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Failed group chat

Paul Hexem

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Internet chat rooms were mastered 20 years ago, but LL still manages to screw it up.

Recently I posted about this topic, and the replies defending LL were about large groups and lots of people makes for lots of lag, etc.

Except most of the failed group chat I see is in a group of 12 people, usually with only 2 or 3 in chat at a time.

How can LL be so bad at this? I don't get it.

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Internet chat rooms were mastered 20 years ago, but LL still manages to screw it up.

Recently I posted about this topic, and the replies defending LL were about large groups and lots of people makes for lots of lag, etc.

Except most of the failed group chat I see is in a group of 12 people, usually with only 2 or 3 in chat at a time.

How can LL be so bad at this? I don't get it.

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While I agree that group chat in SL is often difficult, you are camparing apples to oranges when you compare the old chat rooms (IRC and etc) to SL group chat; they are not similar and SL group chat is much more complicated. Of course if you have a technical solution to chat lag please submit it and help everyone.

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LL do some bizarre stuff when it comes to messaging - group IM may not be too equivilent to IRC, but there's no reason why they've had to make as much of a mess of it as they have (it doesn't need to be anywhere near as complicated). The technology for many-to-many messaging has existed for some time, and several of the standards are open/flexible.

I think it is a reasonable testament to the competance of LL. Group IM will never work because having it work would demonstrate a competance that LL can't sustain.

For entertainment purposes:


How's that goin'?

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Internet chat rooms were mastered 20 years ago, but LL still manages to screw it up.

Recently I posted about this topic, and the replies defending LL were about large groups and lots of people makes for lots of lag, etc.

Except most of the failed group chat I see is in a group of 12 people, usually with only 2 or 3 in chat at a time.

How can LL be 
bad at this? I don't get it.

It's not a matter of us apologizing for or defending LL on this issue.

We'd all love to see the problems that arise with group chat fixed.

But what I see here is a failure on your part or a lack of willingness to acknowledge that Group Chat is not as simple as you are making it out to be.  And while LL may not be reporting to us what they are doing, it has been stated that improving Group Chat is a major initiative.

This is one of those (rare) situations where I do believe Rodvik when he stated that most people really do NOT understand the complexity of group chat.

But yes, like you, I'd love to see it fixed.

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With the problems of group chat continuing year after year it certainly is irritating.  I tried to review the LL efforts to fix things.  Some parts I just couldn't find.  Here's what I think has happened:


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

With the problems of group chat continuing year after year it certainly is irritating.  I tried to review the LL efforts to fix things.  Some parts I just couldn't find.  Here's what I think has happened:


Are you perhaps thinking of The Large Group Issue in your 2011/2012 comment?

That was related to the group members list never loading.  It had side effects such as not being able to change group preferences (recieve notices, show in profile) and sometimes if I recall correctly made starting or participating in a group chat difficult.

That problem has been fixed. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

With the problems of group chat continuing year after year it certainly is irritating.  I tried to review the LL efforts to fix things.  Some parts I just couldn't find.  Here's what I think has happened:


Are you perhaps thinking of
in your 2011/2012 comment?

That was related to the group members list never loading.  It had side effects such as not being able to change group preferences (recieve notices, show in profile) and sometimes if I recall correctly made starting or participating in a group chat difficult.

That problem has been fixed. 

No that isn't what I was thinking I remembered.  That is a nice example of a problem that got fixed though.  I am remember a blog post... I think it must have been one of those - that gushed about how work had been completed on the group chat issues.  It claimed that the problems were almost never seen anymore.  Not that they had been completely eliminated.  Found it...

Pasted below & here's a link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/July-Update/ba-p/964435



Group Chat Lag


Here’s a little something about that right royal pain, Group Chat Lag. You know how it is: you’re inworld, having a ball chatting with a group of friends, but the chat shows up with words missing or in the wrong order. It’s like a bad roommate, always hanging around and making a mess, interrupting your conversations and ruining your jokes! Some of your friends won’t even try talking while that loser’s around, knowing that their impeccable comic timing will come out looking like free-form poetry.


Except, for some reason, we don’t see that dude around much these days. Was it something we did?


We’d say that we’ll miss the old Group Chat Lag, but that would be a total lie. Instead, as the saying used to go: “door Don’t let the hit you in the butt on the way out.”


