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daily cache clearing?

Chic Aeon

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I have been using Firestorm for a very long time. I SELDOM need to clear my cache. Lately it has been a daily chore with MESH not showing up at all (invisible), sculpties in fragments and NOW a hairbase (actually several as I tried a bunch) refused to show up. Clearing cache fixed the issue each time but I am wondering WHY all of a sudden this is a problem

I use the LL viewer to go to Aditi. I have two avatars. This is NOT NEW news. The last week or so it has been a daily issue of some kind. The cache mess has even trashed png files in the Explorer (for uploading) in Firestorm. Had no idea that could happen. OK in LL viewer.

Anyone else have these NEW issue? I am puzzled and getting very tired of the daily cache clearing so that I can see things.


I have a fairly robust system i7, Win7, ATI HD6950 graphics (hope that is close as i am a bit bleary at this point).


Any idea would be welcome. I did run Ccleaner and defragged on the SLOW overnight intensive version. That seemed to help "for a day" and then things started again. No new programs installed.




Thanks for the ideas.

And no Rolig I haven't tried any of those things but am not willing to give up what I have used for years. Again, this is just THIS WEEK.  I have at one time tried the MaxConcurent changes (sorry, can't see the exact term now) but that didn't help with the temorary (when you clicked on the mesh the item appeared) issues. And the minute I clear my cache (this has happened three or four times this week) I can see the missing items (even the tattoo layer and that was VERY strange).

I have been using two avatars and two viewers since NOVEMBER with no issues. There hasn't been a viewer update in this last week and I haven't made any other changes to my system. I ASSUME that it is an issue with the Aditi grid and possibly the two viewers but I see no way around that as I am not willing to use the LL viewer full time. I guess I can try just using Firestorm - even on Aditi (and I don't have both avatars on the same viewer at the same time on different grids as that just seemed like a BAD idea.).

For awhile the Firestorm viewer wouldn't upload well but I think that may be fixed as uploads mesh on Agni fine now. So will give the one viewer thing a try and see if that fixes it. The puzzling thing is that this is a NEW problem and I can't see that I have made any changes. So was thinking it might be the latest server codes.

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It might be related to your use of two avatars if you haven't moved one of the avatar's cache location on your computer (even using different viewers I've seen some interaction between the caches if they both are left in the default location).

I've been clearing my cache each launch of the SL viewer for years and I have not had a single cache problem since.  I do that by clicking the "clear cache" button in preferences before I log in each and every time I load up SL (that clears the cache the next time I launch it.....it's a habit now and only takes a few seconds both to do and for everything to rezz at log in).

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Are you sure that it's a cache issue?  Have you tried all of the other possible cures for poor mesh rezzing?

1. Are Basic Shaders enabled (in Preferences >> Graphics)?

2. Have you tried disabling both of the Alpha Mask options in Preferences >> Graphics >> Rendering?

3. Have you tried increasing the MeshMaxConcurrentRequests  debug setting in your Advanced menu?

4. Have you tried turning off Lighting and Shadows?

I don't doubt that clearing your cache is taking care of the problem temporarily, but I don't know why it should.  It just seems more likely that it's either a setting issue that could be cleared up with one of the things above or you have something spooky going on in your Internet connection that's trashing textures as they are downloaded to your cache.  A failing router, maybe?  Perhaps a DNS issue?  I'm really fishing here......

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