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Changeing Text Color


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Ok, This is my script for my tip jar...


 // Settings Modifiable: Yes
// Product Name: Tip Jar Script
// Version: 3.5
// Purchased at Ancient Homelands Free Store
// Instructions:
// Make a backup copy of this script if you plan to modify.
// You can change the text that the script displays by // editing the text in between the " and ".
// Do not change \n$L0 or \n$L or $L or the "llInstantMessage(llGetOwner" line.
// You can delete lines by taking out the \n and the text that follows it.
// To remove text without deleting the line remove the text in between the " and ".
// You can make it look like a lot of people have donated by donating to yourself.
// The script works with a Right Click and Pay.

integer totaldonated;
string owner;

    on_rez( integer sparam )
        owner = llKey2Name( llGetOwner() );
        llSetText( owner + "'s Tip Jar.\nAll tips are appreciated!\n$L0 Donated so far",<25,0,128>,1);

    money(key id, integer amount)
        totaldonated += amount;
        llSetText( owner + "'s Tip Jar.\nAll tips are appreciated!\n$L" + (string)amount + " Was donated last!\n" + "$L" + (string)totaldonated + " Donated so far",<.25,1,.65>,1);
        llInstantMessage(id,"Thanks for the tip!  I really appreciate it.");
        llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),(string)llKey2Name(id)+" donated $" + (string)amount);




I want to change the color of the script... it's pink for now, but I want to change it to a different color.


(I'm new to scripting for tip jars and need help, wanting to change color to green)

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What kind of pink do you want?

<1.00000, 0.68627, 1.00000>  is sort of baby girl pink, and <1.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> is streetwalker pink.  Pick something in between maybe?

Edit:  Oh, right.  You have pink aready. :smileyembarrassed:   So go with <0.0,1.0,0.0>, as Qwalyphi suggested. 

/me goes back to counting clouds.

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I think she gets "pink" from that <25, 0,128> because the RGB vector values peg at 1.0, so that's effectively magenta (full red, no green, full blue).

That's until somebody pays the thing, at which point it should change to what must be a kind of faded teal green at <.25, 1, .65>, as you note.

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