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Question for merchants

Teagan Tobias

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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

Deja Letov wrote:

That suggestion would be a management nightmare. While technically possibly, everyone can make an alt, it's not feasible or user friendly. 

See my response to 
Madeliefste for a description of how to do it.  It would be a nightmare if you were doing it with a pencil and paper, but it would be pretty effortless using a computer, once you had it set up.

The quote above, to me, demonstrates what the problem actually is: the tendency to put convenience and ease for the merchant ahead of convenience for the customer.  Think about Wal-Mart---they try to give the customer the best deal they can, and squeeze their suppliers in order to do it.  The customer comes first.  Look where it got them.

I'm not sure it does, I feel there's a bit of "cross purposes" going on here.

Original request was to have permissions on the advert.

Suggestion that it wasn't necessary if "prim content" was sold since it can be inspected.

Subsequent follow up that it didn't suit because of a need to have a split payment script and thus couldn't sell prim content but have to sell an object with collapsed permissions.

Suggestion to replace efficient payment mechanism with one that introduces a very cumbersome manual process regardless of whether any spread sheet tool is used or not.  A script will handle all the payment issues.

The main issue here for me is that inspecting a prim content doesn't work anyway and is rarely useful since even just one prim object in a piece of clothing that contains a resizer, immediately introduces doubt about the appropriate permissions being used simply because far too many merchants have fallen into the belief that a resize script either:-


  1. Means that they can set an object "no mod" and thus it can't be copied.  False belief.
  2. Many don't understand permissions and believe that adding a no mod script means that they have to set the object no mod too.  False belief.
  3. Means that they don't have to have any customer service issues since the customer can't break it.  False belief - customer can still accidentally delete it!

Anyway, a vending system or split script is the most appropriate way of handling split payments at source of transaction, inspecting prim content is flawed and an enhanced permissions tree view of collapsed permissions is the solution.


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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

Deja Letov wrote:

That suggestion would be a management nightmare. While technically possibly, everyone can make an alt, it's not feasible or user friendly. 

See my response to 
Madeliefste for a description of how to do it.  It would be a nightmare if you were doing it with a pencil and paper, but it would be pretty effortless using a computer, once you had it set up.

The quote above, to me, demonstrates what the problem actually is: the tendency to put convenience and ease for the merchant ahead of convenience for the customer.  Think about Wal-Mart---they try to give the customer the best deal they can, and squeeze their suppliers in order to do it.  The customer comes first.  Look where it got them.

Not sure what the Wal-Marts are like in your area, but the ones where I live have horrible customer service.  Not in the sense that they don't do what is "necessary" - ie. Wal-Mart is great about refunds - but the sales staff act like they're doing the customer a favor to give them the time of day.  This is not one isolated incident; I have encountered this over and over.

Common example:  I was having trouble finding a product.  Looked for a sales person.  Found two in the same aisle talking to each other and popping gum.  I approached them and said, "Excuse me" politely.  I was ignored.  I said "I need some help please."  One slowly turned to look at me with disdain, while continuing to talk to the other service person.  Finally I got a heavy sigh from one of them and, "Yeah?"

This may be an extreme case, but overall I don't find the level of customer service as in one-on-one to the customer in Wal-Mart that great.  Personally, I will pay a bit extra to go to Target where the customer service is excellent.

(I know this has nothing to do with the issue per se, but since you mentioned Wal-Mart as a bastion of customer service, just thought I'd give a different viewpoint on that.)


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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

phaedra Exonar wrote:

Most my items have mixed perms so even looking at the contents of the vender box would not show the true perms, which are mostly set to prims copy/mod and most scripts copy only but not all.  Besides the perms the feature list of most my items are to complex to list on the face of a prim.  Even when I have demos set up inworld, looking at them and trying them out would still not show all the features.  Even if you don't like to shop on the marketplace, you can still look up an item on the marketplace that you found inworld to read more info about it, and see additional pictures.

Can I be sure that the item being sold on MP has their same permissions as the one being sold in world?

At my store yes, but in general no. The same could be said about having more then one store inworld.  May be some one has both trans and copy versions at their main store and only trans versions at a satellite shop, or dose an update and misses one of the item venders at a satellite shop.  It's really not a MP vs inworld issue it's just human nature that at some point some one will make a mistake, the question then is how good is their customer service. 

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Cannot imagine they have a purpose in leaving off perms; there are just many who open shops but really do not understand selling in SL.   Personnally when I find a problem with a shop I just do not buy and do not go back.  There is little in SL that can only be found in one place.  And, even when it is unique, I can find something I like as well even if different.  Buying something should be easy, if it is not then I move on.


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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

Deja Letov wrote:

That suggestion would be a management nightmare. While technically possibly, everyone can make an alt, it's not feasible or user friendly. 

See my response to 
Madeliefste for a description of how to do it.  It would be a nightmare if you were doing it with a pencil and paper, but it would be pretty effortless using a computer, once you had it set up.

The quote above, to me, demonstrates what the problem actually is: the tendency to put convenience and ease for the merchant ahead of convenience for the customer.  Think about Wal-Mart---they try to give the customer the best deal they can, and squeeze their suppliers in order to do it.  The customer comes first.  Look where it got them.

i wasn't referring to doing it with pencil and paper, evenw ith excel or access you are talking hours of time. You even estimated 10hours. And if you have hundreds of product sales every week, maybe event housands, like i said, this would be a management nightmare with the time involved.But it's not about putting the convenience for the merchant ahead of the customer, I'm not suggesting that at all. If i was I would suggest not doing it at all. I am suggesting to use something automated, like a scripted vendor, so that both the merchant and the customer's concerns are addressed and satisfied.


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