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Computer shutting down when play for 2 min


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My computer is shutting down when i try to play... i just started and i was at the learning center... i walk around a little then my computer automaticly shuts down... CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY ME???:matte-motes-crying::matte-motes-evil::matte-motes-frown:

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My computer is shutting down when i try to play... i just started and i was at the learning center... i walk around a little then my computer automaticly shuts down... CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY ME???:matte-motes-crying::matte-motes-evil::matte-motes-frown:

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Not on the basis of the information you provide so far, no.   We don't even know what operating system you are using.

Do you get any error message -- blue screen of death, or whatever?   Or does it just shut down completely?  And what sort of message, if any, do you get when you restart the computer?

Please provide additional information by editing your original post, not by starting a new thread.

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Open Second Life to login screen > select Help > About Second Life then copy/paste the contents of the window that opens into a reply here. Add in the exact model of graphics card as the details will likely just show the card series.

Shutting down like that could be overheating of your computer hardware and it's closing down to protect it from damage. To check that, install a hardware monitor such as Open Hardware Monitor http://openhardwaremonitor.org/ and run it while in Second Life. Check if the CPU and GPU temperatures are within safe operating temperatures (you can Google what they should be) or running way too hot.

When did you last clean the inside of your computer including fans of accumulated dust? Could also be the thermal paste on your CPU heat sink is not working as well as it once did and needs redoing. Second Life stresses computers far more than most games.

Try reducing your graphics level in Preferences > Graphics and lower your draw distance, say to 64m.

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SL has been a mess, tonight; lost inventories galore, clouds aplenty......

That has nothing to do with OP's problem. As fugly as all the clouds were today, we hardly had any crashes or lag. My cloud moved quite easily and fast, even TPd without probs and went sailing.

OP's problem sounds like bad/neglected hardware, overly optimistic settings or bad connection.

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Not agreeing .. since latest viewer updates memory leakage has made it impossible to stop viewers from crashing after a short while. Not the OP's fault. Happens to me all the time now since a week. No fun in starting viewer at all. Graphical glitches, stalls and crashes. Cannot TP to visit concerts or other gatherings without crashing while rezzing. This weekend as the worst days so far.

Jessica Lyon kinda had a foresight to this at a Firestorm meeting : LL is making bold moves in graphical adjustments and things might break. Hoshi is right . It's an absolute mess now and we'll have to wait until LL resolves this. They're rearranging server software and the clients will have to sit this one out.

I expect viewer updates to arrive soon.

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I agree about SL being a mess on Sunday, but the OP was talking about the "computer shutting down," rather than the viewer crashing.   If that's what the OP meant -- the computer itself stops working -- then that sounds to me like a problem with the OP's computer.  If the OP meant that his or her viewer crashes but the PC itself keeps running, then I agree, that sounds more like a problem with SL or the viewer.

I dont' think we have enough information at the moment to do anything more than make informed guesses, which is why I hope the OP comes back and gives us a bit more information.

ETA  Certainly yesterday I saw plenty of complaints in various groups about people being clouds and having problems with inventory not loading, and I had some of this myself, though not as badly as others.   But what I didn't see was any complaints other than this one that "my computer keeps crashing."   

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TDD123 wrote:

Not agreeing .. since latest viewer updates memory leakage has made it impossible to stop viewers from crashing after a short while. Not the OP's fault. Happens to me all the time now since a week. No fun in starting viewer at all. Graphical glitches, stalls and crashes. Cannot TP to visit concerts or other gatherings without crashing while rezzing. This weekend as the worst days so far.

Jessica Lyon kinda had a foresight to this at a Firestorm meeting : LL is making bold moves in graphical adjustments and things might break. Hoshi is right . It's an absolute mess now and we'll have to wait until LL resolves this. They're rearranging server software and the clients will have to sit this one out.

I expect viewer updates to arrive soon.

Also, the latest Nvidia driver 320.49 is very buggy as commented on in gaming forums and is known to have a memory leak problem. Coby Foden mentioned in another thread that she has reduced her crash rate significantly since reverting to 314.22.

You're talking about a different thing to the OP. The OP's computer is crashing, not just the viewer and that is almost certainly a hardware issue such as overheating.

Apart from last night's problems now resolved, I haven't noticed any of the issues you mention while using the latest LL viewer or Niran's viewer but I have a good ATI card and don't use Firestorm. :smileywink:

Hoshi's latest buzz word is 'shill'. He must have just discovered it as he used it in another thread last night as well.

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Was already using 314.22 and still am, so the memory leakage is not a driver issue in my case. I suspect it not to be the case as well with other users as well regarding issues with the Linden Lab - viewer, eventhough the possibility of memory leakage by using the latest but buggy driver might be a possible problem.

Seeing how things are progressing within SL I rather attribute these errors to the lab instead of hardware vendors.

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Good, seems best to stick with 314.22 until Nvidia sorts its driver out. I read in one gaming forum that the latest beta has similar bugs. I don't know who is responsible for the issues you mention but I can stay on for hours without experiencing memory leakage, rezzing or teleport problems (last night's unscheduled maintenance being an exception with avatar rezzing).

Yes, sometimes I crash but no more than I have ever done over the past number of years. I've a 1GB card and only 4GB RAM so I would quickly run out of memory if I had a memory leakage issue but I'm not seeing that. I even had to resort to a wireless connection this week and it's working well.

Perhaps Firestorm has more issues than other viewers.

On the OP's problem, we can't really add anything until he comes back with more information.

