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lagg in a full sim

cindy20au Harvy

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wonder if you can help i owned  full sim from lindons if i have over 5 people on land it laggs badly, my script count is only 3.3ms which is low i have 914 script on land. with 11642 prims on land. plus i have a rented sim which the same amount of script is perfect no trouble even with over 15 people on land. i have restart the sim so many times not working.

is there anything i can do to reduce the lag in cindy land.

thank you for your help



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Don't worry about scripts.  They can't cause lag.  Scripts are assigned server time after all other demands have been met, so scripts can be lagged by a busy sim, but they cannot cause the lag.  Open your Statistics Bar (CTRL + Shift + 1) and look at how time is being used in the servers. 

First of all, look at the Sim Dilation, which is about halfway down the display.  Ideally, that should be 1.0, which would mean that there is no difference between clock time and the way time is being felt in the sim.  Typically, a sim with no lag will have dilation greter than 0.9.  When dilation drops as low as 0.4, the sim is ready to crash.  Between those two values, you will experience more and more lag.

Look also at Sim FPS (not your own FPS, which is at  the top of the display).  Ideally, the servers should be operating at 45 frames per second (FPS).  If the number is significantly lower than 45, you will start to see choppy movements on the sim, as if you are watching a movie from 100 years ago.

To see what may be causing the problem, look at how the servers' time is being divided.  You will see numbers for Total Frame Time, followed by several subdivisions.  The last subdivision, at the bottom, is Spare Time.  That's the amount of time that the servers are idle, ready to handle more work. (On my sim right now, Spare Time is over 11.0 ms, a little more than half of the total time.  If your servers have no Spare Time, they are working as hard as they can, so any extra load is being ignored.)

Physics Time is the amount of time being used to move physical objects in the sim.  These are scripted things(usually) like trains, cars, motocycles, elevators, bouncing balls.... If your Physics Time is more than about 20% of the Total time, those physical objects are using a LOT of the servers' attention.

Agent Time is likely to be the largest number.  It's the amount of time used to manage avatars in the sim, to track their movements and to keep track of all the stuff they are carrying around.  The more avatars there are in the sim, the harder the servers have to work to deal with them.  You can reduce the number by lowering your sim's Agent Limit (in World >>. Region Details >> Region), so that fewer avatars can enter the sim, or you can ask people to stop wearing loads of things, especially physical objects like vehicles.  Reducing the number of scripts they wear will not affect your servers' lag, but they will potentially affect how well those scripts run, because the scripts will be competing with each other for any Spare Time.

Script Time is the amount of time being used to run scripts in the sim.  If there are lots of active scripts (Look at your Top Scripts list in World >> Region Details)  That number can be quite high, but only if there's no Spare Time.  As I said at the start, scripts get time that is left over after other demands are met.  They can lag each other, and can be lagged by physical objects and agents.

There are many other pieces of valuable information in the Statistics Bar, but those are the big ones to watch for lag.  They may not give you a direct answer to its cause, but they can suggest possibilities.  Read here for more details >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923

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Rolig's discussion is spot on in regards of troubleshooting land when you own the region feeling the pain.

Additionally if I may offer and  without seeing your region, I trust it is either a Full Estate or Mainland Region and not a Homestead,  here is a conceptual commentary on lag prevention.


Pretty Textures -  Rendering One's World to death.

Background - A single avatar standing in the mitz of a beautiful region / build can experience lag when their Graphics Card's GPU is continuously asked to render a changing scene [this occurs when textures are moving and/or being swapped by active scripts]. This was made acceptable when occlusion logic was added to block the rendering of objects hidden from a particular avatar's POV. The other way of reducing GPU over work is to reduce your Draw Distance.. Given that the nominal Draw Distance is now usually 256m you can see the challenge that the servers have in streaming the needed object states & textures to the single avatar. Imagine the load on the server when multiple avatars are in the region.


1) Reduce the use of changing textures

2) Make sure that textures are properly sized for their presentation on the prim they are scene on.

3) A zig-zag walk among your builds is more performance efficient as it presents blocking of visual elements not needed until one turns the corner so to speak.

4) Griefing Oneself - don't over use poofer objects. Rain can add to a mood in a dingy overcast themed region, but is not necessary to most other regions. The same goes with the pretty grasses with butterflies, ladybugs, etc. Don;t over do these visual elements. Also make sure to lock these objects from a visitors touch trigger.


The Neighbors - Keeping the Glare at Bay

Background - If your region is a Mainland Region bordered by 8 other regions AND you have placed a lot of your prim and visual candy near your regions borders, you have visual intrusion happening from your neighbors. The server your region is operating on needs to 1) Accept the information from those neighboring regions and stream their object and visual cues to your visiting avatars as well as 2) your object and visual information & visa versa. Your neighboring regions are asking for information from your server for each and every of the avatar's located on them.

BTW, Full estate Region owners with resources enough to own 9 regions will experience this issue as well. In this case they will usually place the regions corner to corner in a patchwork grid to prevent intra-region communication triggered from visual sight of the neighboring regions.


1) Make sure your best and most visual impacting builds are centrally located in your region.

2) Lose all your neighbors by moving to a Full Estate Region [usually not practical as these are $100/mo more]

3) Limit ajoining region avatars from seeing your builds [usually not appreciated when you put up blocking walls but a better option is to use a nice prim wall of frees or related flora or buildings.]


More to come I'm sure by others...


When the Above 2 Recomedations Don't Seem to Apply!

I took a quick look at your land and builds and with 4 of us on the region the performance was excellent. Time dilation had kicked in at  around .950 which is interesting for only 4 people in the region. My FPS remained at 24 the whole time I was there. You may want to also ask LL via a Support Ticket to restart the actual server your region is located on. This type of server restart is a hardware restart as opposed to a software restart that you and I as region owners are allowed to performed.

Remember, as an Estate Region Owner you have a single Server CPU dedicated to your region however, you are also slightly affected by the other regions on the server "blade" as you. Your CPU is located on a server blade of 4 or more CPUs.



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