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It's impossible to work like this

Phil Deakins

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For the last few days I've been having problems opening scripts and notecard from both an object I am working on and from my inventory. Sometimes they open and sometimes they don't. I even get a camera reset sometimes when I try to open one from my inventory, i.e. I'm scrolled back so I can see all of my av and more. Then I right click a script or notecard in my inventory, and click 'Open'. The item doesn't open but my camera resets to its default position.

All the scripts and notecards that I'm trying to work on were created by me, so permissions doesn't come into it.

With one notecard in an object I'm working on, and I'm frequently changing, I open it from the object (when I can open it, that is), and I can make one edit-save. Any further edit-saves fail to save, and I have to close it and open it again to do another edit-save. Sometime I even relog to get the thing open again, and that's stopped working now.

For a short time I was going great guns by using an alt to edit that notecard. She was succeeding every time, but it didn't last long. She started getting save failures too.

A few minutes ago, I wanted to examine an old script (in my inventory) that I wrote but I haven't yet succeeded in opening it. I passed it to the alt and she can open it, but not me.

It's totally impossible to work like this.

Is anyone else having similar problems?

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I relogged into another sim but I couldn't open any of my own notecards or scripts from my inventory. I tried in 4 different sims but no joy.

At this point in time, the object I'm working on has 3 scripts and 3 notecards in it. In one of the other sims, I could open all 3 scripts but none of the notecards. Back in my own sim, it's the same except that I can open the notecard that I frequently change. I expect that I'll only be able to save it once before I need to close-open it again.

The other notecards also need to be changed sometimes, and I can't open any scripts from my inventory. The whole things has become impossible.



Another thing that happened twice yesterday is the object I'm working on vansihed. I clicked on it one of the times and it poofed. The other time was something similar. I think that poofing was when I clicked a button in its menu, but the button isn't prohrammed to move the object. It just poofed. I just found one of them under the store. Considering that clicking to open an inventory notecard caused my camera to return to its default position - several time - those poofings don't surprise me at all.

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I hadn't thought of it possibly being a viewer problem. I use Phoenix but I just downloaded the LL viewer and I can open everything now. With a bit of luck I'll even be able to edit-save that notecard at will, without having to close-open it each time.

Ty for the tip :)

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I got some sad new for you . This is nothing new :(

As a scripter sense 2008 I can tell you this is a every day thing at times .

You will get a few good weeks and many bad .

Perfect example I spent about 2 hours on a script this weekend ,I  save the script  and the asset server took dive,the script claimed it saved but the minute  I closed it out to test it ,I got a asset server messageit failed ...

 I open the script to find it back to being half it size when I started working on it and I lost 2 hours of work. My own fault for not saving at the end of every string . This has happen to me oh . . . 1000 times I am sure over the years.

Here are the facts, you will figure out a way to work around it or  give up and fail .My self, I do not like the game winning and just deal with it and work around it.

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According to the grid status report inventory-server maintenance is scheduled for tomorrow.  It's pretty much essential to use an external editor for anything but the shortest edits, just so you don't lose hours of work.

LSL Editor has always been popular, I use LSLForge for Eclipse because I can use the other languages I need in the same IDE, even Notepad will let you save on your own harddisk so you've got backups.

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I've written scripts since 2007 but very little in the last year or two, and I've never come across this problem. I may have had the odd time when something wouldn't open, but so rare that I don't remember if it ever happened.

In the last few of days, I've been frequently saving the two scripts I'm working on, and that notecard, to an external text editor (TextPad) but, even then, I lost a day's work when I copied and pasted the largest (main) script to it and shut down for the night. The next day, I found that I'd copied-pasted the wrong script so the largest one was gone and I had to write it again. I did exactly the same stupid thing yesterday, plus I'd replaced the script in the object with a copy of the wrongly saved one. For a couple of minutes, I thought I'd lost it all again but, fortunately, I still had the text editor open and a ctrl-z got it back, except for the newest changes.