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

With the problems of group chat continuing year after year it certainly is irritating.  I tried to review the LL efforts to fix things.  Some parts I just couldn't find.  Here's what I think has happened:


Are you perhaps thinking of
in your 2011/2012 comment?

That was related to the group members list never loading.  It had side effects such as not being able to change group preferences (recieve notices, show in profile) and sometimes if I recall correctly made starting or participating in a group chat difficult.

That problem has been fixed. 

No that isn't what I was thinking I remembered.  That is a nice example of a problem that got fixed though.  I am remember a blog post... I think it must have been one of those - that gushed about how work had been completed on the group chat issues.  It claimed that the problems were almost never seen anymore.  Not that they had been completely eliminated.  Found it...

Pasted below & here's a link:





Here’s a little something about that right royal pain,
Lag. You know how it is: you’re inworld, having a ball
with a
of friends, but the
shows up with words missing or in the wrong order. It’s like a bad roommate, always hanging around and making a mess, interrupting your conversations and ruining your jokes! Some of your friends won’t even
talking while that loser’s around, knowing that their impeccable comic timing will come out looking like free-form poetry.


Except, for some reason, we don’t see that dude around much these days.


We’d say that we’ll miss the old
Lag, but that would be a total lie. Instead, as the saying
to go: “door Don’t let the hit you in the butt on the way out.”


You have a most excellent memory Friend Chipmunk.

I looked at the post and at the JIRA.

It seemed to adress one very narrow issue, wixed mords.

It certailny has not up lived expectation to.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

With the problems of group chat continuing year after year it certainly is irritating.  I tried to review the LL efforts to fix things.  Some parts I just couldn't find.  Here's what I think has happened:


Are you perhaps thinking of
in your 2011/2012 comment?

That was related to the group members list never loading.  It had side effects such as not being able to change group preferences (recieve notices, show in profile) and sometimes if I recall correctly made starting or participating in a group chat difficult.

That problem has been fixed. 

No that isn't what I was thinking I remembered.  That is a nice example of a problem that got fixed though.  I am remember a blog post... I think it must have been one of those - that gushed about how work had been completed on the group chat issues.  It claimed that the problems were almost never seen anymore.  Not that they had been completely eliminated.  Found it...

Pasted below & here's a link:





Here’s a little something about that right royal pain,
Lag. You know how it is: you’re inworld, having a ball
with a
of friends, but the
shows up with words missing or in the wrong order. It’s like a bad roommate, always hanging around and making a mess, interrupting your conversations and ruining your jokes! Some of your friends won’t even
talking while that loser’s around, knowing that their impeccable comic timing will come out looking like free-form poetry.


Except, for some reason, we don’t see that dude around much these days.


We’d say that we’ll miss the old
Lag, but that would be a total lie. Instead, as the saying
to go: “door Don’t let the hit you in the butt on the way out.”


Whoever said that clearly never spends time inworld chatting. The out of order stuff still happens, all the time. So does everything else, including chat never appearing, chats closing due to failure to initialize, and every other issuse since I started in 2006.

Every so often LL will do something, and it will improve, breifly. But over time it just goes right back to being as bad as it was.

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linden lab bob.jpg


Darien Caldwell wrote:

Whoever said that clearly never spends time inworld chatting. The out of order stuff still happens, all the time. So does everything else, including chat never appearing, chats closing due to failure to initialize, and every other issuse since I started in 2006.

Every so often LL will do something, and it will improve, breifly. But over time it just goes right back to being as bad as it was.

Linden Lab's Publicist.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes all this stuff certainly happens still. I havent noticed it for a long time .. but in the later part of this year it certainly has been worse.

I have log with tons of errors from one chat group i am in. It was bad right from the start and at the time of this posting will now open, you can enter a post, then.. nothing.. not even an error.   I quit and rejoined the group even and still the same results.  Other members in the same group are getting the same.  Yet another group that created by the very same person, rarely fails at all. 


It looks like its just luck of the draw to get a working group.  Is it when the group gets created?  Where it created?  Both? 

Cmon LL lets get on the ball here.  It's only a small fee to create a group (100L) but there is still a fee, and this is clearly broken.


It's easy to understand how some in this thread are saying things are fixed.  They've been lucky with the groups that they are in :)





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