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Sexy Skins and Shapes.

Kaylie Easterwood

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Hello! I'm working as an escort/stripper and I'm wanting to upgrade my look. I'm wanting to know what the sexiest skin and shape would be for a stripper or escort. A lot of the ones I see on strippers all look the same, but none of them look realistic to me. The skin I'm interested in would be light natural to tan in color. I would like it to look realistic, and not so cartoony like so many I see are, yet suitable and sexy for my career.
For shape, I am looking for something with a gorgeous face and somewhat curvy figure. Not stick skinny and not chubby at all. Lol, hope this all makes sense. Thanks in advance!! :)
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The sexiest skin and shape for an escort would be the skin and shape worn by the sexiest escort, and sexiness comes from how you think, how you act and what makes you memorable. I noticed that you've been on SL for four years but don't have a profile picture, and your profile really doesn't make you seem all that unique. At any given time there hundreds, possibly thousands of stripper/escorts on SL. Try to decide what quality you have that makes you unique and then we can get a handle on a look for you.

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I agree with Theresa,

When it comes to what men like it is different for each of them.  Sexiness like beauty is in the eye of the beholder so there is no ultimate 'sexiest' skin and shape.

Even if there were such a thing as the 'sexiest' skin and shape, it would guarantee you nothing.  Think about RL people.  We all know people that the opposite sex flocks around that are not particularly the most beautiful, some are merely attractive.  Sexiness is more about attitude and personality and that is particularly true in SL, a world where everyone can be beautiful and sexy to look at and where just about anyone can get sex for free.

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I actually made this account 4 years ago, but forgot about it until about a week ago, but thanks for the encouragement guys, geeze. I'm so glad I asked. I have actually been told many times that I am the best they have been with and that I'm "sweet". My profile needs updating I agree, I need assistance on that as well, but I have no profile picture bc I don't feel like my avatar is the way I want her yet, so I am wanting to find someone I'm happy with and proud to present. I'm not some shallow, bimbo. I know all of the other things you mentioned already, my customers come to me right now bc of my personality mostly. I'm good at RPing and I'm confident with everything, BUT my looks. This is why i asked you about THAT!! Not my personality and blah blah. If someone could please recommend some nice curvy shapes I could look into that I could also mod if needed that would be great and very much appreciated. Also, if there are any unique, sexy, and very realistic skins you can think of that would also be very much appreciated. Please give me advice on how to make my profile unique and alluring as well, since it obviously needs help. That would have been nice instead of just saying it sucks.

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When it comes to shape and skin the opinions differ as much as they can. No matter how odd and ugly one might be....there is always a man who doesn't care about that or has some matching viewpoint of beauty :matte-motes-big-grin: If you want a curvy shape, make one for yourself and keep an eye on looking natural. What I have seen about shapes called "curvey" was cruel. Big boobs, big butts...but at the same time no fat at all. Look like you want and feel good.

I agree you should update your profile. At the end this is what will keep the interesting people coming to you and will make a difference between you and the "cheap" alt accounts. Add a profile picture, use the space to introduce yourself and not only your escortbusiness. It will show people that you are more than just someone who takes money for some intimate hours. Add interests, show groups...anything that gives an impression about who you are and what you like.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sexiness is subjective, so it really depends on your personal taste. What I think is sexy may not be to you, and what you think is sexy may not be to me. It's best to cater to your own tastes rather than others because if you only cater to other people, you won't be happy with your look and you'll always be disappointing someone (and worse if it's yourself). 

I can give some suggestions for skins though if you'd like. The Body Co. has some gorgeous ones but they are a bit pricey. LAQ also has some lovely skins (especially the new Saga skin from the Essentials line). Glance just came out with a new skin called Lana who's face is amazing (but to me the body lacks the same level of detail. Still a great skin though). Glam Affair has some nice ones too. Just do a search in-world for the names of the stores and you'll find them. Otherwise if you need a LM to any of them feel free to IM me and I'll be more than happy to send you one.

As for shapes I know what you mean. Most people tend to look the same with the invisible pony riders look as mentioned above, and the scrunched up bratz doll faces I always see (uber slanted and narrow eyes, usually way too far apart, gigantic lips, scrunched up faces, and no chin). I'll do some shameless self-advertising for now, as I do have a few shapes in my marketplace shop for sale if you'd like to check them out. I always try to make them curvy but not chubby, and thin but not unhealthy. I always aim for realism with my shapes. I have one for the Ivy skin by the Body Co. (the skin I wear myself) which can be found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nar-Mattaru-Avatar-Shape-Ivy/4266262 and one for the Saga skin by LAQ which can be found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nar-Mattaru-Saga-Avatar-Shape/4266387. I would have more up but I haven't felt like buying the skins to make them for so I haven't gotten around to more. I am also available to do requests/custom shapes though if you find another skin you like and would like for me to make a shape for it for you. :) 

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Kaylie Easterwood wrote:

Hello! I'm working as an escort/stripper and I'm wanting to upgrade my look. I'm wanting to know what the sexiest skin and shape would be for a stripper or escort. A lot of the ones I see on strippers all look the same, but none of them look realistic to me. The skin I'm interested in would be light natural to tan in color. I would like it to look realistic, and not so cartoony like so many I see are, yet suitable and sexy for my career.

For shape, I am looking for something with a gorgeous face and somewhat curvy figure. Not stick skinny and not chubby at all. Lol, hope this all makes sense. Thanks in advance!!

I just want to say, i am tired of al of the "what hair/skin/shape/jacket/junk is this?" threads... you want to know what the sexiest skin/shape is in SL? pick a combo YOU like. Ask 300 people what skin and shape they think is sexiest and you will get 300 different answers.

With all of the options in SL and on the MP spend a bit of time and make up your own mind.

Personally and honestly speaking i like a woman that is a bit chubby. I guess I wont be tipping/renting you then. You said you wanted something like Kim Kardashian and yet you dont want chubby.... News flash, she is a bit chubby.



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