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Death and the Maiden


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Hi everyone!!!


Me here.  Yes, again.  So yes, I know avis can die, and it's no big deal, you just respawn wherever.  I'm just wondering WHY i died?

I walked away from my computer, thought i'd be right back, then came back much later and the nearby chat said that i had died.  i had already respawned elsewhere, and appeared in perfect health. lol


Anyway, there was no comments from anyone, so i don't think someone came up and randomly killed me, without first saying something?  does that happen?  there were no messages from anyone during that time.  and nothing that said why i died.  I was in a Moderate area, and no one was there when i teleported, and when i teleported back no one was near my spawn/death point.  of course that doesnt mean someone didnt kill me since i wasn't looking.  Is killing allowed in Moderate, or just Adult?  I RP as a 10 year old - i should have mentioned that first - so (a) i never go to adult places and (b) isnt it considered very uncool to try to kill someone who isn't fighting back, especially someone who'se a kid?!?  i have no weapons, and, trust me, do not appear manancing or violent in the slightest.  Dang, what a corwardly thing to do to me!!!


Or did i just run out of air or something?  lolz


As always, thanks a bunch for the help guys, and have a gray8 day!!!  :matte-motes-grin:

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Hi blue,

Well, actually in SL there are some 'game areas'. This has nothing to do with Adult, Moderate or General. Owners of sims and parcels can set that game mode on or off. 

If they have set it on, this is shown by a heart symbol in the top of your viewer, that is if you have activiated the option in your viewer to see land names, options and coordinates.

Anyway, in those areas your avies life starts at 100%. Whenever you are shot or hit with a weapon you lose a certain percentage till zero.

Usually upon reaching 0 you are automatically teleported to the place set as your home. 

SL is not exactly a game, but this is more or less a left over of old SL, and still in use if users want to game.

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Hello, the rating Adult, Moderate ... has nothing to do with being "able to die".

Some places, usually only RP areas, can set Health. This is visible when a little heart is shown in the menubar.

Only then others are able to "kill" you, or even you can kill yourself :matte-motes-sarcasm:

Killing AFK persons is not very nice but a common thing in Ego-Shooters or MMORPGs.


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When you 'die', this is basically a simple occurance using the SL Combat System, or some other 'metered' combat such as DCS, CCS, or any one of about a billion Gor HUDs. Assuming you weren't wearing a third party meter, the SLCS only works on regions displaying a small 'Heart' icon in the address bar, it needs to be enabled as a parcel setting, similar to No Scripts, No Rezzing, and such. It's allowed anywhere, but only the land owner can enable or disable it, and no-one is especially exempt from being a target.

You can 'die' in SLCS in the following ways:-

  • Staying underwater too long
  • Falling from a great height
  • Getting touched by an object that does SLCS-compatible damage (not necessarily a bullet).

You can usually find out if it was the latter by examininng recent bumps, hits and pushes, though I forget where to find this in the Viewer 3 menus.


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Being a child gives you no extra protection in SL, with the exception of age play which is against the TOS, unless you are in a role play area that has rules that give kids that protection.   Anyplace else you are just another avatar because everyone knows that you are not a child regardless of your appearance.  Some child avi's actually participate in games and roleplays where they can and do get killed.

If you go into a sim where damage is enabled (little red heart shows at top of screen) and want to go afk with no consequences, look for a safe area on the sim where it is against the rules to kill someone or tp out to another place that is safe.  If a sim has a safe area (some don't) it is usually at the main TP point where you can also find the rules of play as well as the rules for visitors. It is important to get these so you don't break any and get ejected and banned.  Most times they also have what is called a visitor or observer pass or tag you wear that indicates to the players you are observing only and are off limits for attacks. By default you are considered fair game if there is no safe area or observer tags available. Some places even say this in their land description.  Knowing in advance what is expected of you and what you are consenting to by being there will let you avoid a repeat of this experience.

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Hi, in no particular order,

Amethyst Jetaime
Freya Mokusei
Monti Messmer
Linda Brynner

!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!  :smileyhappy:

Thank you for such quick and thorough replies!  a lot of acronyms, wowsa!  i dont see CCS DCS in the two acronym guides i use but from your text the CS is combat system.  i didn't notice the heart and i'm back there now but in a different part of the same sim and no heart.  maybe it filled up with water.


i learned AFK = away from keyboard.  i hadn't seen that one before.  which brings up an etiquette question: is it considered bad to be AFK for too long (and please define too long)?  And is there a way to set a message on your HUD or have an automatic notecard available to a fellow resident who wanders by which would explain your situation in your absence?  Like it could say you have the owner's permission to be there, or you're asleep and will wake up at such-and-such time?


i should prbly post that question as a new topic i guess...


anyhow thanks everyone and have a spektakularly gray8 day!!!!!  :catvery-happy:


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You can use Unavailable or Away modes.  Look at the top of your screen under communication to active these.  These will put a tag over your head that says Unavailable or Away.  With Away your avi also slumps over, and some people don't like that.

