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Promotion Code System?

Annie Melson

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Hello, all! I've been searching for a different kind of system to use to help promote my store and clothing, but searching hasn't found anything for me. So I'm hoping someone here might know what it is I'm looking for. :)

My store carries clothing in either Copy or Transfer permissions. When you pay the vendors a drop down box will come up and you can choose what you want - Copy permissions or Transfer permissions, then whichever one you chose will be delivered to you. So I'm already using scripts in the vendors. And I don't need a gift card system because people can buy a transfer item and give the gift themselves to their friend.

What I'm looking for is something that allows me to put a special "Promotion Code" in Twitter or Facebook or Blog that is special to those who visit those pages. Something that when they click on the vendor they can put in the promotion code and get the item discounted. But it has to also work with the vendor scripts I already have so people can choose what options they want. And I'd also like to be able to change the code, so the promotion is only limited time until I put out a new one. This way, people can't just save the code and keep using it every time they come to the store or pass the code on for others. That kind of defeats the purpose. I want it to be a special gift for those who watch me on Twitter or Facebook or my blog, etc.

Does anyone know where I can find such a system? Or know of a scripter that I can contact to have this made for me?Thanks so much! :)


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Unless you have generate a unique code for each visitor they will immediately broadcast it to everyone they know in SL, so you may as well either reduce the price for everyone or not bother.  If you do go ahead, presumably you'll only want each person to uee the code once?

Your biggest issue though, is working with your existing scripts.  Are those modifiable or do they have an API of some form?  Finally, do you own the vendors?  (Presumably you do, but sometimes they need to be deeded to a group or are sold-on as affiliate vendors.)

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No, I can't modify the scripts already in the vendors, and yes, I do own the vendors. I don't mind people spreading the promotion code around, that is fine, but I'd like to be able to stipulate how long the code is activated, and be able to create a new code for another round later on.That way people who passed on the previous code won't be able to use it again. It has expired.

I figured the pre-existing scripts in the vendors would create a conflict. If someone could create a script that allowed for the promotion codes along with letting the customer choose which permissions they wanted, that would be fantastic! I don't know if it can be done, but it would be wonderful if it could. :)

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Hi Annie,

A few thoughts on your OP....


  1. As has already been questioned as potentially yoru bigger issue which you now seem to have confirmed it will be the bigger issue.... the existing script in the vendor that you are using - you said is NO MOD.  Even though you own the vendor - I am guessing you are not the creator of the vendor and its script logic inside.

    As such, any changes to the function of the vending script that you desire to integrate into the vending service (including its knowledge of what price to charge the customer) is not possible by you nor any custom scripter.  Getting a new scripter to develop your additional promo function will not provide much value as he/she cant modify the main vending functions - which he/she would need to do to adjust pricing based on promo code logic.

    So, the only solution would likely be a new vending system that has your promo system built into it.  The only thing you could do now by using your existing code is to go back to the creator of the current vending code and ask him/her to customize what you want.
  2. Assuming you COULD integrate this promo code and listening to what your primary objective is - if I understood you correctly that you want "to reward customers that go to your blog or follow your tweets" - I would take a different approach to reward visitors to your twitter/blog AND to increase traffic to these sites....

    What I would ask for is a PROMO system that when the purchase is being made, the promo system / vendor prompts the customer "please tell me the code that is currently on our website right now - to find the current code go to the following URL link and look for XXX".  If they have already done so, before buying then they will simply type it in.  If they had not actually visited your website and/or were not even aware of your website, this prompt will encourage them to go to your web page immediately to get the code. 

    Many of them may just go there to get the code and then close the page.  BUT... since your objective is to get your page/site known, a percent of them will actually become interested in what they see and may become a follower - WHAT YOU ULTIMATELY WANT. 

    With this system, you can change the code as often as you want - daily or even less. If you make the change you will either need to manually change the code in your vendors OR a smart scripter will be able to automatically poll and retrieve the code from your website each time a customer makes a purchase.  In this cool model you will be able to change the code ANY TIME and as frequently as you like.
  3. I know you ultimately want to reward those you are targetting and no one more... BUT.... you should not be too strict on this limit or even strict at all on this limit because ultimately you want to make a sale and you do not want to deny a purchase from your store from a customer that took the time to come to your store (even if the code was given to her) to buy your clothing at discount and would walk away from making the purchase at all simply because you blocked her attempt with an invalid promo code.

