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You may want to be a bit more specific. The folks around here are really wonderful at helping others figure things like this out, but they'll need more information from you. Can you be a bit more specific as to exactly what's happening? Does it happen only on certain sims? Does it happen right away, or are you inworld for a bit before it happens? Are you able to get into your preferences and take them down some?

You might want to post your system specs, I'm betting they'll ask you to. If you CAn get inworld, even for a moment or two, you should be able to get this. Now, I don't know what viewer you are using, so the specific spot may be slightly different. But I believe all viewrs have a help area up top and that is where you find the "about(second life, firestorm, etc..-depending on your viewer)". If you click it, you should get a popup box with your system specs. Paste what you have in that box here, and peole might be able to give you some ideas to go with.

What it sounds like, is your video having some technical difficulties, but not 100% certain, and definitely don't know exactly what technical difficulties. I have one pc that can't be set  any higher than medium, or the video card decides to get all butthurt and crash the system. But that system really wasn't built for more than lightweight use, so it's an expected behavior.

 ETA: Also, just because you meet or exceed the system requirements doesn't necessarily mean the drivers are all up to date. I've had that happen countless times over the years(not specifically with sl, just general). So I'd probably go that route first and foremost. Never hurts to double check all your drivers.

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ok well checked drivers they are up to date,screen starts flashing as soon as I go in world doesn't matter what sim I am on or wich viewer I use still happens my system specs are intel core 2 duo 3.00 4 gb memory with 2.94 useable gb 64 bit operateing systen windows 7 ultimate and I am using a Nvidia GeoForce 9400gt 1GB graphics card and I pefer to use firestorm viewer but have same problem on the sl viewer as I do on firestorm

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also have done a clean uninstall of both sl and firestorm but that didn't help either it is just fustrating to me cause my laptop runs sl fine and i am wireless with that but my daughter has that most of the time so I am out of luck there 


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Oooh, don't use wireless! Never!

Okay, the 9400 should run SL without much problems if you don't overdo it with the graphics settings. Still it seems like your GPU is going thru hell. Have you cleaned your system lately? I mean physically with a can of pressured air?

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I'm just going to give you some reinsurance on wireless, because obviously some people don't know what they are talking about, wireless isn't recommended, but it didn't say you can't use it or to ''ooohh my goshh never use wireless its so evil and cheaper omgahhhd''. Alot of things aren't recommended in everyday life but we do it anyway. Personally i've been running second life on wireless for a long time and get high FPS and it loads faster than anyone else i'm around with DSL, or a cable connection. If you're computer is getting dusty it's getting dusty regardless, no matter what you do, i've learnt that from my own experiences. Nothing is meant to last, and with a memory sucking program like SL it won't last that long to begin with.

But i think your problem is either 1: the viewer, i notice these flashes for like half a second everything i click on and off the viewer,(that happens for everyone though, only some notice it). 2: Im not so sure on this, i will admit, but being a sims 2 player you had to have a pretty decent knowledge of graphics settings to make it run nice, (epspecially with 30,000 custom cotent files stored on your computer.) But its something called refresh rates I believe, i can't remember, but it controls how many times your screen refreshes. I would google that because this sounds like the problem. 3: Since you built this customly, you have to go the extra mile making sure everything is installed properly, and that everything is inplace.


All i can say is good luck sir.

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Wireless increases the latency to the modem. Which is just logical according to the laws of physics. Also the thoughput is considerably slower. So why bother pulling the plugs out if the modem is situated only half a meter away from your machine on the same desk? When I use a laptop and play SL from my garden I go wireless as well, but then I know that I can't expect it all to run super smooth.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Wireless increases the latency to the modem. Which is just logical according to the laws of physics. Also the thoughput is considerably slower. So why bother pulling the plugs out if the modem is situated only half a meter away from your machine on the same desk? When I use a laptop and play SL from my garden I go wireless as well, but then I know that I can't expect it all to run super smooth.


The OP has indicated that he's had no trouble running SL over Wi-Fi on the laptop his daughter uses.

Radio signals propagate through air about 0.03% slower than in a vacuum. Electrical signals propagate through Ethernet cable about 33% slower than in a vacuum. If we're speaking of the physics of raw signal propagation, wireless is better than wired.

The additional latency of wireless comes from the work done by the radios and corrections required to accomodate the higher error rates generally encountered in free-space systems. My cable bandwidth tops out at about 22Mbps. The wireless link from my computer to my home's central router typically runs about 125Mbps. Until I upgrade my cabling, wired connections from my computer to that same router run at 100Mbps. Again, for me, wireless is faster.

I get reliable connections from anywhere inside my house and can wander at least 100ft in any direction outside before my bandwidth falls below that of the cable modem.

Without full analysis of the situation, it's not possible to state categorically that wired is better than wireless.


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