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Derendered Partner/Accident

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Depends on the viewer.. Phoenix has an Asset Blacklist that derendered AVs get listed on, and you have to remove their names from it and either Tp away/back or relog to get them to show up again. It doesn't work without taking their name off that list. I dunno how other viewers do it.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Interesting . It used to always work on Phoenix unless that was for objects only and not  Avatars

I hjavent used a TPV in over a year now lol

I believe it was one of the last Phoenix releases, right before they came out with Firestorm, that they added the functionality to blacklist things that you've derendered.  I used to love it (before I switched to Firestorm)... living on the mainland, it was nice to be able to "permanently" derender some of the more atrocious builds that popped up beside my parcel.  I'm hoping they add it to Firestorm, eventually.


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