherwise have charged less.  You may also like to consider that insulting posts indicate the professionalism people working with you can expect - and they might raise their prices accordingly.

[We've just had a couple of flame wars.  Mods say to report posts you find offensive or risk being punished yourself for any replies.]


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Some interesting comments, mostly amusing.

I wasn't offering, I don't do commissions, it's not worth my time, doesn't pay enough :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

That was the point I was making, there are people with different approaches, it's not unreasonable for people to charge a real world price for the work because it takes real world hours.  If that is their source of income, they are NOT a price gouger but just seeking remuneration for their time at a fair rate.  What do you get paid per hour?

On the other hand there are those who place no value in their time at all and who will create what you ask for peanuts.  That doesn't make them better or worse, it's a different approach but what it does do is create an expectation that anyone charging a rate that supports their desired standard of living is in some way acting improperly.

Someone might be led to say "I hate people like the original poster who think everyone should work here for nothing".  Can you see how that works?

Someone else was asking for full perm mesh clothing and seemed surprised that it should cost more than L$4000 because that's the price they'd seen on Marketplace.  They didn't seem to understand that the basis for that price was volume and not a single commission.

The other thing you didn't mention was complexity of the item, there's a difference between a simple gun and something which isn't.  Anything which is complex, optimised and well textured really will take time and easily be a day of work for a gun.  If you want 5 similar guns, that's a week.  If you think you'll get say 5 guns done in a day all complete then you've done well but the curious thing is, the people that do this are "busy".  I wonder why that is.

Good luck in your search

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Synitry wrote:

Well frankly im not looking for people like you. Actually in the area of SL that i frequent my demands are not anything but the norm.


If in the area of SL you frequent this is the "Norm," why are you asking here?  Why aren't you asking there for someone to make what you want?

Sure there are people who do these things for fun but that doesn't change the fact that to do it right and to do it well takes time, and actually could take a lot of time.


Synitry wrote:


I think you seriously need a reality check and bad.


Pot, meet Kettle.  Kettle, meet Pot.


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Perrie Juran wrote

Sure there are people who do these things for fun but that doesn't change the fact that to do it right and to do it well takes time, and actually could take a lot of time

Just adding to what has been said already.  If someone can do great quality mesh work,  it also would be more profitable for them to pay a scripter for a gun script for their mesh guns than to sell the gun models full permission to someone. Especially since the original poster mentioned having them textured too. I know someone like myself or even some of the most well known weapon creators would sell a script for a more reasonable price or even for a percentage of the sale price then price expectations of the original poster

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Making Mesh requires skill and knowledge. Making GOOD Mesh requires INDUSTRIAL QUALITY SKILL.

In the industry, anything lower than 30 USD per hour is a joke. Maybe a very desperate person would do it for as low as 20 USD per hour, but that is already hyper-cheap.

If you want to pay less than this, then you are not looking for true quality - you are looking for average crap.

Seriously, how can you expect a highly skilled professional, who can find work paying 30-120 USD an hour to work for you for lunch money?

If you allow them to sell it themselves, then they can make actual profit and thus can afford to do it for you cheap. But exclusive rights were never cheap.

You clearly have no clue.


So let's get back from Wonderland to reality. let's say we go with the extremely cheap 20 USD per hour. That is 160 per day in 8 hour workdays.

A simple weapon like a futuristic pistol would be at least a 1-2 days full time work - assuming you want actual quality.

Something like an assault rifle would be 2-4 days.

Go figure the rest.

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