Just some thoughts - but your biggest issue is point #1


With the proposed new promo system - if you wanted to cease the promo for a period of time - you could simply post a comment on the web "No Promos Currently Available" or you could put a special code on the web that if the Vendor sees the code (i.e. 9999) then the vendor system does not prompt the customer for any promo code since it knows with a 9999 there is no promo at this time.

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Actually, toysoldier, that sounds exactly like what I want. :) And no, I'm not being too strict - I was meaning exactly what you said in your 3rd thought. I was just trying to explain that I want to keep changing the code so the code doesn't last too long which then puts my price down to the discounted price continually. I suppose I'm not making myself too clear, but your thoughts are exactly what I was meaning. :)

Your 2nd thought sounds wonderful! It'd be very good with something like that. :)

Okay, now to tackle the main thought - the 1st thought. I own the "vendors." They are nothing more than prims with the pic of the clothing on it with the clothing inside in separate boxes (one that is Copy, and the other is Transfer). Unfortunately the person who created the scripts I use inside my "vendors" is no longer in Second Life. So I can't ask her to customize it. That of course would have been my first thought, and certainly more ideal, but it isn't an option I can persue. This is why I've put this out here in the forums. Perhaps there is someone who would be interested in taking this on - creating such a script that enables both to be done (which would be ideal)... Or could at least create a promo code system that I could put in a separate small prim under the original vendor that holds the outfit in Copy permissions only too (not ideal and more prim costly, but doable). I could be just dreaming an impossible dream, but something tells me someone out there just might be able to create such a thing. :)

The eternal optimist,

Annie Melson (LOL!)

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Annie Melson wrote:

...They are nothing more than prims with the pic of the clothing on it with the clothing inside in separate boxes (one that is Copy, and the other is Transfer)...


Ok, it's getting easier, if not great.  The simplest option is for a second script which recognises when the vendor gets paid.  Existing script does all its usual stuff including permission-selection, item-delivery and, presumbly, refunding invalid amounts.  All that is left is for the new script to recognise a valid amount paid, ask for a promo-code and then --- instead of reducing the price (it's too late and there's no way to talk to the existing script) --- it gives back your discount amount, 1% or L$10 or whatever you set it out.

The upshot is that everything works exactly as before but by entering the code your customers get a partial-refund.

[*The technical trick here is that the money() event-handler is executed for all scripts in a prim when it gets paid since SL has no way to know which one is dealing with anything]

Otherwise if the only extra thing your vendor is doing is asking for the permission required then it's not a lot to include in a completely-new replacement script.

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Howdy, Miss Annie!

Here's something you can do to start this promotion while you are workin on gettin the scripts written and the new vendors designed and built...

Go ahead and post your first discount code on your website.  Run it for like a week or something.  With the code, give the people who visit your website the instructions to create a notecard inworld.  Have them include on the notecard; the transaction information, and promo code, and then transfer the notecard to YOU.  You then compare the transaction information they give with YOUR transaction information to make sure they match (and that the promo code matches) and at that point you refund them the percentage amount.

I know, I know...it's a lot more work for you to receive notecards, compare information, and refund, but it would at least get your promotion idea off the ground and running while you are workin on getting your vendors set up.  You could still change your promo codes as often as you wish, just make sure the transaction date is within that code's date range.

Just a thought!  Nice promo idea though!  I hope you get your scriptor soon and get everything up and running like you want! :)

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nero Boa wrote:

...Although in thinking about it how would this second script know what item is being bought in conjunction with the promo code other than the price being used?  What if the price of two items or more are the same?...

