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Region down for the 14th Time in 10 days

Iam Runningbear

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For the 14th time in 10 days that I am aware of the Zerango Region is offline ....again!!!.  LL, I do not know what all your doing to try and fix this but I have all but made my decision to close my premium account and move to another virtual world.

This has gone beyond ridiculous.

This is not a viewer issue, Its not my operating system and it not my cache or cookies. . Its your system/ data base/ server!!

I am not the only one with region issues I know. I have seen, heard and read about others.

There are people who can not even log into SL now.

Please tell us how what your doing  is supposed to be better?

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Iam Runningbear wrote:

For the 14th time in 10 days that I am aware of the Zerango Region is offline ....again!!!.  LL, I do not know what all your doing to try and fix this but I have all but made my decision to close my premium account and move to another virtual world.

This has gone beyond ridiculous.

This is not a viewer issue, Its not my operating system and it not my cache or cookies.
. Its your system/ data base/ server!!

I am not the only one with region issues I know. I have seen, heard and read about others.

There are people who can not even log into SL now.

Please tell us how what your doing  is supposed to be better?

When you cancel your account, LL will ask you to fill out an exit questionnaire. That will give you the opportunity to express to them why you are leaving. LL rarely reads these forums.

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Then when we cancel our accounts, the answer will be simple--LL and its arrogance.  At the end of this month LL will expect Iam and myself to give them over 300 usd for services they have not given us.  Normally we would make enough to cover most of those fees from the business that inhabits that and the other sims we own, but LL through its decisions has made it impossible for us or any other honest business to earn a living at the moment, and I for one see little chance of things improving in the near future.  Some of you may call this a rant, well if a rant is defined as a statement made in anger it certainly is and the anger is more than justified. Over the last six months we have watched as LL has destroyed the player base which sl businesses depend on with one horrible decision after another, and as of last Wednesday took this destruction to a level where it is totally intolerable and we no longer see any hope of sl recovering.  Quite frankly it would be foolish to continue to feed money to LL for the poor service we are getting and they deserve to fail.  So if this is a rant lets make the most of it.

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JohnMiddlefield wrote:

When you cancel your account, LL will ask you to fill out an exit questionnaire. That will give you the opportunity to express to them why you are leaving. LL rarely reads these forums.


Unfortunately, my experience has been that LL seldom pays attention to responses to their own questionnaires either.

I gave up my premium account some time ago, and expressed my frustration at the time.  Since then, I've observed absolutely zero evidence that LL even read my words.

Shrugging my shoulders now, I guess it doesn't matter.  If they don't care, then I don't either.  It is what it is, and all we can do is watch the flames grow higher, and consume all that once was.

(Edited to correct spelling.)

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Yes Echo I have reported it. 14 times to be exact.

I do realize this is a resident to resident forum.

I also realize Linden Agents monitor this forum.

I am not a first year player.

There are very serious problems. From the way things look they are being ignored by LL.

The great  thing about this and any other place I can find to rant is you don't have to read it, agree with it or comment on it.

But you will have to admit one thing.

The wheel that squeaks the loudest gets oiled first.

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The recent changes may be causing your problem but more likely they are just pushing your sim over the edge it was all ready close to. 

I noticed on your land that you have a lot of objects with really high active script count, 55 or more, a likely source is old sex beds, made before all the link versions of many functions came out, all so the old bed scripts were known to have problems with open listeners, and memory leaks.  Add to that an all most full prim count and 20 people hanging out, it's likely your sim is running out of resources and crashing. 

If you use up to date building and scripting practices you shouldn't have to reduce what your currently doing in your sim to make it run better.  

I'm just starting to learn about sim resources so I'd be interested to see what other people think of what I think may be causing your problem.

With a sim down 14 times in 10 days it's sad LL hasn't been more helpful dealing with your issue, I'm just making these suggestion because it something that might help that you don't have to relie on them to do.

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Dana Dielli wrote:

JohnMiddlefield wrote:

When you cancel your account, LL will ask you to fill out an exit questionnaire. That will give you the opportunity to express to them why you are leaving. LL rarely reads these forums.


Unfortunately, my experience has been that LL seldom pays attention to responses to their own questionnaires either.

I gave up my premium account some time ago, and expressed my frustration at the time.  Since then, I've observed absolutely zero evidence that LL even read my words.

Shrugging my shoulders now, I guess it doesn't matter.  If they don't care, then I don't either.  It is what it is, and all we can do is watch the flames grow higher, and consume all that once was.

