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Voice questions

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pixlie wrote:

I was wondering a couple things about the voice option in SL.
  1. Is there a way to leave a voice IM for someone who is not online?
  2. Also was wondering one person could voice and the other one text talk? 


  1. No.
  2. Yes.

You're welcome.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote

#1 - Second Life doesn't provide a voice mail type facility for offline messages.

Nope.  I was a surprise to me too --- well, not really, because I have never used Voice in SL, but still ..... We do have voicemail.  If you have your IMs set to be forwarded to e-mail when you are not in world, a voice message is apparently delivered as a sound file attachment.  We had a question about this just a couple of weeks ago in Answers.  I responded the same way you did and was corrected >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Every-time-someone-voice-calls-me-it-goes-straight-to-voicemail/qaq-p/1492977/comment-id/22040#M22040  (See the Permalinks).  More than this, I do not know. 

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I don't, and wouldn't, pay for SL voicemail. I wasn't offline, either. As I stated in the post that Rolig linked to, I was having some trouble using voice with a person that was standing next to me and I received a sound file in my Inbox.

Now, it does say that "for an introductory period, Second Life is offering voicemail for free" and when I click on that link it shows as enabled (with an e-mail address that I no longer use for SL :smileyfrustrated:, but that is in fact the address it went to). I wonder how long "an introductory period" is...

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