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Multi Listing Enhancements Improvement Request

Jessicaann Wrigglesworth

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I would like the ability to have multi Listing Enhancements in the area of "Feature this item on a category landing page" For example . If I have a snowflake lip piercing I want the ability to list in more than one category landing page as it could be Christmas or piercing category, but I don't want to have to pay a higher price and longer time in order to do so.

So I want to be able to pay lets say .. $399 for 7 days in the category landing page of Celebrations, holidays, Christmas, women's seasonal apparel (there should be a category for accessories but anyway) and also be able to pay $399 for 7 days in the category landing page of Avatar Accessories, Jewelry and watches, Nose rings and piercing jewelry.

Because you dont want to see Christmas stuff in Jan or Feb for example.

I hope the above makes sense .. It would be nice if you could list a second (or more) category for a smaller fee but I will take just the ability to have more than one listing enhancement in more than one category even if I have to pay the same fee....

I use the 399 L listing price as an example it would also be for any of the prices and time ie: 7 days, 15 days, 30 days

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It is against the selling policy of the Marketplace to list a product in more than one category as it is considered item spam.  In essence you are asking to pay for the privilege, and at a discount too, which would not be fair to the other merchants who wish to do the same thing with just a regular listing.

If they allowed listing in more than one category then some merchants would abuse this and place a listing for a product in tons of categories no matter if they are related to it or not..  It would be almost impossible to monitor abuse like this as you'd need an army of Lindens checking for it. This would frustrate consumers too.

As it is now, If the MP has more ads for a particular category than they have space for so they rotate the ads.  Having a lot more ads added to the mix like this would cheapen the value of a Listing Enhancement even more as your ad would be shown a lot fewer times. That would have the effect of making the listings even more expensive based on the number of impressions per L spent on the ad.

There is a solution for you however,  If your product comes in more than one color or metal, you can legally list each product separately and put an ad in for each.  You can then add a 'related item' link to both listings in case the consumer would prefer another color.




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I would just love to be able to list my products.




I have over 50 ehancements in the'Charging cannot edit' mode, and my sales are suffering as a consequence. MP don't want to know, and happily reply to your concerns with a cut and paste answer of we aware there is a problem.. it's not our fault bla bla...

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I read the OP's request differently Amethyst. What I read was that Jessicaann was requesting the ability to advertise their single product in more than one location. The product would be listed only once and in only one category. But ads for that product could be placed in various different landing pages and home pages.

After all, being able to gain exposure to people that search using different terms or that mentally categorize a product differently is a major benefit. Not everyone thinks the same way. So if your ad can appear in 2, 3 or more landing page's ads then you have a better chance of getting people to look at your product.

It makes sense to me and I like the idea. While my particular slice of products are pretty cut and dried for which category they belong in, I'm sure that many other products can be classified in many different ways ... primarily depending on a person's cultural perspective and their own way of thinking.

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While I understand what you are saying about spam, and there is already problems with people listing keywords that don't have anything to do with the item.

There are legitimate reasons for my request. Some things we make do fall into one than one "category".

I am thinking about how does a customer look for items to buy?

I have many times when looking for something to purchase have to look in more than one "category" to find what I am looking for.

In my example I used my Snowflake lip piercing ... If a customer was looking for a gift to give someone would they look in Lip Piercing or in Christmas ? Some may only look in the Piercing category and then my Ad would never get seen. However if it was possible to have the AD enhancement shown in more than one category then it would be seen by more customers covering all the ways a customers might look for items to buy. This is  Referring to the listing enhancements only

I am not trying to spam anyone, and yes there are a lot of Ads and some times my items don't get "shown" at all. I hardly ever list an item on the home page because I think there are too many there and I don't think ppl stay on the home page long enough any way.

I dont understand why you think it would not be fair to other merchants as they would have the same ablity I am asking for.

I am not just adking for my self but I am asking for a change in the MP Listing Enhancements. Maybe I am not communitcating my idea clearly. and really I guess it would only apply to the one area in the listing enhancement of "feature this item on a category landing page" when you buy that listing enhancement the only choise afterwards is to edit .. they could make an "add" button to list it in an addtional category maybe limit it to only 2 or something like that.

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