(Edited to correct spelling.)

Yes, I doubt very much LL takes into account anything anyone would put onto the questionnaire. I am sure Mr. Humble is wondering why there is a declining concurrency, declining estate regions, and windswept Mainland continents; but Mr. Humble is not able to open his eyes, as he listens to the programmers, who are really running the show, as they put more bells here, and more whistles there, but everything keeps declining regardless.

Why listen to those who are leaving? They are leaving, are they not, so they don't matter anyone more?

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When the sim is crashing is when there are less than 3 people on the sim, I have greatly reduced script count and prim count as I too thought this was a factor and yet today it crashed again so that theory does not hold much water.

All of this down time has started since the Friday fiasco of multiple restarts.

This sim before never crashed had very moderate lag.

In the past during events we have had 40 people on the sim with no issue and only moderate lag.


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We are not talking about your favorite places being online or offline. We are talking about places that are favorites of someone other than you.

Then again maybe your one of the ones LL caters to with what one poster said." All the Bells Here and Whistles there.

No offense but your not the only on in the game.

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With due respect, Iam, Elite was just throwing in their own experience, not declaring themselves to be the only one in the game.

I'm not wishing to seem at all confrontational, but when you post here on these forums, they are open for discussion, and part of that discussion does not mean firing back in a personal way at someone who would be helping you, if they had got experience of running into the same problems as yourself. 

Elite, I am sure, is as puzzled as myself and Thinkerer, and others who read and/or comment on your threads, why you are having such extreme issues with your land at Zerango.  Being part of the Beta Server group also makes us curious to learn (maybe even only a little bit) of how Second Life functions. 

The problem is, when you fire off at people, saying things such as "you don't have to read or comment" (sic), it alienates a lot of people, and they feel reluctant to offer help/advice/opinions on future occasions when you are seeking support.

Please have a think about this.  I believe your intention when starting this thread was to make as many people aware as possible that something is not quite right in SL, and not being fixed by LL. 

Very few people here are actually here to bring you down or make your situation worse; quite the opposite in fact.

Did you follow the great suggestion in Thinkerer's post - I mean about eliminating parcel by parcel where the rogue script might be lying that can be causing repeated crashing of the sim? 

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While on the face of it what you say is reasonable, my experience is that:

1) Thinkerer sometimes provides a solution that the OP has already exhausted, because he does not always read the post properly.

2) The Elites have on more than one occasion painted a picture of SL that could only have been seen through quite strongly rose-tinted spectacles.  Their attitude has often been "I see no ships".  They were doing precisely what Nelson was, pretending that a clearly extant threat was not there.  Sometimes that has defused a rant from one of the more paranoid residents.  Other times it looks more like a bucket of whitewash (or do I mean pinkwash)?

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Are you telling me that there is some personal issue between Elite and the OP? 

I wondered why the OP was not taking her own advice and not reading/replying to posts that she did not agree with or were of no help to her.

As we are in the Forums rather than the Answers section, opinions are good, but I hate when things turn personal, because it is never constructive.  Aside from the people involved in the minor personality clashes and differences of opinions that get out of hand, there are also the people who may read the threads, and avoid from that moment on any threads that contain certain people.  This is a shame, because those same residents who become put off by negativity and fighting may occasionally have a solution available.

I will let you into a little secret.  I know that you get fed up with certain people looking at SL through rose-tinted spectacles.  I would appear to be one of those people, BUT believe me I do actually see the many flaws.  However, I truly do not run into all of the problems that people seem to have; many of which are down to the individual's lack of patience or knowledge with/of their own computer system.

Regarding Iam's issues, if I found my own land was inaccessible 14 times in 10 days, I would be poking Lindens with a sharp stick by now, but in the meantime I would be trying to work out if there was anything I could be managing at my land, as I would realise I must have some content that is clashing with new code.  As frustrating as this is, to have new code make something fail to work, it happens in real life too. Take, for instance, the UK's recent switchover to digital from analogue.  With no consultation, with no compensation, we have had to pay for new aerials and extra television receivers to cover the three televisions in the house.  The fourth television cannot be adapted to work with digital.  It sounds like I am digressing, but what I'm trying to point out is these things happen sometimes, and sometimes we have to find a way of working out how to help ourselves.  The personal comments that come out between certain residents who dare to have different opinions from each other must be a major cause of residents abandoning these forums! :catmad:

I have masochistic tendencies, mixed with a little OCD; this is what keeps me here in one form or another :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:



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No, I do not think for a moment that Elite is taking a personal approach to this issue.  Your point about replies is a valid one, although if you struggled to log into this forum as much as I do, you might not think so badly of her.