You can get items that indicate when you go afk.  Some put a sign over your head.  Other do it with novelty itmes such as a cell phone with an animation that makes you look busy talking with hovertext that says you are afk.   See the marketplace for those. Search AFK.

The way I do it however is I have a group tag I made in one of the groups I own that says AFK.  Anyone can create a group for a one time fee of 100L's.  You have to have at least two people in it.  The easiest way to do that is invite your alt if you have one, or a good friend if you don't.  Having your own group is handy for creating other tags that you may want in the future.  You can also use it to own land when and if you are ever ready for that, and share some of the privileges of being an owner with a partner or friends without leaving the land open for anyone to do anything on.  Some people use groups to invite friends to join just so you all can talk together easily in group chat or send messages to each other using notices. 

Never make someone else an owner of your group with you though , unless it's your alt, because you can't remove an owner from the group if you have a falling out.  They have to resign and some people will refuse and reek havoc and cause drama in the group.  But there are plenty of other roles you can give people depending on what privileges and duties you want to give them and you can also make your own roles too.

Here is more information on groups.



Group-owned land

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Thank you so much Amethyst Jetaime!


That's a good idea, about the group thing.  Now i remember (you prbly responded to my other post) that i didnt know why i had text in my hUD, and it was from a group and had joined.  so now i know how to turn that off and on.  i'll give that a try.


I looked up alt and it says "alternate account".  Why do ppl have two accounts?  does it cost more i assume?  i dont even have a premium account yet, but i'm seriously considring it, and a lot of that is because of how helpful everyone here in the forums, and the few ppl i've met out in real SL too, hahaha!!   is it to do with the "transfer" thing?  like, can you give something to your other account that you couldnt give to a random SL'r, or are the two accounts independent?


All the best!


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An alternate account is a separate account from your main account.  You can have up to five of them and they don't cost a thing unless you choose to make them a premium member too. 

You can't send them anything that is copy only since they are a separate account.

You can leave them as newbs if you don't take them out to use them in public, or go all out and give them a complete look for public appearances or somewhere in between.

Why do people have them?  There are tons of reasons.  Here are a some common reasons, but not all

  • To use in roleplaying if you want a name or appearance different from the one you have now and don't want the hassle of changing everything on your main when you want to play.
  • To use as the co-owner of a group you don't necessarily want anyone else to be a member of, such as for holding land.  If you read my previous posts link on group land you can see there are advantages to that.
  • To store extra money so you have to go through extra steps to spend it and don't spend as much on impulse.  Or to put away money you earn against land tiers or saving up for a cash out.
  • To store transferable items in that you don't use a lot, to keep the inventory on your main account lean and get better performance.
  • To store back up copies of things you create yourself.
  • To use when you want privacy and don't want other people to know your on line.  Some people do this to cheat on a partner, but sometimes you just want to do something like build or script in peace without getting lots of IM's or group notices.
  • To use for business by having the alt being the face of your business thereby keeping your main account and personal SL private.  Or the opposite way around.
  • To use if you want more than one Market Place store because you sell two separate categories of things and MP only allows one store per avatar.
  • To use when for some reason your main account can't log into SL due to data base maintenance etc.
  • To use as a bot (a term derived from robot), such as for modeling clothes in your store, greeting customers, sending group invites and notices to multiple groups, providing security for your land etc.   Bots run on special viewers that you can program to do all these things and on servers which you own or rent or even buy a subscription for.  They can be in world going about their business when you are not on line.
  • To use for setting up couple animations if you are a builder.
  • Some people create alts to partner with so they don't get hit on.
  • Unfortunately some people use them as disposable avatars when they want to cause trouble that could get them banned.  Griefers in particular do this.  They do their worse and then cancel the account.


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omg Amethyst Jetaime, you are the best!


You are so patient with me.  And I am learning so much!


And holy crap, there is so much i dont know.  i read your list twice, and some i still dont quite understand but i'm sure i will in time.  if i have questions i will post them as new threads, hopefully that way other newbies can learn from these threads too.


thank you again Amethyst!  :matte-motes-smile:

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bluelacroix wrote:


i learned AFK = away from keyboard.  i hadn't seen that one before.  which brings up an etiquette question: is it considered bad to be AFK for too long (and please define too long)?



Think of it this way.  If you have friends over to your home and need to go do something, how long would it be appropriate to make them wait for you?  If other people are waiting for you keep it brief.

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Hi Perrie!


Thank you for your reply!


Waiting for me?  No one is waiting for me, LOL.  I do now have a few friends in-game though, which is very nice.


What i mean though is it considered rude to just be there, taking up space?  like when i go somewhere, someone owns that property, right?  and they may, or may not, want people who aren't actively doing something to just hang out there.  i'm sure its case by case, but in general i was wondering what most ppl do.


i just want to be respectful, and i like to leave it running in case i get messages or something interesting comes by so i check often, but sometimes not so often.


Thanks again, and have a gray8 SL day!!!  :matte-motes-little-laugh:

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