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Levity...Things that make you laugh.

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Uhm.....excuse me please.  I'm trying to land bish.

.......and the profile said:    " yes i been in SL before and i know and lots of stuff too."

Everything except what the landing point is!    This went on for ten minutes as avatar after avatar attempted to land.  At first I wanted to scream because I was the one caught in the spin cycle, and eventually made it through (me..camera left).  But after a while it just became funny.

Share some levity. :)

Move Bish!  Gawd!.jpg

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That one is amusing.  If only people took three steps after landing...*laughs.

Anyway, when I was a n00b, I purchased a pair of shoes (creator shall go nameless as they are still in SL).  The shoes had a foot part and an ankle part.  When I clicked on the ankle part for one foot, it attached correctly.  The ankle part for the other foot attached perpendicular to my ankle.   At that time, I was so new I knew nothing about rotating objects...or any build features.  I sent an IM to the creator.  She responded as if I were from another planet.  She did not understand my problem (apparently thinking I should have just rotated the thing).  She did not tell me what I could do to fix it so my only alternative was to trash the shoes.

I never bought from her again.

Later, when I learned that I could have rotated the part, I laughed at myself.

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LOL i've done that before a few times!! \o/ cute picture hehehe

i've had some really long teleports in the past that took forever..

most times my tp's are pretty quick nowdays..but wow a couple of years ago..i mean sometimes you just have to go to the bathroom and not be able to wait for a landing to happen that is taking forever.. LOL

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Love the photo!

When the Bloodlines craze was getting out of hand a couple of years ago, ie. constant spamming of blue drop-down boxes for bites resulting in many venues posting "No Bloodlines" signs, constant forum discussions, etc. an enterprising animator and regular forumite created a "response."  It was an animation with which one targeted an avatar, resulting in a blue drop-down box requesting a hug; when the person clicked ok, instead of a hug the initiating avatar pulled out a previously invisible stake, drove it into the other avatar's heart, resulting in said avatar literally going underground momentarily.  (Note:  This was given out to friends and acquaintances of the creator; I don't believe it was ever sold.)

One day when I logged into SL I got the "Your home location is not available. You have been moved to the nearest location" message.  Apparently a lot of people had been moved to this location as I landed at some hub, right in a virtual nest of Bloodline types.  (What always amused me about most Bloodline peeps I encountered was that they didn't even rp or dress the part...just went about spamming for bites.)

Sure enough, I immediately began getting numerous bite "offers."  Ah-HA!!!  Time to use my new toy.  I quickly equipped my stake and each person that spammed me for a bite, I clicked no then offered the person a "hug."  No one took me up on my hug and this back and forth "offering" went on with various people.  I noticed the Bloodline avatars walking away from the area (TPs still weren't working).  I said, "What's the matter?  You big bad Bloodline vampires afraid of a hug?"  More avatars walked away from me and the bite requests stopped.  I was disappointed I didn't have a chance to use my new stake.

Finally I was able to tp home and cammed in on myself to change clothes to see.....that the stake (which has an invisible as well as visible mode while wearing) was apparently set to "visible" as the default. Oppppsssieesssss!  Hint - next time one goes out vampire hunting, make sure  your stake is hidden. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:


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i looked at the picture again...for a second there i thought that was me standing to the far left..but i don't have a top like that i don't think..but thats my color hair and shade of my skin and the tattoos look really close..

maybe i do have a top like that? lol


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