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Fake review

6502 Correia

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this is my first post in this forum, cuz I never had really serious problems on SL.

But today I have to ask, how I can ask LL to remove a obvios fake review by an even more obvious fake avatar?

Now, one bad review might not be the end of the world, but this one has been removed from rank 5 of the best products of its category down to rank 60+ ... before that we had a 5/5 stars average rating. This means a big loss of money.

Is there a chance, that LL will remove the fake review if I can convincingly argument why I think this is a fake review?

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I'm not a Fake merchant, this is my main account. Actually, I'm not the merchant in person, the product I'm talking about is a collaboration of three people: modeller, scripter (that's me) and the shop & land-owner.

The fake-review attacts my scripts (the scripts of a studied diploma informatic with 22 years of programming and scripting experience), but doesn't mention the category of the product in a single way. It could be placed under any product of any category. I'm just hoping that LL notices that and removes the fake review.

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Personally, I wouldn't say anything nasty in the comment. Other customers will see that comment if LL doesn't remove it. Irreguardless of whether the person is a fake or not, how you respond will affect your future sales. Believe me, I know how frustrating a unwarranted bad review can be, but there is not much you can do about it. I seriously doubt that it is the review that dropped the ranking of the product. As far as I know, ratings and reviews don't affect it's ranking as much as other factors, especially sales. So, just having a slow sales week can drop a products ranking significantly. LL will only remove the review if it says something nasty, is completely unrelated to the product, or tells people to buy from a specific merchant. If the review is simply an opinion about your product, it's not likely going to get removed.

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Hard to give an opinion or advice about this without seeing the product and review.  I did manage to track down the review.  First it is by someone with a first and last legacy name so it isn't a recently created alt. It is an avatar that was created several years ago.  So how is this fake?  It may be someone's alt that only logs in a few times a week, but that doesn't mean anything either.  Lots of alts have similar profiles.

You can't review a product unless you buy it,  and if you do you are entitled to your opinion of it in a review.  I didn't find the review vague, they specifically compared the scripting to like items that are freebies and felt that for the money it should have been better. I did find your comment though to be offensive and insulting and accusing a customer of things you have no proof for. Just because you have 22 years of programming experience doesn't mean that much.  I've seen many so called professionals put out 'bad' products in SL.  It was obviously written in extreme anger shooting from the hip and that would put me off your product more than one poor review out of all the many other five star reviews. I'd be worried about the reaction I would get if I dared ask for support.

Many merchants come and cry the blues here when they receive a less than stellar review and call them unfair, fake, whatever.  Perhaps the customer was genuinely dissatisfied or is one of those people that can't read instructions.  Did you make any  attempt to contact them before you wrote that comment?  If you didn't its probably too late now.  If i were them, I'd refuse to talk to you now.

Unless you can show the person is a direct competitor engaged in anti-competitive behavior then LL may not remove it.  After all I've seen plenty of five star reviews that say "OMG Awesome!" that could be for any product and doesn't refer to any category.  If the review had said that I doubt you'd be here complaining.

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I am going to write a reply but it’s not entirely in response to the OP, this is just some advice I feel like sharing.

There is a simple solution for this and this is to offer people a 'No Copy', 'automatic delete after so much time' DEMO to try first, this way you can leave a polite comment asking them to explain a bit more details on the problems they have and offer to help them understand the instructions and functionality of the product better. Then add to your comment pointing out that there is a DEMO of the product for people to try, this way the bad review turns into a prompt or invitation for any one interested in your product to test it out and make a judgment of the review them self's.

But saying that all reviews are good even if they are seemingly bad, as I explained above you can use a bad review to your advantage. From what I’ve learnt from customers, they like to see a bit of balance in the reviews so I actually believe a few 1,2,3 star reviews are in fact a good thing if you can leverage them. But at the end of the day the new customer will decide whether or not to take those negative reviews into account, after seeing it inworld or trying out the DEMO.

