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Starting a group for this?

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Hey everyone,


I read through a lot of the posts in this section of the forum and it saddens me to see that so many people are hurt over losing contact with others. Being in SL for a while I know the feeling (though, gladly, I never have had a situation as hurtful as some of the other posts).


I was wondering... has someone opted to make a group in SL for the advancement of finding back friends? Sometimes, people could be under an alt, or perhaps someone knows someone else who might have some info on the sintuation. I think it might be a great initiative and I'd love to start a group like that if there isn't such a thing out there already.

Any comments are welcome :)

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

What would you call it?  Stalkers Anonymous?  Stalkers 'R' Us?  Bed, Bath and Stalkers?

I know one or two SLers who would be
at finding lost people.  :smileytongue:


Hmmm.. you might be right. I was thinking of a positive group that would actually be well-willing and helpful but... you raise a valid point. This place would be a hive for stalkers, too.

Taking that into consideration, I'd still like other people's opinion on this :)

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I agree with Janelle; such a group would be a bit dangerous. I understand that there would be a lot of good people in it who mean no harm, but there would most likely be one or two...or more...crazies in it. As a true example, I deactivated my oldest account (made in 2006) when I got a female stalker; the last thing I would need or want is for the aforementioned person tracking me down through use of a group like that.

If only the stalkers could be prevented from joining it, such a group would be an excellent idea.


P.S. Janelle: No flirtation intended, but great Drowess/Dark Elf picture. I roleplayed a jaluk for about five years; it was great fun, although now I have moved on to other things.

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Oh, if we could only weed out stalkers from all! Sadly, some inworld would see a group like that as a way to toy with people for sport. That being said, I have read a lot of posts and comments that touch me as genuine. I can relate, the dynamics and hyper speed start / end of all types of relationships here have been emotionally difficult for me at times.


I think I have hardened to it over the years; but not hard hearted. ;) Maybe in chatting inworld with others that post similar issues here one will find and be able to give positive support.

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I truly believe that most people leave a paper trail behind themselves, and so when they do decide to turn their back on a previous life and start afresh on an alt account, they sometimes can be tracked down. However, it's not right to do this, and could be seen as being against terms of service, disclosure or even harassment. 

It's sad when people are hurt, but if they've been hurt by someone that's done something akin to faking their own death, then in my opinion, they shouldn't waste their feelings on such a person.

Your intentions to start an investigative group may be good and true, but are a wee bit misguided.

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

What would you call it?  Stalkers Anonymous?  Stalkers 'R' Us?  Bed, Bath and Stalkers?

I know one or two SLers who would be
at finding lost people.  :smileytongue:

Who are those people? I might have some jobs for them :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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Thank you.  Although I feel I'm more of an EverQuest Dark Elf -- it's one of those roles you just seem to fall into naturally, ya know?  (I was a huge pain in the butt on raids)  I can't seem to find a jaluk on Google; what is that?  Also, why are we whispering?


You're welcome. "Jaluk" is the Drow word for "male"; I roleplayed a male Drow. I was a Lolth (or Lloth, however geeks insist it is spelled...) Drow.

And, because I like using itty bitty text. :matte-motes-sarcasm:

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If someone creates an alt and starts using it as their main avi for any reason, in my experience they will contact you if they want to remain in touch or let you know what is going on.  If they don't, then obviously they don't want to continue the relationship and should be left alone.  What would be gained in tracking them down?  You are just putting them in the awkward situation at best of having to tell that person to bug off or having information they didn't want shared broadcast and at worst putting their RL in danger if the person that tracked them down is a deranged stalker.  The person that is doing the tracking is going to end up rejected and maybe in a worse place emotionally than before.

It is also against the TOS to invade someone else's privacy.  So if I knew any information to help someone track someone I would be in violation of the TOS to tell them without the 'lost person's" permission.  A group that facilitates violating the TOS would not be looked on kindly by LL and as the founder you may have some issues as a result.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I have spoken a little too quickly and while my initial thought was obviously focussed on providing help... I guess the facts around possible ToS violation and invasion of privacy, not to mention becoming a hive for stalkers are all too true.

Thanks for thinking along though! :)

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Don't be catty.

The fact that some (a lot, actually) choose to just leave without notice after having what some might call a friendship, or more is just flatout rude. I can understand that some people would want to know the who, where and why. If your best friend would just be off the face of the earth, wouldn't you like to know why?

As I said in a previous post, I agree that this might not be the best solution, and I was thinking out loud as I reckoned there should be a way for those who are heartbroken to at least come to terms with the why and how... It is in that light that I find your remark that it's all about people that don't want to be found a little blunt.

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SID Riler wrote:

I ll refrase that for you, Why would you want to find someone that was so rude as to disapear

Well, that's something I wonder too... but, if you read some of the stories on here (and hear similar stories in-world), you'd think there are a lot of people that just want an answer. I agree with you that, when someone would be rude enough to just leave you behind, I wouldn't want to talk to 'em anymore either... but there are people who think otherwise, and I sympathise with 'em. :(

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  • 2 months later...

MasambaFreeman wrote:

I agree with Janelle; such a group would be a bit dangerous..... 

P.S. Janelle:
No flirtation intended
, but great Drowess/Dark Elf picture. I roleplayed a jaluk for about five years; it was great fun, although now I have moved on to other things.

:matte-motes-whistle: ahehe.gif

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  • 8 months later...

Honestly in my opinion stalkers find you * or think they have* no matter what.. They look for you in groups they know you will belong...( decides to not continue with what could turn into the how to stalk rant ). If you want to try a group its only gonna cost you 100L so give her a shot.. See if you get any bites. Worst that can happen is people don't join. Those that do will probably just fish for new connections among the others there. ~ Just my two cents

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