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excuse me ,how can I link my mesh object together??


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/me hopefully waves hand hoping she has an answer instead of a question.


This info uses BLENDER as an example.

When you upload two or more parts of mesh that you haven't JOINED together AT THE SAME TIME (one upload) they come into world as linked. You can unlink them but there is no need to link them. If you upload them separately using the Export Colladda > Selection Only checkbox ---- THEN you would have to link them together.

Just a note in case you don't know, you will often get a lower land impact number by JOINING the two parts together before upload. This may or may not be what you need depending on what you want to do with your objects when they get in world, but the lowest server upload cost you can get is .500 per "part" of the mesh. So a two pieced mesh not joined would be 1 on the server side of the three part upload equasion while the single joined object would be .5. You can then link the .5 mesh object together with another .5 mesh object to get 1 land impact. Note that you cannot unlink objects that you have JOINED in your program prior to upload.

And now I'm heading back to bed. Just checking my all night super thorough defragging :D. Hope I didn't make any gigantic mystakes in my sleepy state.  Cheers.

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Each separate Blender Object in a single upload becomes a separate mesh prim in SL. If they are near enough, they will be imported as a linkset in which each mesh prim is a member of the linkset. They can then be edited with Edit Linked and you can unlink them is you want to. It is exectly as if you had uploeded them seperately and then linked them. If the objects don't fit the conditions for linking, they should appear as a coalesced objectinstead.

If the Blender ojects are first joined in Blender, so that they become one object, then they will be imported as a sngle object and you will not be able to edit them separately or unlink them. So ou would not be able to adjust the lid of open and close it with a script. If you want to do that, keep them as separate Blender objects.

Also note that each object can have up to 8 materials (textures). So if you need more than eight materials in a model, splitting it into multiple Blende objects is one way of achieving that.


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Drongle answered you already but yes. I have used "edit linked parts" scripts for color change and the like. They would work the same if you uploaded the mesh objects separately and then linked (I have done that also) The only real advantage that I see for uploading them together is that they are placed just as you would like them AND it saves a few to quite a few lindens. You "can" sometimes have some physics issues by uploading unjoined object together (been there) unless you go to some extra steps that I don't understand and ask about if needed -- so something to keep in mind and test for. 

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