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We helping Hurricane sandy Victims41-43172935 (1).jpg

We helping Hurricane sandy Victims

********  House of Gaga NYC Time Square Red Cross We helping Hurricane sandy Victims

Hello Little Monsters

Occasion from where we change our concert and remember quite the people in America who have experienced such bad that came out of lady gaga concert will be rescheduled next week, we remember the people, we must do what a woman is to us on sim and we feel that I had to be there will show you the letter I hope you will support us fully miss kay makes a t-shirt which
50 linden money in the market place in second life is that is then given to the Red Cross for the victims in the sandy Hurikán

that is, the history trauige a woman we want to show you
Although I live in europe and I support this thing totally Sandy Hurricane Victims

we would find a lot and help us in Second Life House of Gaga NYC Time Square Sandy Hurricane Victims
Live in Sl http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boomerang/171/78/2
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Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

We helping Hurricane sandy Victims

********  House of Gaga NYC Time Square Red Cross We helping Hurricane sandy Victims

Hello Little Monsters

Occasion from where we change our concert and remember quite the people in America who have experienced such bad that came out of lady gaga concert will be rescheduled next week, we remember the people, we must do what a woman is to us on sim and we feel that I had to be there will show you the letter I hope you will support us fully miss kay makes a t-shirt which
50 linden money in the market place in second life is that is then given to the Red Cross for the victims in the sandy Hurikán

that is, the history trauige a woman we want to show you
Although I live in europe and I support this thing totally Sandy Hurricane Victims

we would find a lot and help us in Second Life House of Gaga NYC Time Square Sandy Hurricane Victims
Live in Sl http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boomerang/171/78/2

Dear Liandra

I am sending this email to tell you what is happening. I am back in my home but i have no electricity or telephone. Futhermore, i have no signal on my cellphone which is all but dead anyway. I'm writing this on my tablet to send later tonight. I'm told if i walk up the hill a ways that i might be able to get a cell signal and i can send this from my tablet. I have been informed that many of the cell towers in the area were damaged or destroyed. What remains of the system is over taxed since there are no phones.  If you get this it means that i was successful.

I am doing well, physically and I have been rather unfortunate. My home did suffer damage. I lost some flaring, siding and my garage door was destroyed, but at least I still have a home. I'm not sure what you have seen in the news and you may know a lot more than I do. I listen to the radio once a day and have not seen a TV.

I got here last night late. Many roads are still closed due to trees, utility poles and power lines blocking the way. What few roads are open are mayhem and jammed. The fact that none of the signals work does not help.  The damage and devastation are unreal, even surreal. I heard of one town that has a tanker sitting in it that had broke free from its mooring and the tide had left behind.  A town about four miles from here remains mostly underwater. The town next to it is "gone" according to a friend who texted me.  He lived there and is now homeless.  I'm told so many things are just gone, washed out to sea. It is not unusual to see boats washed several miles inland.  So many are homeless like me.

I am told that the power won't be on until sometime next week. Furthermore, they are predicting cell srrvice to get worse before it gets better. That is why I'm going to work hard to get this out tonight.  I may not get another one until until i get power back and hopefully have internet. i am without food, water and shelter.. I miss and love everyone very much.

Hope to see you all very soon and pray this gets to you.


House of Gaga News Update Hurikán Sandy


Hurricane "Sandy" hat die US-Küste erreicht
Of Sn-klinischen, Apa / dpa / ag | Aktualisiert vor 2 Stunden und ich fühle mich glücklich, dass meine Frau geht es gut, ich habe große Sorgfalt letzte Nacht und war immer für das Haus von gaga ist sehr sozial andf wir peasefull sieht der amerikanischen ppl und sagen, Gott segne euch alle Littel Monster, das wir heute 1 Minute Schweigeminute für die Opfer der Hurikán Minuten sandigen

All Money by Sim we spend all the Red Cross 
Best reg Jana & Ansaya God bless America We helping Hurricane sandy Victims

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