What annoys me mostly is the attitude adopted now and again, and not only by Elite, that..."it's not happening to me so it must be your connection or PC", or on occasion "you are talking nonsense".  To balance that, I do realise that occasionally posters are talking nonsense.:smileytongue:

To be honest my real "issue" is with Linden Lab and their almost psychotic refusal to communicate.  And please note I make a distinction between the corporate Linden Lab attitude and that of individual Lindens.

I do understand that someone whose day-job is at Linden Lab may not "connect" well with residents like you and I who have very different reasons for being in SL.  However these people may not be suited to communication...perhaps they ought to employ people who ARE capable of communicating...I believe they are called "Customer Service Representatives".  It is a fairly well-known concept.

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Oh, I see a little more clearly now, I think.

I must go back and read Elite's post. Did they actually say as it wasn't happening to them the OP is talking nonsense?

The thing is, when I say to people "I'm not experiencing the same issues", I don't say it because under my breath I am muttering "... so it must be your connection or PC", I say it because if I'm not having the same issues as someone else, I am sharing my own experiences, as Elite seemed to be doing above. 

What annoys me is the attitude of some people now and again that say "don't tell me it's my connection or my computer because ... "I am not stupid" or ..."I have a high spec computer"... when you really do have to ask yourself if someone like myself, who has a computer that is not high spec, and a quite crappy internet connection at times, how come these people with such good equipment and high intelligence are suffering such problems.

I personally do not have a high spec computer, far from it, and I am not someone who has a long history of using computers, and yet most of the problems I've encountered during my time in Second Life have been fixable my end. 

Another thing that really annoys me is when people really do expect Linden Lab to run to their aid the moment they click their fingers because they are "paying a lot into this game". (Not talking about the OP in this instance by the way, because having a sim go down 14 times in 10 days is a bit much, and some extra professional help in the form of a Linden to faddle about underneath and detect what's causing the problem sounds appropriate.)

But we all do have to try and look past our own issues, and continue sharing our knowledge/experience, be objective, which can be hard at times. Also thrown into the mix is we mere residents do not have true sight of what really does go on behind the scenes at Linden Lab.  There seems to me to be far few staff to cover all the problems, and while in the main I have found people in Live Chat to be helpful, one or two had no people skills at all, little commonsense.  One went the extra mile, and you could tell he was also a regular resident, and was very well-informed.

You and I both know which Linden individuals are approachable, and unfortunately they are the ones that tend to get most of the flack, because people vent to them all their frustrations, and they cannot fix all the issues that residents have - heck even Bill Gates isn't able to fix all the problems his customers have either.



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Echo Hermit wrote:

Oh, I see a little more clearly now, I think.

I must go back and read Elite's post. Did they actually say as it wasn't happening to them the OP is talking nonsense?

The thing is, when I say to people "I'm not experiencing the same issues", I don't say it because under my breath I am muttering "... so it must be your connection or PC", I say it because if I'm not having the same issues as someone else, I am sharing my own experiences, as Elite seemed to be doing above. 

Sometimes I will respond to ridiculous claims with an "Oh really now?" type comment.  Like when someone says Second Life gave them viruses.

But what is the point of a post like Elite's?  While we don't know what was in Elite's mind, the way those comments come across is like they are discounting the OP's experience.

I am having a problem also with a SIM crashing.  I have it documented now and we are waiting for SL support to reply.  I have experienced the loss of several no copy items because of it.  If Elite came in here and said, "I'm not experiencing that," well good for them but HOW DOES THAT HELP ME?

Sometimes people don't consider the weight of their words.


eta to correct punctuation and spelling


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Oh, I see a little more clearly now, I think.

I must go back and read Elite's post. Did they actually say as it wasn't happening to them the OP is talking nonsense?

The thing is, when I say to people "I'm not experiencing the same issues", I don't say it because under my breath I am muttering "... so it must be your connection or PC", I say it because if I'm not having the same issues as someone else, I am sharing my own experiences, as Elite seemed to be doing above. 

Sometimes I will respond to ridiculous claims with an "Oh really now?" type comment.  Like when someone says Second Life gave them viruses.

But what is the point of a post like Elite's?  While we don't know what was in Elite's mind, the way those comment's come across is like they are discounting the OP's experience.