Now I'm forced into using LL's V3 and, as well as other things, I hate the waste of screen space in the script/nc editor. It's really bad design for its purpose.

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Aha! Coincidentally, and because of these problems, I'd just been looking for an external editor. I found one but IE told me that the download page was dangerous and I should leave it, which I did. Then I downloaded an LSL syntax file for TextPad but I didn't manage to get the syntax working. Now your post comes along as an answer to my unasked question :)

I'm on the download page for 'LSL Editor' now, and I'll download it as soon as I've posted this. Thank you! :)

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You can use the ExternalEditor debug setting to set your own editor for scripts, at least.

In Windows, you just copy and paste the "Target" field (including quotes) from the desktop shortcut, e.g.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"

 Then you can save it directly to disk from inside SL.

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That sounds excellent, Innula. I'll definitely have a look at that option.

I don't suppose there's a debug setting to release windows such as the script editor from the parent (viewer) window, is there? It would be great if I could move it out of the viewer and onto the next monitor.

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No idea, I'm afraid.  I've never played round with multiple monitors.

ETA  The ExternalEditor setting allows you to open up the external editor from inside SL, so you do your editing in Notepad++ or LSL Editor or whatever, and then save the script back to SL and also, if you want to, to disk.   So I imagine you can choose which screen Notepad++ opens up in, can't you?  If you have two screens, that is.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I don't suppose there's a debug setting to release windows such as the script editor from the parent (viewer) window, is there? It would be great if I could move it out of the viewer and onto the next monitor.

Despite being a requested feature for years (Excuse the lack of a JIRA link) there's no way to move floaters out of the SL application. This is mostly because SL floaters are UI elements, rather than actual windows (they don't have any OS-based management system). External script editting of course bypasses this limitation in the same way external web-browsers do.

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I tried it and the external editor is excellent! It's a long way towards the ideal of freeing the window from the parent viewer; i.e. I can have the editor on the next monitor, and the viewer's edit window minimised until I need to run the script after changes.

I don't know about it saving to my own HD though. Saving updates the viewer's copy, which is excellent, but the external editor didn't ask for a filename, so it mustn't have saved locally. At least it's a 'live' local copy and is there should anything untoward happen inworld.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Despite being a requested feature for years (Excuse the lack of a JIRA link) there's no way to move floaters out of the SL application. This is mostly because SL floaters are UI elements, rather than actual windows (they don't have any OS-based management system). External script editting of course bypasses this limitation in the same way external web-browsers do.

LL could do it easily enough. When a child window is programmed, it is set to be either bound by the parent window or free to be moved outside the parent (I forget the exact terminoligy). It's just a simple property setting for the child window, and each child window has its own setting. It doesn't require any additional programming.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

You save it to disk by choosing Save As in the editor (and giving it a sensible name and not the key that SL gives it).

Aha! Excellent! Many thanks, Innula :heart:

ETA: I just saw the addition to your post. Yes, I can choose which monitor a programme opens in - it's the monitor it was in when it last closed. Programme windows can be simply moved across the screens, just as they are moved across a single screen. Having two monitors is exactly the same as having one very wide monitor - when the right side of a window starts to move off the right edge of the left screen, for instance, that side start to appear on the right screen. Placing a window on the edge of one monitor shows even the window's shadow on the adjacent edge of the next monitor.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

LL could do it easily enough. When a child window is programmed, it is set to be either bound by the parent window or free to be moved outside the parent (I forget the exact terminoligy). It's just a simple property setting for the child window, and each child window has its own setting. It doesn't require any additional programming.

Under normal circumstances you are correct; the only language I've definitely seen a graphical setting for this control was in Visual Basic 6 but it is common in others. As far as I'm aware, the way the SL UI is designed (floaters aren't 'forms' as much as they're 'skinned elements' that hide or show upon command), it would need a fairly fundmental rewrite of the floater system so that different operating systems (which is another small bundle of problems) recognise the floaters as having OS-compatible 'hooks'. I've done one such rewrite before; it wasn't any fun.

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