Main thing I want to say is ‘and this goes for all merchants’ don’t ever let negative reviews affect you, I remember how I felt getting my first unfair review, after spending so many months on my product, I just can’t explain the feeling I had it was not pleasant and I actually felt really deeply depressed. Personally I don’t suffer from depression but in this case I really felt it and I felt awful for days. So again don’t let them affect you, use them to your advantage, let customers see that you are a strong, logical, understanding, supportive merchant, even if you feel the review is fake treat it like it is not, If you can stand by your products you can always trump these type of reviews.

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Too late, they did..

"on January 30, 2013, 6502 Correia said:

"Thank you", but "no, thank you". We don't need no reviews by one of our hating competitors who offer worse cars with less features for higher prices.

Your review is a Fake review by a Fake avatar (**** ****, 1150 days old, no profile, just three groups, but buying such a car, and not being online since Jan 27 2013, the day the review has been written. sure!)

You attacking my scripts? I'm a studied computer scientist with around 22 years of experience in programming and scripting! And additionally, this blanked review is not even related to the product! It can be put under any product of any category."

I can't seem to find the person who wrote the first review in search, that being said, a bad review should not be dabated in the review section.. It should be taken in world and face to face, or atleast in IMs.

 To the OP

Pardon me, but, you yourself have one group, no picks, a blank profile and are 1301 days old..  They don't show up in search, so i'm not sure how you found them. and they are not a merchant.

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The problem with responding to reviews is that LL does not give enough detailed reason categories to select from when flagging a review. There should be at least one more category: "non-specific". The reason to review a scripted product is to tell other customers whether or not this product works as is stated in its description page. The review as per your quote:


Nice freebie but not free

Posted xxx xx, xx by xxxxxxxx 1 star

For this price i waiting a good quality scripts and build but all is like freebie..
Want my money back!!


does not even address this matter. After reading it I still have no idea whether the product works as advertised or it does not. What it presents is a customer's opinion how the product should be priced, which is not customer's business to speculate upon. Therefore such review is totally worthless and a merchant should have an option to flag it as non-specific.


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Half the reviews I see aren't very specific.  How many times do you see a five star review that says nothing but "OMG I love this"? That sure isn't specific and under your reasoning should also be removed, yet no merchant complains about these.  I'd go along with what you say if LL looked at all the reviews  for the product when one is flagged as not specific and took out all the 'non specific' ones, good and bad.

BTW, a customer has every right to have an opinion on the price charged vs. value received.  Why do you think that is not relevant?  As a consumer, I find it to be very relevant. If I am considering two items whose descriptions are similar and one is a higher price, I want to know if the difference in the products is worth paying extra for.  I don't mind paying more for something that delivers a better experience or value, and I sure don't want to be charged more for something that doesn't.  We all want good value for our money.  However as in this example, if a product has many five star reviews and only one like this one, chances are I won't put much stock in the one star review anyway.

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I found the avatar who left the review using the in world legacy search in Firestorm.  It is not a 'fake' avatar.  They belong to three women's fashion groups for clothing merchants.  Its a classic alt's profile for sure, but I see no indication that would lead me to believe they are a merchant or competitor to the OP.

I looked up the OP's profile too and agree with you that it too looks like an alt's profile with not much more in it than avatar that is supposedly fake.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Half the reviews I see aren't very specific.  How many times do you see a five star review that says nothing but "OMG I love this"? That sure isn't specific and under your reasoning should also be removed, yet no merchant complains about these.  I'd go along with what you say if LL looked at all the reviews  for the product when one is flagged as not specific and took out all the 'non specific' ones, good and bad.

BTW, a customer has every right to have an opinion on the price charged vs. value received.  Why do you think that is not relevant?  As a consumer, I find it to be very relevant. If I am considering two items whose descriptions are similar and one is a higher price, I want to know if the difference in the products is worth paying extra for.  I don't mind paying more for something that delivers a better experience or value, and I sure don't want to be charged more for something that doesn't.  We all want good value for our money.  However as in this example, if a product has many five star reviews and only one like this one, chances are I won't put much stock in the one star review anyway.

