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slow mesh texture rendering

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It's difficult to give a definitive answer without being able to examine specific examples. I am assuming you are referring to purchased AVs?

My own guess in regards to the texture lag would be inefficient texture usage - quite probably consisting of several 1024x1024 textures (or more, depending on how the mesh AV is made). An EFFICIENTLY made AV should only need one good quality texture UV image at that size, or several smaller textures if necesary.
Obviously, sim lag in general can contribute to texture lag as well, depending on the location.

Also possible is that the "simple" mesh AVs might be very badly modeled in the first place, with far too many vertices. A seriously overweight mesh model in regards to vertices will take a lot longer to rez than an efficient one. A good rule of thumb for identifying efficient mesh models is that their mesh SHAPE should be visible well BEFORE their textures get a chance to rez up. (I have tried demos of mesh clothing, where in some instances a simple shoe will take nearly 30 seconds for the shape to appear - when rezzed on the ground, the land impact is often in the hundreds! Small wonder meshes like these cause lag).

Some of the illegal game character rips I have seen being sold on the MP (grrr!) I would suspect would render up quite fast - PURELY because these stolen meshes were designed in the first place for a realtime render environment (game optimised). Still, that's no excuse for stolen content being bought and sold (end rant).

Hopefully this gives an insight to the possible causes of laggy meshes and related textures.


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An HOUR to render? That isn't what I assumed you meant - I was thinking more like under a minute for textures to load up. If things are taking an hour, that sounds like a serious underlying issue - probably more like a viewer problem than meshes.

That's assuming these AV meshes even HAVE textures to start with. Is it possible these meshes don't have textures in the first place? (even IF they were meant to be sold WITH textures as advertised?). That's about the only reason I can think of....

Mayhaps someone else can offer an idea to the issue....?

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Hmmm... Just wondering if this is by a particular merchant on the MP, who is selling a line of anime style "drawn" AV meshes taken directly from a game (based on an anime series, I think). Terms of service won't allow me to name the merchant or product, but IF it's what I am thinking of, you could be out of luck there.
IF (and IF) this is a dodgy merchant, they probably have no idea (and wouldn't care most likely) that their products don't work properly in SL - if they are stealing and selling meshes, I would seriously doubt they would have the skills required to get it to render properly.

These "hand drawn" style meshes (which have that black outline effect) are in effect double the triangle count of standard meshes. Reason is that to achieve this outlining effect, the entire mesh needs to be duplicated, enlarged slightly, and have reversed normals (facing inward) - these inward facing normals will result in the black outlines, while allowing the underlying mesh and texture to show through.

My guess, IF this is a dodgy product on the MP, is that the seller has no idea on how to set up the mesh for this effect in SL.

Again, without knowing the actual product you are having issues with, I can have no way of providing a specific answer. And TOS will prevent you from naming and shaming the creator.
Best solution would be to ask the creator directly, and see if it can be rectified. However, IF this is a dodgy product, I doubt you will get any help there.

I hope I am wrong in this assumption, but seeing the flood of illegal stolen AV meshes on the MP lately, I am pretty suspicious of anything even remotely similar to existing intellectual property franchises. If it looks infringing of copyright and is mesh, it's probably stolen. Sorry for my cynicism.

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No, I'm not saying that at all... I am saying that people who SELL stolen meshes to unsuspecting customers like yourself are the ones who are engaging in criminal activity.

It's a classic case of buyer beware. As a customer, you should always do the responsible thing and check as much as possible that what you are buying is legitimate. Of course this isn't always possible (or easy for that matter) here on the SL Marketplace - but exercising a strong sense of caution when shopping will go a long way to helping.

If someone is SELLING an AV replacement based on someone else's intellectual property (like a game or movie character), it's probably dodgy at the very best, and more likely a ripped mesh stolen straight out of a game.
Case in point: Your forum AV picture. If I am correct, it appears to be a mesh AV of an alien character from the Aliens movie/game franchise (I'm not totally familiar with the series, but it definitely looks recognisable to me). If you bought this from a seller on the MP, I would strongly suspect that this wasn't MADE by the seller other than doing a quickie rigging job (I could be wrong). Even so, if this seller made this AV mesh from scratch, he/she would still be infringing the copyright of the studio owning it (and I would doubt the studio is the actual merchant selling this content). Either way, the seller is doing the wrong thing and not abiding by their mesh uploader responsibilities.

If a mesh AV being sold looks like it's stolen property, most times it probably is. Just don't buy if that's the case.

Sorry to say that, but if you are buying suspicious products, we can't really help here to fix issues they might have. That's all I have to say on this subject.

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Ive noticed SL doing some strange things with loading textures. Some hiccup, others fail to load, seem to get stuck in a low rez temp cycle. Sometimes all thats needed is a cursor to hover over the textures and they will suddenly fully load.

It's more noticable on Mesh objects however.

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If you and I make a table at exactly the same time, chances are that they will look SIMILAR, as we all expect tables to look a certain way (no problem here), same applies to cars, shoes etc. However, if I let you build the table first and copy your unique design or textures, that's where the copyright problem is.


No one is calling you a thief AT ALL, but if the copyright owner for an item files a DMCA, the item in question will probably be removed from the grid (and everyone's inventory) and therefore you'd miss out on the money you paid for the item because it would be gone.


Regarding your question about textures, I've given up trying to get certain things to load in SL. I find right clicking and going to edit sometimes forces the texture to upload.... but like you, I have no idea what's causing it. Mine is happening with http textures, checked and unchecked.

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