OP said "They are nothing more than prims with the pic of the clothing on it with the clothing inside in separate boxes (one that is Copy, and the other is Transfer)." - ie; there are only 2 items.  Further "When you pay the vendors a drop down box will come up and you can choose what you want - Copy permissions or Transfer permissions", so I am assuming that there is only one price but a choice of permissions.  Finally, this price is probably configured by notecard or some other simple means, which the promo script can use as easily as the main script.  It therefore knows the only price that is valid and can easily check for it.  Which item is sold doesn't seem important, justwhether an item is sold.  The amount or perventage of the discount/refund can also be configured by similar means.  There certainly could be more complexities that would have to be clarified with the OP but that's the plan in outline.

You are right that it's not a great method, certainly far less preferable than a complete web-based networked vendor-system.  It is simple, effective and cheap though :-)  You explained your concerns clearly and sensibly so there's nothing to be offended by.  They are valid points, I'm merely outlining "a way" the requirements can be met without starting from scratch.  :-) As you can see I am used to explaining my design decisions.

@ Annie - are you using the NOMS scripts by any chance?  If that's what they are then I have the original source (ie; full perms) and can edit them for you.

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@ Annie - are you using the NOMS scripts by any chance?  If that's what they are then I have the original source (ie; full perms) and can edit them for you.

I don't know what the scripts are.... As far as I know the creator only used them for herself. I don't believe she sold them. So I highly doubt they are NOMS scripts. I could be wrong though...

For the other commenters in this thread, here is more added info -

The scripts I use are quite simple actually, but highly effective. People LOVE that they are given the choice of permissions, especially around holidays, which is why I do not want to get rid of this option.

Here is a bit of how the scripts work. Scripters should be able to understand the mechanisms of how it works. I don't know how they work, I just know they do LOL! I insert 3 scripts into my "vendor" prims (I have no idea what they do), along with 2 notecards. I don't touch the scripts at all. All I mess around with are the notecards, in particular only 1 notecard because the other notecard remains the same after I make it do what I want it to. The notecard that doesn't change much is the Variables notecard. That's where I put the words Copy and Transfer in it. These are the keywords the script looks to for dispension (I believe). I can add more to this notecard. They are what is shown in the drop down box for the customer to choose. 

The main notecard - the one I have to change with every new item I put out - is the General notecard. Here is where I put the name of the item, how much it costs, the channel used (I have to put a new one in for each one), the amount of time before the vendor times out (will explain more below), and my email address so it can send me the information of the transaction (what item sold, which permissions, who bought it, etc).

These scripts give a fixed amount of time of my choosing for the customer to decide which permissions they want. I have mine set to 90 seconds. If a customer fails to choose which they want from the drop down box the vendor will refund them their money.

That's it. Quite simple, and I don't need a database created for an external website that I have to pay monthly for. (Please I mean no offence here, Nero... Just explaining what happens.) I honestly don't have a need for external database, even if there was a promotion code used. I can check my transactions daily and see how many times money was refunded and how much was refunded, and what item did the refunding. While a database and all that extra stuff would be cool, I'm just a simple gal. Extras and bells and whistles only overwhelm me and I tend to not use them anyway. I actually don't like to mess with scripts, but I do to improve my business, so the simpler the better, in my opinion. :)

Nero, I'm so glad I inspired you with this idea, because frankly, I think it will be a big seller and make business owners quite happy! Even though I don't really want all of the features you are mentioning, I'm sure there are a ton of people who WILL! :)

If anyone can help me with the simple side of it, I'd be more than delighted! Heck I'll Beta test it for you! I'm willing to manually put in the code of my choosing myself on a notecard, or if someone can make it really space age by having the script scan a webpage I have with the code and automatically add it that would make it even better so I don't waste unnecessary time. :) Nero, if you can do that, great! If you'd rather focus on your more indepth one, that is fine too. :) Peter, if you think you can do it, great too! Anyone willing to try this out and create it will definitely have a good product to sell. :)

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Oh one more thing the scripts do in my "vendors" - it shoots me an IM too of what sells, which permissions, etc. I like that feature too. :)

Also, if someone would rather create all new scripts with the promotion code possibility added, that is fine too. I'm not one to squirm away too much when it comes to paying well deserved L$. I just don't want to spend an arm and a leg for features that I won't use, even if they are available to use. Hope this makes sense. :)

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