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hi someone stole my liden how can i report him and if anyone knows if ill get my money back after

Nemesis Charisma

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ok sorry you are right i didnt explain what hapent exactly i build and i asked from a builders group someone to make me mesh custom work a girl asnwered in IM and she seemed nice and friendly we made a contract with note i payed her 27000 lidens to build me and i waited but after two weeks i kept IM her to ask her something and she keeps ingoring me i told her i will report her if she dont give me back my liden but she ignored me again . i could call in that number you tell me but i live in europe do i need to add more numbers or what? help plz

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You can file an abuse report with LL, but I would take this as a resident-to-resident dispute, which LL states explicitly they do not involve themselves in. If you cannot find a category that fits, choose "other" and make sure you include all relevant details, including the original chat logs between you and this person as well as the chat logs of the messages you've sent since.

Chat logs should be saved in one of these three locations, depending on your OS:

  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\SecondLife\Avatarname\chat.txt
  • Windows 7 and Vista: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\chat.txt
  • Mac OSX: Users/Username/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/Avatarname/chat.txt

If you have trouble finding them, go inworld, choose Me>Preferences>Privacy, and look for Location of Logs. Copy and paste the information in that box into your search field on your computer (Not the SL search field.) That should take you right to it. You should also include a copy of the transaction showing that you paid her.

Again, this is really more of a resident-to-resident issue. Please, please, please do not commission that sort of thing out to someone you do not explicitly trust or do not have very good references for. You have learned this the hard way. That is a lot of money to lose, so in the future, make sure you have excellent references for anyone you wish to commission!

Rolig gives you a number of good reasons this person may not be answering, as well as a couple new ways to try to contact her. Try to be as patient as you can. Make sure that *your* IMs are not being capped; if they are routinely capped, it's possible that this person tried to get back to you but couldn't. Also make sure that you have not managed to accidentally mute her, although since you've been contacting her since, the possibility is pretty slim.

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Linden Lab will not pay attention to a dispute between residents.  They will only become involved if there is a violation of the TOS. 

That is a lot of money to pay for custom work, even for mesh.  I create objects and clothing and I write scripts for clients in SL all the time, and I rarely ask for payment before I can provide at least a demo of the finished work.  Every creator has different policies, however, and you have to decide what you are comfortable with before you pay.  At this point, I suggest a little more patience.  I can think of several reasons why you may not have had a response from her.

1. If you have been sending IMs, her in-box may be capped, so she is not receiving them.  Send a polite notecard instead.

2.  If she is not also in Europe, the time difference will make it hard to be in world at the same time.  Try contacting he during normal working time in her own time zone.

3.  It takes a long time to make complicated mesh.  I suspect that your L$27000 mesh creation is quite complicated indeed, so it cannot be done overnight.  Your builder may be working very hard on it and ignoring any diistractions.

BTW, please do not create new threads if you have more information to add to your question.  That makes it difficult for people here to know what has already been suggested.  Just click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT.

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You should never pay someone for custom  work until you have seen samples of their work.

You should never pay the entire amount up front.  Half, or one third, is the commonly accepted practice, with the second third on delivery of a prototype for approval and the final third on delivery of the final product, with any agreed to changes from the prototype.

You should never pay more than you are prepared to lose.  Remember that you are dealing with people who are anonymous.  You don't know who they are or where they live.

If dealing with a large amount of money, you should exchange real world contact information, and draw up a formal contract in Real Life.  Agreements in SL are not, and cannot be, binding contracts, because the parties are anonymous avatars.

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