I am having a problem also with a SIM crashing.  I have it documented now and we are waiting for SL support to reply.  I have experienced the loss of sever la no copy items because of it.  If Elite came in here and said, "I'm not experiencing that," well good for them but HOW DOES THAT HELP ME?

Sometimes people don't consider the weight of their words.


You see, I just didn't read Elite's comment in the same way at all.  I mean, I can be a little "Enid Blyton" in my attitude just like that too, even when I have considered the weight of my words very carefully.

Elite could have been wholly browned off by yet another groaning thread from one of the usual groaners, or Elite could have had sex that morning in RL and been feeling particularly sparky (:matte-motes-agape:), but really, as their little declaration turned out to be not a useful part of the discussion, offering no suggestions on how the OP could get this issue fixed, it was an easy enough post for the OP (and all the rest of us) to skip over.

I have lost count of the number of times I have said out loud in real life (rather than type in a response to a post) "oh bully for you", or "aren't you the lucky one", or "what's wrong sunshine, didn't you have a good sh1t this morning, here are some prunes to help you with your attitude" :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: so now you know a bit of what really goes on in my little wooden head :matte-motes-big-grin:

I just LOVE those threads that say Second Life gave them a virus, or the ones where they claim their account has been hacked (when they really haven't) or that they've "tried everything and nothing works", like no one was ever a particle cloud or suffered the pink prim issue...

and on ... and on ...

Some people don't consider the weight of their words, that's true, and others do, but cannot win whatever they say, and yet why should they stay silent when it's a forum and they are not experiencing the same "traumas" as other people.

But Perrie, one thing I will say, truly from my main avatar's heart, I am very sorry that you of all people are having a sim crashing issue. You seem a good bloke, with an upbeat attitude generally.  If I could fix it, I would be right round there with my sonic screwdriver.

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Echo Hermit wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Oh, I see a little more clearly now, I think.

I must go back and read Elite's post. Did they actually say as it wasn't happening to them the OP is talking nonsense?

The thing is, when I say to people "I'm not experiencing the same issues", I don't say it because under my breath I am muttering "... so it must be your connection or PC", I say it because if I'm not having the same issues as someone else, I am sharing my own experiences, as Elite seemed to be doing above. 

Sometimes I will respond to ridiculous claims with an "Oh really now?" type comment.  Like when someone says Second Life gave them viruses.

But what is the point of a post like Elite's?  While we don't know what was in Elite's mind, the way those comment's come across is like they are discounting the OP's experience.

I am having a problem also with a SIM crashing.  I have it documented now and we are waiting for SL support to reply.  I have experienced the loss of sever la no copy items because of it.  If Elite came in here and said, "I'm not experiencing that," well good for them but HOW DOES THAT HELP ME?

Sometimes people don't consider the weight of their words.


You see, I just didn't read Elite's comment in the same way at all.  I mean, I can be a little "Enid Blyton" in my attitude just like that too, even when I have considered the weight of my words very carefully.

Elite could have been wholly browned off by yet another groaning thread from one of the usual groaners, or Elite could have had sex that morning in RL and been feeling particularly sparky (:matte-motes-agape:), but really, as their little declaration turned out to be not a useful part of the discussion, offering no suggestions on how the OP could get this issue fixed, it was an easy enough post for the OP (and all the rest of us) to skip over.

I have lost count of the number of times I have said out loud in real life (rather than type in a response to a post) "oh bully for you", or "aren't you the lucky one", or "what's wrong sunshine, didn't you have a good sh1t this morning, here are some prunes to help you with your attitude" :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: so now you know a bit of what
goes on in
little wooden head :matte-motes-big-grin:

I just LOVE those threads that say Second Life gave them a virus, or the ones where they claim their account has been hacked (when they really haven't) or that they've "tried everything and nothing works", like no one was ever a particle cloud or suffered the pink prim issue...

and on ... and on ...

Some people don't consider the weight of their words, that's true, and others do, but cannot win whatever they say, and yet why should they stay silent when it's a forum and they are not experiencing the same "traumas" as other people.

But Perrie, one thing I will say, truly from my main avatar's heart, I am very sorry that you of all people are having a sim crashing issue. You seem a good bloke, with an upbeat attitude generally.  If I could fix it, I would be right round there with my sonic screwdriver.

Thanks for the reply.

It is not my intention to say someone should never post.

I was raised with the maxim, "Think before you speak."  Some times I fail to think things through all the way, but I really do try to.

