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Deploys for the week of 2013-03-11

Maestro Linden

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Maestro Linden wrote:

16 wrote:

don't know how to repro that one exactly. not yet. i have to find a crowd first (:

but if is about stuck and not moving and how others inworld see you then I made another vid (:

it self explain. is only 3 mins this one

Hi 16, that definitely looks like the vehicle region crossing bug that others have complained about, BUG-1814.  The good news is that we have a fix for the issue on the beta grid, which seems to work.  The fix will probably go to RC next week.

cool thanks (:

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As far as I've seen, usually when servers have been restarted no many problems crossing regions. Generally, when a region has LAG is when problems arise. I crossed with a flying vehicle several simcrossings at high speeds and i haved no problems. Other times i crashed at low speed. And never, never, never try to cross with a vehicle to a region that has been grieffed.

There are simcrossings that almost never have problems, and other simcrossings that very often are a problem. One way to recognize these evil-simcrossings is they usually have a collection of automatic cars floating in the air in the edge of the region.

To test simcrossings, it is best to go to the beginning of a road and travel by car to the end.

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Maestro,  could either you or Andrew tells us  what you think has caused the sim crossing bug 1814 ?  and what the proposed fix is doing differently?

I am still puzzeled that you are always refering to this issue as only occuring at high speeds. We see this sim crossing loss of cam view  at even  very low aircraft speeds on some aircraft vehicles.

As I have mentioned before , a very simple airplane with only a simple single vehicle script is able to  good sim crossings.

But most  fully functional Airplanes  have 10 or 20 scripts running,  and it is these aircraft  that always have loss total loss of cam view even at slow  speeds.  All residents who fly aircraft  regularly in SL know to slow down before doing sim crossings. We are just looking to get back to the aircraft sim crossing performance we had only 6 weeks ago.

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Since you seem to be the only one who communicates from LL can you please ask around the office what ever happened to Second Life going on Steam as mentioned here -- http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Second-Life-is-Expanding-to-Steam/ba-p/1637751 ?  If you don't go through the normal Steam route then can you submit it to Greenlight on Steam.  This would be such a boost to the community because of the amount of people who use Steam.  How can the Lab just throw out an anouncement like that and they say nothing about it for 7 months?


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Nimh20 Vandeverre wrote:


Since you seem to be the only one who communicates from LL can you please ask around the office what ever happened to Second Life going on Steam as mentioned here --

It is hardly fair to ask Maestro this as it is outside his remit and Lindens are not allowed to comment on broader policy except with vague non-commital statements.

I believe that the timing of a release on Steam is more related to other events that are happenning at both Linden Lab and Valve - and as a result I am expecting to hear more about it during the northern Summer.

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dd Temin wrote:

I am still puzzeled that you are always refering to this issue as only occuring at high speeds. We see this sim crossing loss of cam view  at even  very low aircraft speeds on some aircraft vehicles.


i been testing this on the Beta grid. with the same simboard that i made the vids with

- if go dead slow. like really really slow. less than walking speed then it goes great. is smooth as. no popping or jumping

- if go up to between avatar walking and flying speed then it starts to pop. but is manageable

- above that then same old madness

so it defo has something to do with how fast you going when hit the border crossing 


i also seen the jumps and Kart 1.0 that the tester person was using. so i had a go on my Kart 1.0 and Mole hoverboard also. speed kills on them as well

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This problem is a bit more complex ....let me try again to explain..

You are perfectly correct about "simple basic " flying vehicles running basic vehicle script and perhaps a few other simple scripts are fine  for sim crossing until much higher velocity before sim cross problem occurs.

However if you have a fully functional complex aircraft with 10 or 20 scripts , moving control surfaces,sounds ,script timers ,propellers,animations,poses, etc...These type aircraft totally loose camera view at sim crossings even at the lowest velocity and never recover. pose animation  is lost and you are unable to "stand up" even.

Also....all testing i do is on main grid agni servers on adjacent sims with no lag,only 1 or 2 avatars present lots of spare script time and spare prims in both private island sims.  I'm not sure that performance in Beta grids sim is proof of behavior on the main agni grid servers.


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on my previous posts i made 2 vids to show the problems from our end. bc last week Maestro say can we repro the problems in the standard official viewer. so i done that

he answer to the first vid and say yes he can repro that with a fast vehicle on his computer. so ok. he knows about that

i made a second vid bc he ask about stuck. stuck avatars. the vid i made was about stuck avatar on a vehicle. not quite the same as he asked about. but stuck anyway

he then say that looks like 1814. we been working on it on Beta grid and we hope to have it soon on maingrid RC. so i went on the Beta grid to test it out

is better on there at low speeds than on maingrid. from what i experience

go dead slow (meaning upto avatar walking speed) and its pretty much perfect

go fast (like more than avatar flying speed about) then same old problems. the ones we both experience. broken cameras. stuck viewer. etc

i can replicate all these behaviors with both single and multi-script vehicles on either grid

the key thing for me at this moment is that multi-script vehicles go better on the betagrid test sims than on the maingrid. is still not perfect tho. but is a bit better at slower speeds. if linden can also make a fix for higher speeds on the Beta then we will get all on maingrid

so that be good i think. bc that's what i want. just to play on my vehicle smooth as. at all speeds


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i just add something else here. for people to look at on their home setup

Monty Linden in other thread ask us about wireshark testing

so i dl the wireshark and have a go. don't know much about it but click the buttons and find out

when run on a viewer session then packets coming from SL to me are all blue. all of them. DNS packets all good as well. so that's good

but every single packet from me to SL is red. all them. zillions of them. so i investigate that on the googlefu 

seems is do with the behavior of the NIC checksum on the network card/driver on my computer. the reporting of this on wireshark seems to be a bit dodgy bc of the lag delays that NIC can cause on some computer configurations. but turns out that if the NIC is not working well (capacity wise) then connections can get dropped

for SL that ends up with "Darn ... you been logged out ..."


so i been playing with that now. latest driver etc. also what i am finding is that if i turn off checksums on the NIC for both UDP and TCP then i am getting a few less Darns now

i not done any massive tests on this yet but is something i can do for myself in the meantime. it may turn out to be nothing. but i will find out. either way

my network card a: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller. 8.10.1226.2012

my OS is: Win8 64


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Is this problem with SIM crossings ever going to get fixed? It has been going on for weeks now, things were running VERY smooth at the last versions of the 2 code and then it all went to crap with v3. I have several different aircraft, all of them are experiencing the same issues as reported here during SIM crossing. NOTHING has changed with my set up from 2-3 except the LL code base. I am in Zapico and just trying to fly the Blake Sea. It;s terrible!!!

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