If the review says 5 stars and "Great product" then we assume all is as presented in the listing, and there are no problems with function or appearance.  IOW, it does provide information about the reliability of the listing description.


If, however, a review says "This is terrible" that gives us no information at all, except there was something about it that the reviewer did not like. It doesn't help anyone evaluate the wisdom of purchasing the product.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

If the review says 5 stars and "Great product" then we assume all is as presented in the listing, and there are no problems with function or appearance.  IOW, it does provide information about the reliability of the listing description.


If, however, a review says "This is terrible" that gives us no information at all, except there was something about it that the reviewer did not like. It doesn't help anyone evaluate the wisdom of purchasing the product.

It does say "For this price i waiting a good quality scripts and build but all is like freebie.."

i took that to mean that the quality of the scripting is poor.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

If the review says 5 stars and "Great product" then we assume all is as presented in the listing, and there are no problems with function or appearance.  IOW, it does provide information about the reliability of the listing description.


If, however, a review says "This is terrible" that gives us no information at all, except there was something about it that the reviewer did not like. It doesn't help anyone evaluate the wisdom of purchasing the product.

It does say "
For this price i waiting a good quality scripts and build but all is like freebie.."

i took that to mean that the quality of the scripting is poor.

I was addressing Amethyst's generalied point, not any particular review.

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I'm not aware of a case SL- or RL- wise when a customer would posit satisfaction with a product that does not perform a function a customer bought it to perform. So unless you could cite such instance my opinion would be that any positive review is specific enough because it tells that a product did what a customer expected it to do.

On the other hand any negative review which only tells that a customer is not happy is non-specific because we don't know why the customer is not happy: the product did not perform? the customer did not understand how to use it? the customer expected it to do more than the product page specified? the customer had a bad hair day? all of the above? Go figure.

By the same token, consumers have powerful means to tell a merchant that a product is overpriced: they go and buys from someone else. To buy a product and then place a non-specific bad review saying nothing of product performance but alleging it costs too much is rather immature and simply should not be allowed. 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Half the reviews I see aren't very specific.  How many times do you see a five star review that says nothing but "OMG I love this"? That sure isn't specific and under your reasoning should also be removed, yet no merchant complains about these.  I'd go along with what you say if LL looked at all the reviews  for the product when one is flagged as not specific and took out all the 'non specific' ones, good and bad.

BTW, a customer has every right to have an opinion on the price charged vs. value received.  Why do you think that is not relevant?  As a consumer, I find it to be very relevant. If I am considering two items whose descriptions are similar and one is a higher price, I want to know if the difference in the products is worth paying extra for.  I don't mind paying more for something that delivers a better experience or value, and I sure don't want to be charged more for something that doesn't.  We all want good value for our money.  However as in this example, if a product has many five star reviews and only one like this one, chances are I won't put much stock in the one star review anyway.

If the review says 5 stars and "Great product" then we assume all is as presented in the listing, and there are no problems with function or appearance.  IOW, it does provide information about the reliability of the listing description.


If, however, a review says "This is terrible" that gives us no information at all, except there was something about it that the reviewer did not like. It doesn't help anyone evaluate the wisdom of purchasing the product.

Oh I agree  with your second statement.  As a consumer I don't pay any attention to any review, good or bad, unless it gives specific reasons why they thought that way. 

In the case of your first, it doesn't say why they think that either and so I put that in the same category as the second example, and wouldn't pay attention to it.  Why is it a great product?  Because everything is how it should be?  That's what I expect at the least and doesn't necessarily make it "great". To me, 'great' goes above and beyond the expected.  So would the second example pass muster if it say 'This is a terrible product"?  The only difference in this and the first example is that one is 'good' another is 'bad'.