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

 I can stay on for hours without experiencing memory leakage, rezzing or teleport problems (last night's unscheduled maintenance being an exception with avatar rezzing).

I consider you one of the very happy very very VERY few regarding this weekend or since the viewer update to 3.6.4 (280048) then. :robotindifferent:

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Yeah, there is something fishy with this new viewer. But it's not quite as simple as just crashing every time, so I don't think that's our OP's problem here.

What it's doing for me is running rock solid for hours in moderately mesh-populated areas. But if I go to a currently popular Mesh showplace market and do some camming around, I'll crash with a memory error within 15 seconds.

I've seen this before in earlier viewer versions, too. I'm not sure it's a regression or if it never really was fixed -- maybe I just stopped going to hyper-Mesh-intensive areas for a while -- but now it's very definitely broken (again? still?).

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Cannot tell if it's solely this viewer itself or wether it's cause and effect by server side changes myself.

By monitoring my processes whilst running the viewer I can only see it rise very quickly to about 700 MB or more. By then I'm only in my sparsely decorated home ( only a few meshes there as well ).

Whenever teleporting to venues that are visited by avatars ( or avatars arriving ) it plummits over the availiable RAM resources and grinds to a halt, either making Windows announce I have run out of memory and taking forever to shutdown SL.exe or crashing bluntly at once. This made me think about the possibility of memory leakage because of changes to server side appearances. Perhaps this triggered the 'good ol' ' memory leak as we have known it.

Whatever LL is technically arranging right now, it's a definite showstopper to any one using the client, imho.

The OP's problems might not have been well described nor system information has been given, but I suspect it to be related to other threads that were made regarding problems with this viewer by others in this section.

Of course my suspicion is no ground for actual fact.

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I am seeing no problems with the current SL viewer.  I have had no crashes recently, except for a few instances if crash-on-exit.   Those are no bother.   I have a mesh intensive video set that I used Saturday to make a video.  About 6 people there, none crashed in the 2 hour shooting session. (These were using various viewers.)


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TDD123 wrote:
I consider you one of the very happy very very
few regarding this weekend or since the viewer update to 3.6.4 (280048) then. :robotindifferent:

Actually I'm not happy at all but it's not the viewer causing the unhappiness, it's my ISP. My speed has been slowly decreasing the past few weeks and is now down to 2.5MB/sec download and 0.42MB/sec upload and they won't do anything. Hope to get fibre power broadband soon though. Also, due to an unrelated issue, I've had to switch from my Cat 6 Ethernet cable to wireless. Tried wall-plugged Ethernet extenders but a disaster.

Nevertheless, I still can enjoy SL a much as ever.  Anyway, I logged in an hour ago on the latest LL viewer to test it again. At my home sim, usage was about 500,000K initially so I teleported off to Dance Island, always a busy sim 24/7. That went smoothly. Texture and avatar rezzing was fine, mesh clothes a little slow on a few avatars but that's normal in busy sims. I'm on Ultra with full Deferred Rendering and Ambient Occlusion enabled and a FPS of 38 at Dance Island.

I moved and cammed around for some 30 minutes or so. Memory usage climbed to a maximum of about 1,035,000K and I couldn't get it to go any higher. Viewer was rock solid, no crashing, no lag, no messages about texture memory and bear in mind I'm on a low speed wireless connection.

There were 26 avatars in the sim as you can see from attached screen shot.

Left myself logged in for another 20 minutes or so and I see usage is now 1.047,000K but the number of avatars has increased to 33. Teleported around a bit after. So, an hour later, still no lag, no texture memory messages, teleports smooth, no crashes.

Having said all that, I seem to recall my usual memory usage was around 800,000K but I haven't checked Task Manager while in SL for a very long time.

Dance Island.JPG


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What you are showing ( by text and graphic ) is the exact opposite of what I'm experiencing since this version 3.6.4 (280048). I remember being in one venue ( a french sim ) at a moment experiencing memory leakage whilst surrounded by other avatars seemingly having no issues as well.

A fact I have to consider ( since your configuration holds up to 4 Gb of RAM ) is the limit of resources I have : only 2 Gigs of RAM. In the days the 'old' memory leakage issues prevailed that was a sensitive limit ; my machine would run out of virtual memory quite soon. When the memory leakage was tackled since then, these 2 Gigs of mine were sufficient to run any SL client ( official or TPV's).

My suspicion is : the viewer now leaks that much amount of memory it fills up both RAM and virtual memory (disk) upto the point of limit. ( To adress this I will change my virtual memory to be controlled by windows itself to see how much it takes to keep things stable).

Since this latest version ( I forgot when exactly I downloaded it , but must have been about a week ago ) it's hopeless. The application Secondlife.exe is not executable for long periods of time anymore. The client uses that much resources my machine either quits on it by OS or by crashing abruptly.


I'd very much would like to know your current experiences with monitoring memory resources by windows' taskmanager whilst using SL with this particular version of the viewer. I hope you keep me posted on that particular item.


ETA to specify.

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I consider you one of the very happy very very VERY few


Well, I consider you one of the even fewer residents suffering memory leakage. With all the crappola and all the complaints on Sunday, I didn't hear anyone complaining about viewer crashes. Are you by any chance on a LL viewer? That puts you savely into a minority group already.

Anyhoo, all this doesn't reflect OP's question. His or her problem is hardware related and can be answered quite simply: update your drivers regularly, maintain your OS daily, physically clean your computer every 6 months, 3 if you're a smoker.

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