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Marketplace And Direct Delivery Update

Marcus Hancroft

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Below is the updated set of outstanding issues with Direct Delivery and the Marketplace.

Direct Delivery

The following Direct Delivery issues have been verified, but have not yet been addressed:

  • WEB-4600 (Merchant Outbox failures): We have been working on this issue and will not shut down Magic Boxes until this is addressed. In some cases, logging out and in from the Marketplace and then the viewer may resolve this problem.
  • WEB-4554 (Test delivery permissions incorrect): This is currently under investigation.
  • Limited Quantity Support (Merchant does not have rights to copy the items for sale): This is currently being worked on. Magic Box migration will not be required until this is supported. (Note that Merchants can sell items that have next owner rights set to “No Copy”. Please see the Knowledge Base article on Object permissions for more details on how permissions work.)

Overall Marketplace

There are also several issues that occurred around the time of the Direct Delivery launch that we are still working to address, but are not issues with Direct Delivery.

  • WEB-4587 (Listings with the wrong images): This is currently under test.   
  • WEB-4441 (Orders stuck in “Being Delivered” state): We have been able decrease the number of orders getting stuck and continue to work on preventing all orders from getting stuck.
  • WEB-4567 (Bulk delete fails for some merchants): We will evaluate the priority of this once we have completed the above Direct Delivery fixes and features.
  • WEB-4592 (Orders marked as “Delivery Partially Failed” on success): This is currently under investigation.
  • WEB-4696 (Deleted listings appearing in search results): We continue to investigate this issue.
  • WEB-2974 (Listing enhancement stuck in “Charging, cannot edit right now” state): We are investigating this issue.
  • WEB-4138 (Confirmation emails failing to deliver): We are currently investigating this issue.

In addition to the above issues, there have been reports of Direct Delivery purchases silently being delivered and the Merchant not getting paid (the order is marked as “Failed”). We have not been able to confirm this report and would like to investigate further, so please file a support ticket with details if you see this.


What strikes ME is all the "This is currently under investigation." "We are currently investigating this issue." answers given here.  I've never been a fan of "We don't have any new information to give you but here's an update anyway." I would almost prefer they wait until they DO have something to tell us.  And then I think, "Well, at least they ARE trying to tell us something even if it is that they are still investigating.  It's been a month between updates as it is." and so I guess I won't complain much about that. 

And finally, didn't those who had the problem of their items being delivered and not paid file tickets about that?  I thought I read in one of the other threads that they did.

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It just needs a little translation, there's plenty of info here.

Direct Delivery

WEB-4600 (Merchant Outbox failures): We have been working on this issue and will not shut down Magic Boxes until this is addressed. In some cases, logging out and in from the Marketplace and then the viewer may resolve this problem.

Is it not a benevolent act to fix at least one thing before making it mandatory? At least we gave you a workaround. In fact, just log out and don't bother logging back in if you're going to be that way about it. Leave your items up though, we need the commission for testing.

WEB-4554 (Test delivery permissions incorrect): This is currently under investigation.

We hired Pinkerton detectives.

Limited Quantity Support (Merchant does not have rights to copy the items for sale): This is currently being worked on. Magic Box migration will not be required until this is supported. (Note that Merchants can sell items that have next owner rights set to “No Copy”. Please see the Knowledge Base article on Object permissions for more details on how permissions work.)

If Direct Delivery can't handle no copy unique items, we know it just plain doesn't work yet. Learn how to take a hint, will you?

Overall Marketplace

There are also several issues that occurred around the time of the Direct Delivery launch that we are still working to address, but are not issues with Direct Delivery.

Stuff that didn't work before showed up when we put something in that partially worked. This is how we roll, get used to it. We call this the Big Bang method. If everything goes wrong at the same time we know we got something right.

WEB-4587 (Listings with the wrong images): This is currently under test.

We meant to say our test lab is taking care of this, but then we realized we don't have one. So we put it in a sub folder called test.

WEB-4441 (Orders stuck in “Being Delivered” state): We have been able decrease the number of orders getting stuck and continue to work on preventing all orders from getting stuck.

We finally found the reset button on the server, so we push it more often now.

WEB-4567 (Bulk delete fails for some merchants): We will evaluate the priority of this once we have completed the above Direct Delivery fixes and features.

Good luck with that.

WEB-4592 (Orders marked as “Delivery Partially Failed” on success): This is currently under investigation.

We fired the Pinkerton detectives we previously hired and outsourced to an Indian detective agency. Once they can understand how something can partially fail on success but be totally wrong, they'll be getting right to work.

WEB-4696 (Deleted listings appearing in search results): We continue to investigate this issue.

We almost had it, but then we started drinking and smoking at work like they used to do in the 1960's. We acquired the Indian detective agency, this is going to take a while.

WEB-2974 (Listing enhancement stuck in “Charging, cannot edit right now” state): We are investigating this issue.

