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I am crashing when building.

Juniper Ellisson

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Hello, its been awhile (as in a few weeks) since I tried rezzing anything. But I just bought some new land and I was rezzing a new skybox... problem is whenever I attempt to rezz or build, I am crashing. I tried rezzing a cube first (so I could sit on it and move further up in the sky) and Second Life Beta Viewer crashed. Next I tried actually rezzing a skybox from my inventory and I crashed as well. So I decided to try Firestorm, tried both things mentioned above. I was able to rezz the cube and move up higher in the sky, but when I tried to edit the cube and make it into a platform, I crashed again.

Since I just bought the land, I thought, maybe its a problem with the land? So I decided to go to a Sandbox. I am also crashing in a sandbox when I attempt to build or rezz an object. Otherwise I am able to use SL just fine, I can wear and detach objects without crashing, the problem lies when I actually attempt to rezz objects In-World. Oh, and I didn't have a problem a few days ago when I picked up and deleted all the objects from old home. 

I will try Second Life viewer in a bit, since I use Beta and the version I have or Firestorm is likely outdated. If you need Computer specs let me know. The most important thing to Note is that I am on Mac, using 10.7.4 (Lion). Thanks for any input I get. 


EDIT: I looked into Loon's solution, the JIRA-referenced actually mentions an issue with crashing upon logging in. I am able to log in and otherwise do most things in SL. But its when I attempt to Build/Rezz Objects that I crash. I tried disabling HTTP Textures though, and that didn't work. The latest version of the Second Life Viewer (non-Beta) that I just freshly installed is also crashing for me. It seems like its a server-side issue, not client side. Otherwise why would it be happening on three different viewers?

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There's a JIRA on this issue that was marked "Resolved" a year ago, but sounds like exactly what you are describing.  It's Mac-specific. Taked a look >>> Crash in lltexturefetch just after logging in

You may want to open a new JIRA, referencing that one and including all of your system specs.

In the meantime, try opening yout Preferences >> Graphics >>. Rendering and disabling the box that says Use HTTP Textures.  That setting helps most people but has caused crashing problems for a few in situations like yours.

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When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post. (I see you've done that edit thing)

It would be good to know if the things you are trying to rez are linksets or coalesced objects.

You should always look at Second Life Grid Status Reports to see if a grid wide problem has come up. It can take a couple of hours for a problem to appear there. So, keep checking while you try to resolve the problem.

Also, there is a problem for those using MS Skydrive. If you are search on that, for a solution. I'll skip it cause I doubt you have that problem.

Next look to see if you are in a Pathfinding (IF) Beta region or one of the Release Channels (RC). Look in Help->About... If you are in an RC look at Deploys for the Week of... (Tech->Servers in forum) to see if others are having a problem.

If your in a IF Beta region, visit and RC sandbox and try rezing your stuff. If you are in a LL viewer and it fails in an RC sandbox, file a JIRA.

And... surely you have checked your video card's driver? Yes?

There is a problem on the ADITI grid with things failing to rez. It doesn't fit in with your description, but if you were thinking of testing there, that might not be such a good idea.

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Juniper Ellisson wrote:


It seems like its a server-side issue, not client side. Otherwise why would it be happening on three different viewers?

The more logical conclusion is that it's a problem with your computer or its Internet connection.  Otherwise, if it were a server issue, there would be many other SL residents with the same problem.  Open your Statistics Bar (CTRL + Shift + 1) and check your Ping and Packet Loss numbers.  If ping -- a measure of how long it takes for a signal to travel to SL's servers -- is larger than 150-200ms, your graphics card could be getting information about your rapidly changing environment too slowly.  Likewise, if you are losing more than a fraction of 1% of your packets, your viewer could be getting enough borked data to kill the connection. 

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