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A safe place for homeless kids?

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Hi everyone!!!


i'm in my 2nd week at SL and learning a lot - soooo much i dont know of course, years and years.  TY to all the super helpful ppl ive already met - you guys have been great!!!!!


i did a search on safe homeless places for kids (i'm 10) and found Camp Soggy Padding, but no ones here.  is there a good place (thats not adult, obviously) to just hang out, that at least has some ppl to talk to?


All help appreciated - have a gray8 SL day!!!!  :matte-motes-little-laugh:

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Hi Blue! Welcome to SL!

Try finding the urchins in New Babbage. They are a good buncha kids and can help you get settled into SL pretty good too. It's a steampunk community. :-)

There is also an orphange in 1920's Berlin, which is a fairly strict roleplay community. They will house you and even school you there, but you would need to be able to RP a kid from that time period. (That community does provide many great resources for doing this!)

If you're just looking to find a modern-day suburban place, there are several neighborhood communities like Old Willowdale, Tollerton (which is a fairly new one) and a few others I can't remember the names of.

Good luck in your search, and have fun!


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The New Babbage urchins are a great bunch and being able to build robots and fly airships is awesome.


I personally recommend the tombstone rp sims, which have a thriving orphanage community that takes the matters of adoption and so on very seriously, as well as a school and church.


On the matter of child avatars, its well worth talking to others and researching, to keep yourself safe. There are many sims out there, giggles beach being one of them, that decent child avatars should never ever go to. It alarms me greatly how vulnerable new , well meaning child avatars are on the grid.


You did well to ask here. Take care and listen to the other child avatar users and learn how to keep safe on the grid.

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Hi Chronometria!


Thanks for the reply.  I met someone in New Babbage who gave me some great advice and a notecard from someone who knows how hard it is to RP as a child.  i didn't join SL to RP - i wasn't sure 2 weeks ago what that even meant.  i barely know now, as i experenced it a little at 1920's Berlin kids day.  And that was mind blowing and absolutely fascinating to me - def unlike anything i have experienced!!!  but... it wasn't ME.  i'm like a cyber punk dork into goth and stuff.  I know, weird and boring, just like in RL.  I'm not sure i want to RP some one else's story.  i obviously dont really understand RP yet.

i thought it would be cute and fun to have a kid avatar, more as a toy than a "being" i project myself onto.  so i expected to pretty much just be myself when talking to ppl, not acting like a 10 year old.  Here in SL obviously that's a big no-no - you have to be perfectly in character all the time.  And, and this is very important (understandably) - you have to keep it clean: no adult places, activities, or talk.  i have no problem with that;  i'm not interested in any of that nonsense.  lol  I guess im the rare exception, if the outfits in marketplace are any indication.  i mean no offense in that; everyone who is here has what they want to experience and thats fair enough.

But still i dont know that i'm going to do a sim.  i just like to hang out and talk and shop for clothes.  hey, pretty much what i want to do in RL!  lolz  Anyway, i dunno about all this now.  Everyone seems freaked about violating TOS, and its rubbing off on me.  i have already spent money and more importantly time.  i have a cute avi.  now i wonder if i accidentally put an adult ao on her will i get my account, time and money terminated.  worse yet if it can all be taken away becuz some predator scum says something stupid to me - it all seems very risky to invest in, doesn't it?  i know, since i dont know what an object or script is for, or is going to do, i shouldnt risk touching/wearing/adding the thing or interacting with it at all.  hey honestly, i see a pose ball, and i go, "Hey, what's that, over there?!?  I think I'll go check it out!"  So i go over and finally figure out which button to click to interact with it, and its a sex pose stand.  Ooops.  Then i read that the ever watchful admins are quick to suspend/terminate accounts for that activity.  Now i'm def seeing why ppl are freaked - i honestly never imagined the age thing would be such a cause for both discrimination and fear, especially not in something like SL, in which i interpreted the entire intention to be free (i.e. non-discrimanatory of diversity) and to provide a virtual ability to embrace a second chance at a part of life you either didn't get a chance to experience, or you did but it didn't go (nearly) as well as you had hoped.


I really just wanted to be a younger version with my essence from a bygone era of my life and be free and cute and innocent with a cool house and lots of clothes and to dance, dance dance.   :cattongue:


omg what a terrible ramble - i'm sure to get majorly flamed for all this spouting off.  i thought about deleting the post but now i bet i'm on the typical bubble of many a newcomer - realizing the effort that this requires, but having glimpsed the incredible nature of what it can deliver, and having to decide to embrace it, stay on the fringe, or run far, far away.

Sorry for the epic offtopicness of it all... i'll work it out - not to worry.

After all, i can always just... grow up.  :smileysurprised:

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I don't think you need to fear getting "flamed", as such. I think, mostly, second life folks are very accepting when it comes to avatars. I know several people who are furries, tinies, dragons, dolls and the list goes on. Even among, say, child avatars, they are all individuals, who take on that "look" to varying degrees and for varies reasons, all are valid, except those, of course, that breach the terms of service.


My avatar is female and I`m a man, which in itself can generate some strange reactions. I think that as long as you treat others well, then people tend to accept who you "are", with the odd exception here and there.


They key is to think ahead and to consider the risks or how someone may object to that look. I, for example, eventually decided to put in my profile "female avatar but male in real life". It avoids misunderstanding and made me feel a whole lot better, but when I first came to second life it never really occurred to me I should put that, as in MMO games, its a much more accepted phenomenon.


Still, it often takes a few upsets before we learn these things.

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Hey Blue,

it's okay to have an avie much younger than your RL self, kinda everybody does it. In two weeks I'm turning 47 but Orca is an always fresh 21 y/o idealistic socialist. Not a child in any way but also physically not me.

And no fear, not all of SL is roleplay. In fact the RPers mostly stick to the designated sims where they live out their RP characters. When you go somewhere on the grid, say a party or concert, wearing your funny sailors costume from Babbage, do you want to be treated as a child?

I know some child avies and I usually refuse to treat them as children. They often have very adult psychological problems, based on a  crappy childhood. Now they want to relive a happy childhood they never had in RL. Well, that's sad but I'm not part of their RP, neither am I their therapist. For me they are just adult SL residents with cute avatars.

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Hi Chronometria and Orca Flotta!!!

Thank you both for your replies.  i will keep at it, learning all i can.  i'm just a little scared now.  i didnt expect that to happen in SL.

Anyway... have a gray8 day everyone!!!  :matte-motes-little-laugh:

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When I had a kids' park I had a separate parcel just for kid avatars, family groups and other G rated SLers to set home to. I put a note card about that on the park sim at the time. I did not get even one request so I eventually abandoned the idea and home parcel. 

I'm glad to see there are other places you can still go.

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