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Market Place : Disallowed Listing Practices Item Was Disabled and Relisted.


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Hello Everybodies... 


First of all my english is not perfect.. im sorry in advance for this!!! 


This is my problem... i have start a new Store.. 3 weeks ago i have put my items on market place.. i have create all my listings... maybe 1 or 2 day after this i wanted to change the box cuz i having change something inside, i have search for know how change only the box, i dont have find the way for do this... i have delite the first listing and remade the new one with my item box (updated)... so Friday when i log on my market place for add the new stuff i see linden have remove 3x of my items for this.. Disallowed Listing Practices Item Was Disabled and Relisted.... HEU?!!!.. i have made a live chat , the personn who have talk to me have tell me ok remake your listing .. i have do this... the day after was 2 other things was delited... i have remade the listing again.... and now Linden have remove AGAIN my 5 items.. so i made the ticket .. the live chat.. but ....:/ the linden support send you to one and another but they never fix nothing!

WHAT I NEED TO DO NOW? i want this 5 items be on the market place...

I need to remade the new listing with the NEW NAME or what?  for they stop to remove my thing?

I dunno what to do and im so really bored to dont have HELPs from linden for NOTHING! :matte-motes-confused:

Thankiou if you can helps me with my problem.. 

PlayMesh !

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I have do this and the only thing they answer me is this.. 


Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support. I understand your concern regarding
why your items may have been removed from the Second Life Marketplace. Linden Lab will
only remove a listing if it violates the Second Life Marketplace listing guidelines
(found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines) or the Second Life terms of service
(found here: http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php). If your listing(s) was removed by Linden Lab,
you would have received a message containing the item name and the reason it was removed.
The bright-yellow message would have been displayed when you visited the Second
Life Marketplace website and would have required your acknowledgment before you
could access the website. However, I have listed some examples below that could cause a listing
to be removed.

I re put the comments on the ticket and they reply me the same thing.. refer me to the Guidelines and bla bla bla.. and dont tell me what i need to do :( 

So i want to KNOW,
NOW what i need to do.. ?????

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Relist again, but:

At the bottom of the description, add something like:
* Item relisted due to content changes and update *

Hopefully this will indicate that the actual content was changed and not to get rid of a bad review, tho if it`s a competitor reporting the relist, your sh!t out of luck untill LL stops removing it...

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Relist again, but:

At the bottom of the description, add something like:

* Item relisted due to content changes and update *

Hopefully this will indicate that the actual content was changed and not to get rid of a bad review, tho if it`s a competitor reporting the relist, your sh!t out of luck untill LL stops removing it...

I had some concerns about this awhile back when I updated an item.  I wanted to keep the same listing name but didn't want to get the item delisted by LL for unlisting/relisting the same item.  I contacted LL about this.  Now I can't recall what the contact person said exactly, but something that indicated that updated items were permissible with the same name.  To be safe I entered a version number that shows up in the listing by default apparently and did not have any trouble.

@OP, maybe add a version number and list and see if that helps.  I'm sorry this is happening; it is definitely frustrating.


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But aren't you talking about updating the actual product being delivered Czari? I think the original poster was talking about completely deleting a listing and then creating a brand new listing. It's not allowed because a lot of times merchants can do it to get rid of a negative comment. Most likely it's being removed because either a competitor or a disgruntled customer is reporting it that way. I dont' think SL actually goes through those and does it themselves.

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Deja Letov wrote:

But aren't you talking about updating the actual product being delivered Czari? I think the original poster was talking about completely deleting a listing and then creating a brand new listing. It's not allowed because a lot of times merchants can do it to get rid of a negative comment. Most likely it's being removed because either a competitor or a disgruntled customer is reporting it that way. I dont' think SL actually goes through those and does it themselves.

Right.  I was going by this comment by Alicia:

"Hopefully this will indicate that the actual content was changed and not to get rid of a bad review."

That made me think there was an update.  I re-read the OP and it now sounds to me like the product itself was not updated but the OP wanted to change something "in the box" which could be a lm, notecard, etc., both of which I've done many times.

As a related question to the OP, are you using Direct Delivery?  If so, not having used it myself yet, I would also like to know how to change something within a boxed product, ie. a notecard with updated info.  From what I've read on the forums about DD, to do so one would put the box with the updated info into the Merchant Outbox folder then associate it with the MP listing.  If that is what the OP is doing and provided it is done in that manner, why would it keep getting flagged for replacing an existing item?


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

As a related question to the OP, are you using Direct Delivery?  If so, not having used it myself yet, I would also like to know how to change something within a boxed product, ie. a notecard with updated info.  From what I've read on the forums about DD, to do so one would put the box with the updated info into the Merchant Outbox folder then associate it with the MP listing.  If that is what the OP is doing and provided it is done in that manner, why would it keep getting flagged for replacing an existing item?


 Yes, that's what you have to do when you want to replace something within a product. Instead the OP deleted the first listings and remade the new ones that is why they get removed repeatedly by LL. So like Alicia suggested, clarifying the reason for the relisting might help or not. Who knows...

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Ry0ta Exonar wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

As a related question to the OP, are you using Direct Delivery?  If so, not having used it myself yet, I would also like to know how to change something within a boxed product, ie. a notecard with updated info.  From what I've read on the forums about DD, to do so one would put the box with the updated info into the Merchant Outbox folder then associate it with the MP listing.  If that is what the OP is doing and provided it is done in that manner, why would it keep getting flagged for replacing an existing item?


 Yes, that's what you have to do when you want to replace something within a product. Instead the OP deleted the first listings and remade the new ones that is why they get removed repeatedly by LL. So like Alicia suggested, clarifying the reason for the relisting might help or not. Who knows...

Ahhhhh ok...somehow I missed the deleted listing...duh. *Blush*

Thanks, Ry0ta :)


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If it isn't a product update, don't delete the listing.  Just delete the item in your magic box and put in another one with the exact same name. 

If it is a product update don't delete the listing, Just delete the item in your magic box and put in another one with the exact same name except a new version number.. Then edit the listing with a new version number, choose the new version as the item being sold and change any text in the description that is need due to the update.  

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