I've been able so far to replace all but one of my lost items (my thanks to the Merchants) except one.  That Merchant hasn't been logged in for over a week now, but I still have my fingers crossed.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Oh, I see a little more clearly now, I think.

I must go back and read Elite's post. Did they actually say as it wasn't happening to them the OP is talking nonsense?

The thing is, when I say to people "I'm not experiencing the same issues", I don't say it because under my breath I am muttering "... so it must be your connection or PC", I say it because if I'm not having the same issues as someone else, I am sharing my own experiences, as Elite seemed to be doing above. 

Sometimes I will respond to ridiculous claims with an "Oh really now?" type comment.  Like when someone says Second Life gave them viruses.

But what is the point of a post like Elite's?  While we don't know what was in Elite's mind, the way those comment's come across is like they are discounting the OP's experience.

I am having a problem also with a SIM crashing.  I have it documented now and we are waiting for SL support to reply.  I have experienced the loss of sever la no copy items because of it.  If Elite came in here and said, "I'm not experiencing that," well good for them but HOW DOES THAT HELP ME?

Sometimes people don't consider the weight of their words.


You see, I just didn't read Elite's comment in the same way at all.  I mean, I can be a little "Enid Blyton" in my attitude just like that too, even when I have considered the weight of my words very carefully.

Elite could have been wholly browned off by yet another groaning thread from one of the usual groaners, or Elite could have had sex that morning in RL and been feeling particularly sparky (:matte-motes-agape:), but really, as their little declaration turned out to be not a useful part of the discussion, offering no suggestions on how the OP could get this issue fixed, it was an easy enough post for the OP (and all the rest of us) to skip over.

I have lost count of the number of times I have said out loud in real life (rather than type in a response to a post) "oh bully for you", or "aren't you the lucky one", or "what's wrong sunshine, didn't you have a good sh1t this morning, here are some prunes to help you with your attitude" :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: so now you know a bit of what
goes on in
little wooden head :matte-motes-big-grin:

I just LOVE those threads that say Second Life gave them a virus, or the ones where they claim their account has been hacked (when they really haven't) or that they've "tried everything and nothing works", like no one was ever a particle cloud or suffered the pink prim issue...

and on ... and on ...

Some people don't consider the weight of their words, that's true, and others do, but cannot win whatever they say, and yet why should they stay silent when it's a forum and they are not experiencing the same "traumas" as other people.

But Perrie, one thing I will say, truly from my main avatar's heart, I am very sorry that you of all people are having a sim crashing issue. You seem a good bloke, with an upbeat attitude generally.  If I could fix it, I would be right round there with my sonic screwdriver.

Thanks for the reply.

It is not my intention to say someone should never post.

I was raised with the maxim, "Think before you speak."  Some times I fail to think things through all the way, but I really do try to.

I've been able so far to replace all but one of my lost items (my thanks to the Merchants) except one.  That Merchant hasn't been logged in for over a week now, but I still have my fingers crossed.

Thank you for a reasonable discussion.

It's only human to fail sometimes in the "think before you speak" - I am better than I was when I was younger, but occasionally I fail grimly.

You have a lot of patience. Another good quality.

Shame about the post-coital giggling though; is it VERY bad? :matte-motes-evil:

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Echo Hermit wrote:

Thank you for a reasonable discussion.

It's only human to fail sometimes in the "think before you speak" - I am better than I was when I was younger, but occasionally I fail grimly.

You have a lot of patience. Another good quality.

Shame about the post-coital giggling though; is it VERY bad? :matte-motes-evil:

I've been the subject of several medical studies.

One time I was giggling so hard I ruptured my tunica albuginea.

Trying to explain why one is walking around with their wong in a sling and a cast is way more embarrassing then explaining a broken arm or leg.  No one would believe me when I said I ran into a wall.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Thank you for a reasonable discussion.

It's only human to fail sometimes in the "think before you speak" - I am better than I was when I was younger, but occasionally I fail grimly.

You have a lot of patience. Another good quality.

Shame about the post-coital giggling though; is it VERY bad? :matte-motes-evil:

I've been the subject of several medical studies.

One time I was giggling so hard I ruptured my
tunica albuginea

Trying to explain why one is walking around with their wong in a sling and a cast is way more embarrassing then explaining a broken arm or leg.  No one would believe me when I said I ran into a wall.


Oooooo I am really sorry about your... ermmm ... injured.... errrrm

... but I'm still laughing, all these hours later. :smileylol:


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