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A Second Life 15th Birthday Message from Ebbe

Linden Lab


Very few communities can say they’ve been around for 15 years, but that’s exactly what the Second Life community is celebrating this year! While Second Life’s official “birthday” is June 23rd, 2003, both our community-driven and official festivities kicked off this week in style! If you missed any of the major details, take a look at our blog post for a refresher in all things SL15B.

In addition to the many events, parties, contests, and other celebrations - we took a moment to speak to Linden Lab’s CEO Ebbe Altberg about what makes Second Life so unique, and what keeps it vibrant and thriving at fifteen years. There’s also a cameo from an extra-special former Linden that you don’t want to miss!

For more of Ebbe’s thoughts on Second Life and the incredible community we have, read his exclusive interview with Strawberry Singh over at her blog, and be sure to check out his avatar makeover! You can learn more about Ebbe’s vision for the next 15 years of Second Life in this recent podcast with Games Wisdom.

Be sure to mark your calendars for Ebbe’s inworld appearance at Meet the Lindens this Wednesday June 20th at 2 p.m (PT/SLT).

Thanks to Draxtor Despres for producing this video!


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