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Show Look At Name Tags

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Is there any future plans for avatar names to be attached to the "show look at" feature in Viewer 3 or further?  From my understanding of the policy changes, there are to be no options regarding privacy that any 3rd viewer has that is not available in Lindens viewer.  However in viewers such as Firestorm and Phoenix, you can easily set to see not only the crosshairs in Show Look At, but see exactly who is looking at whom as well if they choose not to block their crosshairs.  As far as I can see this option is nowhere at all available in Lindens viewer.  I am curious if the ability to attach the avatar name to the crosshairs will be implimented or maybe even currently available but I am not aware of how to accomplish this.  It seems this feature is strictly available in 3rd party viewers, is this correct?

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In response to my own post, and to clarify why I am asking this, and not sure if any of the Linden staff will reply, but for one I like the option to see who is attached to the crosshairs when I am using Firestorm/Phoenix.  There are times when I make my crosshairs public, and times I don't. There are also times when I don't want to see any of them at all.  I think they can serve their purpose for various reasons.  However, I recently saw a brand new Second Life resident become very frustrated after just leaving the new resident tutorial area, and at a safe hub.  This resident was obviously using Linden Viewer 3 and was harassed extremely just minutes into the safe hub when camming around.  The resident had their camera focused on various avatars and most likely reading profiles.  He was harassed by various people standing in the hub about him having his camera on them and/or their friends.  The new resident became very frustrated and didn't understand how anyone could tell who or what he was looking at.  I tried to explain that they are using viewers that show when you look at things.  The resident got very upset and logged off.  Now maybe they were being a little dramatic, however I think the residents who were harassing this new person were being very dramatic too.  My question is how many new residents or even ones who have been around are not aware that what they are looking at can be seen by others with this feature.  And shouldnt this feature be available in ALL viewers, or NONE at all?  As I said, I like the feature .. but I would think if it is available in 3rd party viewers it should be available in Lindens correct?  And new residents should be aware that anyone using a 3rd party viewer will be able to see where they are focusing their camera.  It might improve the experience of new users.  I know it would have in the instance that I saw.  Any comments?

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Tristan Horchester wrote:


The resident had their camera focused on various avatars and most likely reading profiles.  He was harassed by various people standing in the hub about him having his camera on them and/or their friends.  The new resident became very frustrated and didn't understand how anyone could tell who or what he was looking at.

What the heck!  Those people are real jerks.  Starting to harass a person who's looking at their precious pixels.  They better stay out of SL if they cannot stand being looked at.  :smileymad:   

I wonder do they do the same thing in RL if they see somebody looking at them?



Hey, I would like to go to the place and start staring at those "don't dare to stare at me" ones. lol  :smileytongue:

headache.gif                                                         hubbahubba.gif

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Linden staff won't comment because Linden staff don't read the forums.

The 'show look at' features are more trouble than they're worth.  Drama-queens use them to start "are you staring at my beer?" arguments but they have almost no other use.  Frequently what people are 'looking at'/reading is not where their camera is focused so a lot of time even the drama queens are wrong (but they know that, they're just being jerks).

Linden "Safe" hubs, sandboxes and - ha! - "welcome" areas are notorious for the griefers and idiots that populate them.  Everyone else avoids them at all costs.  Go to a privately-run (and supervised) sandbox/help area like those provided by NCI or your own land.

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I agree with both of you - I guess my point is, it seems there has been all this back and forth lately about Viewer Tags and things that disrupt "user experience" ...

The changes in the 3rd Party policy states:

"2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer."

Are they just ignoring this one? 

I think once you've been in world a while and get a feel for how everything works, and understand that there are some major "drama queens" like you said lol, you figure out what to do and what not to do or what you want or not.  But for new users, I can see how this could be frustrating. Unfortunately when a new resident is just getting oriented in world the first couple of days, they dont know about the places we do that you can avoid griefers and idiots.  And I think alot of potential residents might be getting frustrated before they have a chance to see the awesome potential that SL offers and never give it a chance because of those jerks out there ya know?

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Get Texture key used to be a 'Standard' function as well, and infact, Torley did a ditty on that as well unti it was pointed out that they needed to yank that feature out asap because it gave everyone access to anyones texture UUID  using a script. So not all features are particularly that  great even if they may seem 'standard'.

I wouldn't miss this feature personally if LL pulled it off the V3.

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Tristan Horchester wrote:

Yes "Show Look At" is a function of the standard viewer I am aware of that.  But the ability to see the Username attached to the crosshairs seems to be a function available ONLY in Third Party Viewers unless there is some setting in the standard viewer that I am not finding. 

I don't use the function myself.  Personally don't see the point of it. So I didn't catch this fact at first.

For the TPV's to show the username they'd have to be gleaning info being sent by the servers but how they accomplish it I have no idea. 

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