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Observations on letigre rc servers

Lydia Craig

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At least in Oakley the restarts have been far from unnoticed.  Here lag has marked increased and bandwidth usage is up ten fold over what it was prior to the restart and sim ping is running at the three to four digit level constantly.  I believe this needs to be seriously investigated because as of now the sim is all but unplayable.  It might well be wise to run a comparison of this and other sims in the LeTigre system, because i have noticed that with the other RC groups performance can vary widely from sim to sim and is usually somewhat improved by a restart, which would seem to suggest that the problems are occurring at the server level, though what the source of the server problems are remains open to conjecture. Still, it raises the possibility that this is not the software problem that people suspect, it may be a hardware problem or a hardware involved problem.  Either way it bears investigation and needs to be dealt with soon.

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Well, my Homestead sim is LeTigre and my sim ping has not altered.  Thanks to Theresa who pointed out that we no longer had the SVC-8124 Mk1 bug-fix, since it wasn't a problem for us on a private island, we didn't notice the bandwidth issue at home.  Perhaps the next attempt will be more effective.

In another thread Nalates says that Lindens don't talk to us forum posters because so few of the residents of SL care.  That belief never resonated with me and it still doesn't.

I am getting tired of excuses.  I want some explanation of this current morass by a responsible Linden, here, in this forum.


ETA: Why would it be that Lex and Baker Linden feel able to come to the JIRA at least and submit relevant comments when the rest of Linden Lab remain stonily silent?  Are they in some way special, or could it just be that they actually want us to know that they are doing something?

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I took this today at around 2PM SLT

At Southwest corner of SIM.

Draw Distance set to 512M

Even with the bandwidth spike, all the other numbers are healthy!

Did you run a Tracert?

Can you post a screen shot of it for us?

Or am I just displaying my stupidity by asking you?


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I will try to get a screenshot or something to prove it, but the essential matter is that our sim ping is typically 90-180ms, bandwidth after all objects in view are rezzed is about 50-150kbps anywhere on the sim.  dd set to 376m.  TD and physics and sim fps are all usually within <1% of nominal.  But we have 17ms spare time too 'cos the server is not stressed.

Since our sim is a private island we do not see the bandwidth issue at all at home thank God.

I have seen enough on sailing trips from Nantucket Yacht club to Nautilus' western point of bandwidths anything from 1500kbps to a ludicrous high of 5750kbps!  I usually use a dd of 376m.  As you say all other numbers tend to be entirely normal.

What is a Tracert?  Now I am showing my ignorance!

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It's one of the abbreviations for traceroute command, used I think by Windows machines. It uses a couple of IP tricks to report the route a packet takes across the Internet. If you have the NetWorx monitoring tool, as well as bandwidth monitoring it has a traceroute tool.

It might show you if the problem is at a specific point on the route. Here in the UK we had a submarine cable damaged recently, which caused some problems. But for tracert to tell you anything, you have to know what is usual.

Running tracert in Windows is not easy. You have to open the command prompt window and type in a command with the keyboard. It drags you back to the days of MS-DOS and shows no mercy.



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Honestly, I don't know why I even respond to Lydia.  She constantly reports problems no one else has or can duplicate with the claim that they are ubiquitous.  She has never produced a single shred of documentation and any one who disagrees with her gets labeled a "LL Fan-boy." 

I happened to have a few minutes to kill so I decided to log in and look just for the fun of it.

I've never used Tracert myself but my little bit of reading on it has indicated to me that people have successfully used it in getting their ISP's to deal with problems.

Second Life is a very demanding application.  Everything from Client Side to Server Side and the connection in between (The Internet) uses more resources than just about anything I think the average user does.  In this regard I think in one sense it is more susceptible to break downs.

None of us like when things break down.  While I believe that all of us support an ever improving World, it is what appears sometimes the push to get the product to Market before it is ready for Prime Time that so often irks many of us.

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