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Any way to find out what chat channel two individual avatars are chatting on?


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I just figured out that I probabily use llInstantMessage().  Just have to find out the key for the avatar that is in the mutual chat. I could scan for them, but then I would have to pick them from a list of possilbe others if some are nearby.

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Avatars only have two choices.  They either communicate on the public chat channel (0) or they IM.  They can't communicate on another numbered channel. There is no other "current chat channel." If you want a script to send private messages to the person, use llInstantMesssage.  If the person is in the same sim, you can also use llRegionSayTo, which will send its message only to the designated person, as in

llRegionSayTo(Bob's_UUID,0,"Hey there, Bob!");


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xtc4u wrote:

I just figured out that I probabily use llInstantMessage().  
Just have to find out the key for the avatar that is in the mutual chat
. I could scan for them, but then I would have to pick them from a list of possilbe others if some are nearby.

I'm confused here...your title to this thread states that you want to find out the channel that two avatars are chatting on (eavesdrop?).  Your question however, seems to indicate something totally different.  That you want to be able to chat on a different channel than local, with another avatar. 

I apologize if I'm mistaken here but this sounds like something that would intrude on another's privacy?

Just my interpretation.

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OK, so I have it all working but.....  What I really want is to send the message to the chat channel that myself and this person are in private chat.  So the original question still stands.  I know I can't send a message from an object that looks like it's comming from me, but can I send a message to the private chat window coming from the object using llRegionSayTo's second parameter of the channel to send it on.  I need to figure out that channel.

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If you are wanting to use the avatar-to-avatar instant message windows, LSL does not have an interface for those. They look like chat in the viewer, but it's a different protocol.

There is an email gateway for responses to offline messages, but the reply addresses are time limited, and you need to receive an offline IM to renew them.

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No, you don't.  An avatar can only receive message on either the public chat channel (0) or in IM.  Those are the only two choices.  If you use llRegionSayTo, you have to send the message on the public chat channel, or the other person won't ever hear it.  And if you use llInstantMessage, the message is sent on SL's IM network, which doesn't have channel numbers -- at least numbers that you can access.  So, if you and the other person are in a private conversation in IM, tell your script to send either

llInstantMessage(Other_Guy's_UUID, "Here is my secret message.");


llRegionSayTo(Other_Guy's_UUID,0,"Here i my secret message.");

Either way, the message will only be sent to the Other Guy, It will show up in his chat window, and nobody else's.

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OK, to bad.  I always found it annoying that you had to change to public chat in order to see messages coming from the bed for instance.  There you are interacting with someone and the message from the bed or pose ball goes to public chat.  You have to either switch back and forth from public chat and your private chat.  Or just have your private (intimate chat) done in public.  Oh well, I can understand the reasons for not allowing it I guess.  Spammers would find a way to exploit it.

At least now I understand the different colors I have seen in chat.  Interesting brown, beige.  I did figure out the green messages already.

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Well, here's an option that should work, but it's far too weird to be viable for anything commercial. You could conduct chat over a private channel and use a script in the device that uses llRegionSayTo() to send the message to the intended recipient (and echo back to the sender, too, since the sent message won't otherwise appear, having been sent on a non-zero channel).

Uh. Okay, that's probably confusing. Say that Bob and Carol are both sitting on a park bench. The park bench knows that when Bob says anything on, say, channel 9, it's something Carol should see in Local Chat, so it listens for anything said on channel 9 by either seated avatar, and sends anything it hears to both of them with llRegionSayTo() on channel 0. (It would use the old trick of changing its object name to match the name of the sender.)

For as long as both are sitting on that park bench, they could chat privately with each other by simply prefixing their chat messages with "/9". The text would be in object-chat color and would appear in the Local Chat window, instead of IMs.

The park bench could also emote whatever deep feelings park benches have while sat upon, again privately appearing in Local Chat.

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This is exactly how I solved the problem, and it was a park bench LOL

When anyone sat on the bench it would report this capability, and then you had the choice of full public or llRegionSayTo psuedo private conversation, it would handle up to 4 people, but I suspect it could easily be expanded to be the whole bar, or all of the park benches, etc.


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