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Received Items Beta Launch

Linden Lab


The Received Items Beta launches on Aditi today. Received Items is a new subsection of Inventory where all incoming items, including purchases, gifts, shared, and returned items, will be placed. Received Items is displayed in a separate section of your inventory panel in the Second Life Viewer, making it easier for Residents to see and manage incoming objects.

This Beta is a chance for Residents to try out these new capabilities. It also provides Second Life business owners with advance notice so they can plan for any additional communication or customer support around this upcoming change.  The production deploy is currently planned for mid to late March, so please help to spread the word!

Because Received Items and Direct Delivery will use the new Received Items folder, both systems will launch together.

If you would like to try out Received Items, please see the Received Items Beta instructions on the wiki. These instructions include pointers to Knowledge Base articles and ways to provide feedback.

UPDATE: Feb 29, 2012
We’d like to thank everyone who has provided feedback on the Received Items Beta. We will be launching Direct Delivery without redirecting any other objects to the Received Items folder. (Direct Delivery purchases will still be sent to the Received Items folder). We will be soliciting additional feedback on Received Items by contacting Residents who respond to this survey by 5pm PT March 1, 2012. We will do our best to speak to as many of those who participate as possible as we move forward with work on this feature.


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