Anytime I review something I give specific reasons for my reviews, but I know a lot of people don't.  And that's my point.  If we are going to remove any bad review that doesn't give specific reasons and therefore isn't deemed 'helpful' than the good ones that don't give specific reasons aren't any more helpful and should be removed too.  On the other hand I don't think any review should be removed unless it obviously violates specific rules or complains about something that is beyond the control of the merchant.

Merchants need to give consumers a bit more credit then they do.  Most consumers who look at reviews don't accept them blindly.  They are perfectly capable of deciding what is helpful or not.

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A review doesnt say anything but the customer's opinion. It cant tell your product is really good or deeply bad, bec noone has the Truth and it just depend about a lot of factors, like culture, taste, education etc... So a review just say a customer's opinion. This customer may like your product or dislike it, its his/her freedom and this doesnt mean your item is crap, it just mean THIS customer didnt like it for his/her own reasons.

A review doesnt have to be forcely good, but IT HAS TO BE HONNEST. If this person think sincerely that your script inside the product doesnt worth more than a freebie one, its his freedom. As Amethyst said, customers who use to read reviews are not sheep.... they can use they cleverness and make their own opinion. And on top.... what may like someone who writed a great review is not forcelly what i will like... Reviews have to be read with critical mind and yes, with cleverness too.

I dont get the point that i see often here in the forum, with merchants ranting bec they had bad reviews and cry bec they would have prefer that the person im them directly for telling them they disliked the item. So... for the good review, pp may write them directly but for the bad ones, they should im the creator ? Where is the honnesty here ? If we can only write our opinions when these ones are positive what value will have those one so, knowing the negative ones are never expressed ?

I may easily understand that having a bad review is not the best thing that can happen to a creator ....i may even easily figure that it hurts. But since the review is explaining why the customer has a bad opinion, i dont see where is the pb. its his/her opinion, you may have a different one, your other customers may have also another one and this is not a court where a judge will say guilty or innocent. This is just about opinions and as far as i know they are always subjective and have to be taken for what they are.


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Let's say I make a statement like this:

My cat is white, has blue eyes, is fat, sleeps all day, and loves to go outside.

Someone meets my cat and says, yep, as described.

So now accordding to the witness, what do we know about the cat?

We know (if we believe the reviewer) that the cat is white, has blue eyes, is fat, sleeps all day, and loves to go outside.


That's because the details have already been asserted; the reviewer merely confirms them.  The review provides information.


However if someone comes along and says Nope, not as described.

Without details we don't know what is not as described. Is the cat black?  Is it in fact skinny?  Is it really a dog?  We are completely in the dark.




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I totally take your point. 

However, in my opionion, just because an item is exactly as described, to me that doesn't rate a five star review.  To me a five star reveiw should be given for exceptional quality or a product that goes beyond my expectations.  That's why I don't pay attention to any five star review unless it gives specific reasons.

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"So how is this fake?"

I can tell you, how this is fake:
1st: This person is in at least one group that hasn't had any updates for around three years now. I, with my active account, would have left this group meanwhile.

2nd: This person bought our 2500 L$ product on 01/27/2013 and hasn't been online since that day (today is Feb 06 2013). Who in the world is that barely online but buys a 2500 L$ product? I can tell you who: one of our competitors who sell worst products with less features for higher prices

3rd: This person never replied after I offered the money back (althru (s)he's never online, (s)he might get an E-Mail with my reply) ... (s)he's not interested in any money, as long as (s)he can bowl down my partners and me.

Our last sale was btw. 01/27/2013 ... before we had one or two sales per day! Since that day, our product is ranked down from place 5 to place 60+ in its category, so don't tell me, SL marketplace doesn't rank after the stars-ratings!

For me, it is more than obvious that this is a review by a competitor's alt!

"Pardon me, but, you yourself have one group, no picks, a blank profile and are 1301 days old..  They don't show up in search, so i'm not sure how you found them. and they are not a merchant."

Pardon me, but I am not writing any fake reviews! So we're not talking about me. My profile is not empty and hasn't been empty the day you wrote this. Impressive, how fast you found this text, are you the fake-reviewer?

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