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New Chat Window is a disaster for SL Viewer

Brent Zulaman

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Ok the new chat windows totally sucks!!! I want to follow my private chats in seperate windows, not all together where i cannot see who i am talking to.  And i certainly do not want my local chat combined in the same window as my private chats.  I certainly do not want local chat indicator constantly going off while i am trying to have private conversations.  Why did they combine these?  How do i get back to the way it was?  the options in preferences are not obvious.  Am i going to have to spend a week figuring out how to chat when i have a business to run here? Are they kidding me?  Why do they keep changing how we chat?  We get use to it and they totally change it up again.  Stop fixing what is not broken and fix the damn things that need to be fixed!!!  I want my chat like it was before latest upgrade, how do i get it like that again?

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Take a little time to familiarize yourself with the new CHUI interface by watching the tutorial video >>>

.   See also http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/A-Shiny-New-Communications-Hub-for-the-Second-Life-Viewer/ba-p/1957779 . It will take a little getting used to at first, but I think you'll find that CHUI is a lot more flexible thant you suspect right now.
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I love the new chat system. Finally I'm NOT missing IMs from those in my audience when I DJ. I've been using this since the Beta came out with great enthusiasm.

Being able to see that the To: list has finally formed correctly in the chat area is an incredible boon to ad-hoc group communication.

Visually seeing who is in chat range locally in the local chat list is wonderful.

OK let's get real - press the Arrow Icon in the upper right corner of any individual chat window to break it out of the docked display. Now you have it like it used to be.

Additional good things about it:

1) The ability to collapse the displays to a thin vertical chat bar with small "new message arrived" blinking icons.

2) Easy resizing of the overall chat window size

3) one-click minimize of all chat windows

4) Ability to break out a single conversation if desired [mentioned above]

5) Easy local avatar conversation start by clicking on the avatar name when the expand arrow is pointed down. [no need to hunt them down on the screen] ** This is the best of the features.

6) Group Chat seems slightly more reliable, not perfect yet but getting there [again!]

7) Active chat highlighting allows you to positively see who you are chatting to in the active chat space. 

8) Finally, Voice adjustments that make sense when you are chatting via voice!!!!!

Things I want to see added...

1) Drag & Drop inventory onto the avatar name in the expanded name mode

2) More options when the avatar names are displayed  in the expanded name mode

3) Since chat is finally integrated in the CHUI I want to see a Chat Macro ability to allow for the creation and maintenance of standard yet customizable replies and emotes for any chat window. Sort of like gestures but text only and no annoying noise. :P


Here are the advertised features for the CHUI

With CHUI, you can:

  • Add participants to a conversation already in progress

  • See all of your conversations and everyone in those conversations, using an inventory-like UI

  • Quickly move your voice connection between conversations and effortlessly adjust individual volume or overall volume in a single click

  • View all of your recent communications in one window (Conversation Log)

  • See what was said in any conversation (Conversation Transcripts)

  • Set Do Not Disturb to focus on other things and get all the communications (and inventory offers!) you missed, after you come back

  • Choose from four levels of notification for each of five different kinds of incoming communication. You can set IMs from friends and IMs from non-friends to different levels of notification

  • Turn sound on and off for four different events, such as inventory offers and teleport offers

  • Access voice morphs more easily

  • Get to chat preferences and privacy preferences directly from the Conversations window.

  • Type your chats into an expanding, multiple-line box

  • Select multiple users across different conversations and start a new conference with them

  • Choose which conversations are in their own windows, and which should be in a tabbed window -- you can have both now.

  • Collapse any conversation to a single-line input with popup messages. 

  • See users and objects you have blocked in a new tab in the People window.


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Not to sure about new chat features, but can adjust.  One thing they need to fix on the double is this bug that came with the new chat version where SLPlugin loads multiple times forcing your PC to run well over 70 some % CPU usage.  I have reported it in bug reports and wish I had kept the older version prior to this so I can reload it. Will not make that mistake again.  Also, be careful if you kill some of those SLPlugins to lower you overrun on CPU can expect strange results.  Till it's fix may be forced to seek 3rd party viewer.

Don't tell me that is normal it is not and no one program should be using that high a percent of CPU.

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Actually, it is normal to have three or four copies of the SLPlugin running at once. It's been that way for years. That's not to say that something else might have changed, but at least that part is nothing new. If you are running with very high CPU use, though, there are two or three other problems to look at. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/100_cpu . The most common of those is your Anti-Virus program. Norton Utilities is the one that causes the most grief for SL residents.

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She must have lost her mind eating diet yogurt or something:

"Take a little time to familiarize yourself with the new CHUI interface by watching the tutorial video >>>

.   See also http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/A-Shiny-New-Communications-Hub-for-the-Second-Life-... . It will take a little getting used to at first, but I think you'll find that CHUI is a lot more flexible thant you suspect right now"

Who has the time to watch a video to familiarize themselves with a f***ing interface?!!!!!  I could use bad language, but I won't.


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Just to clear up my post. I canceled the bug report as a clean install of viewer stopped the overrun of CPU. I know that SLPlugins have multiple runs, but until new viewer never tried taking over CPU. As to other issues for high CPU usage those were stopped a long time ago before phoenix or any other viewer my PC was trained to handle them. My post was directed at the high CPU usages of the new viewer which were cleared up by my doing a clean install into another directory.


As to the new viewer itself, well as it is not mandatory update I have rolled back to old version, do not need useless eye-candy distracting from my SL experience.

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This is valuable information to know - Thank you Prixdoll.

Unfortunately soon you will have to use the new Sl viewer once the SSB [server Side Baking] code is rolled out. Although some 3rd Party Viewers may forego that CHUI interface for a more retro/classic looking one.

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