We were really into this investigating thing until our Indian Pinkerton detectives discovered that the commerce team itself are the cause of the bugs. They've been moved over to our other LL venture, where they will be working with the Dio team to produce interactive indian detective novels.

WEB-4138 (Confirmation emails failing to deliver): We are currently investigating this issue.

Well, we've given up on this investigation thing, but this bulk email thing is hard! Ask a spammer.

In addition to the above issues, there have been reports of Direct Delivery purchases silently being delivered and the Merchant not getting paid (the order is marked as “Failed”). We have not been able to confirm this report and would like to investigate further, so please file a support ticket with details if you see this.

Since you don't know how many reports or refund requests we get, we're just going to go grab a beer and a smoke and think up the next promotion. Feel free to continue your own investigations and put them in Jira's. It'll give you something to do while we umm ... investigate.

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I would be happy to see they were at least working on performance issues. The fact that emails are not getting sent regardless of MB or DD usage tells me that there's probably something wrong with the software between the MB/DD and the customer.

Their post was more of a "hey, we're still alive!" kind of thing, but these issues have been outstanding for a very long time now. That and it's quite clear that the delivery system is overloaded or something, I'm not the only one who is experiencing decreased sales. I know of a few very big names in here who have seen sales get hammered lately, there's definitely something wrong.

We need fixes sooner and quicker than this. This isn't acceptable.

And before I get the usual "Agent Flea must be reporting for shilling!" remarks, I don't work for LL and I never have, and they don't pay me to post on these forums.

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Howdy, Flea!

I agree.  This isn't acceptable at ALL and I think we really need fixes NOW as well.  I haven't had any of the problems (sales or otherwise) that so many seem to have with the Marketplace of late and I sure don't WANT start!  Although, I did have one sale two days ago that delivered, I got paid for it, I got the sale e-mail, it shows on the "Orders" report, but it does NOT show on my Marketplace "Transactions" report.  My only thought is that it was put in the Shopping Cart long before the day the sale actually completed.  I haven't investigated that yet. 

Finally...it's really sad that you have to put a disclaimer in your post stating that you are not now, nor have you ever been an employee of Linden Lab, and I'm sorry you feel you have to do so.  I completely understand though.  I saw the accusations from others about you in previous threads.  I stopped posting nearly as much as I was because I got tired of all the doom & gloom, the accusations and the unkind posts I was seeing and getting as well.  I still read through the forums daily though to keep up on what's going on in case I need to take action on anything. 

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I am laughing so hard here RL.  I love your posts, Dartagan!  I think this line pretty much sums up the current situation:


"There are also several issues that occurred around the time of the Direct Delivery launch that we are still working to address, but are not issues with Direct Delivery.

Stuff that didn't work before showed up when we put something in that partially worked. This is how we roll, get used to it. We call this the Big Bang method. If everything goes wrong at the same time we know we got something right."

....This is how we roll....brilliant!


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Flea Yatsenko wrote:

The fact that emails are not getting sent regardless of MB or DD usage tells me that there's probably something wrong with the software between the MB/DD and the customer.

If you're referring to the notification emails, I'm getting mine - both the notification from my MB as well as the MP notification.  Wondering if this is another issue that affects some merchants and not others.

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I would hope that this wouldn't affect everyone at a time. If it did, it would mean that there was probably one server running everything for everyone or a major flaw in software. The fact that it only affects some people makes me think that either LL has different versions of the delivery software on different machines or that some machines just get backed up more than others. It also makes me think that LL is kind of getting a grip on everything if it's affecting some people instead of all of them.

Can I also guess that your sales have been fine yesterday since you kept getting emails? Mine were down by about a factor of 10 (a little more than that actually). 

If your sales were somewhat normal yesterday, it makes me think that servers are getting backed up for some people but not everyone. If servers are getting backed up, it should mean that sales get dropped and all sorts of nasty things happen.

If I could prove that this was the case, I could make an argument that premium members (or a new premium merchant program) would let people who pay get on lower loaded delivery system servers for faster and more reliable deliveries. I would bet that a lot of the freebies and really cheap products that go around have a lot more transactions than the more expensive items, which lags things and backs things up for the more expensive items. I would easily pay $20 or more a month for premium delivery. I really do believe that LL is eating sales (or people are giving up or something) and that the delivery software (for both MB and DD) is broken (the part of the website and other software that communicates with DD and MBs).

I appreciate your feedback though. Once I know what's wrong I can let other people know and we can better ask for what we need from LL.

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Hey Flea :smileyhappy:

In answer to your questions and a comment:

Yes, my sales have been good for the last few days, reminds me of "my normal" before all this brewhaha started.  This is following a good 5 days or so of no sales.

As for premium members - I haven't been a premium member for about two years so at least my sales this week with the corresponding emails isn't predicated on that.  Not disputing your theory, though.

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