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Beth Macbain

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Beth Macbain last won the day on June 8 2020

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  1. And, lord, we thank you for that. Not for not becoming a reseller, but for the stuff you make... rubs her sore bottom... Ds makes some of the highest quality (and most fun!) stuff on the grid. This creator sure as hell doesn't need to scrape together a few thousand Lindens by selling hyper-inflated "rares" on the MP. *this is not a paid endorsement Do I have this conveyor thing right? I walk up to a machine that has 10 items in it. I want item #1, but the only item I can buy is #3. #1 may or may not pop up for sale after I, or some other schmuck, buys #3. Am I missing something? I want to buy a thing and the machine won't allow me to buy the thing I want unless I buy things I don't want first? And even then there is no guarantee that the thing I want will ever actually pop up for sale? Oh hell no. This is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. Is it going to be allowed? Apparently. Why in every single hell would anyone think this is a good selling tactic, though? What is enticing about this? Just sell me the damn thing I want, and since I'm not focused on one single machine, I might even look around the shop and find more things I want to buy. Any creator that employs this goofy system will never, ever see a single L$ from me. Make quality shizz. Put a fair price tag on it. Sell item. Anything else is just a ploy to foist off low quality merch on people with poor impulse control. grumbles and goes to climb back into her Port Royal bed
  2. My neighbor's ex-boyfriend's cousin's mailman's son-in-law's great-uncle six times removed's mistress's jumping spider heard that last week Patch called for an all-staff BYOB meeting on his really big deck where all the Lindens got rip-roaring drunk and had a discussion about the best way to eff with residents and they all put their suggestions into a blingy sculpty boot that was oddly lodged in the back of Grumpity's head after she TPed in and Patch pulled out the winner and it said "banning gachas". Actually, it said "bending gorillas" but since he was blurry-eyed hammered, and the hand-writing was a nonsensical drunken mess, he read it as "banning gachas". Rather than admit to his mistake, he decided to go for it and the (virtual) world was suddenly a better place. Somewhere off in the distance, if you listen very closely, you can hear Ebbe giggling in the wind.
  3. I feel as if someone just punched me in the stomach. Ebbe was equally infuriating, hilarious, charming, and just an absolute delight in every interaction I was lucky enough to have with him. I gave him a hard time, and he’d give it right back - always with humor and warmth and a genuinely thought out answer to whatever ridiculous thing I asked. I’m gutted by this terrible news. @Patch Linden, I am so heartbroken for you and the entire SL family, as well as Ebbe’s family and loved ones. 💔
  4. Nope, I completely gave up on it and haven't touched it again! Looking forward to hearing from you!
  5. I have a small job for someone. I suck balls at terraforming and I'm sick of screwing with it. I need someone to do a job on Zindra that will take like 10 minutes (or less) for someone who knows what they're doing. Seriously, it's just flattening some land around a large pond. Please contact me inworld. Thank you!
  6. Sorry, dude... Drakon was correct. I was referring to people like you. She and I have butted heads but I respect her and her intelligence, and 98% of her beliefs align with mine.
  7. The racists not only know they're racists, but are proud of it as well. Look at that other thread that's currently sitting at the top full of white Europeans who have somehow come to the asinine conclusion that they have any business telling another person who they can, or more accurately, cannot be. 328.2 million other persons, really. My attention needs to be on my city now anyway. Black militants and white nationalists have chosen Louisville as their armed battleground tomorrow. Either they are all going to show up and it's going to be a bloodbath, or none of them will actually show up, and nothing will happen - I don't hold out any hope for a peaceful protest if both parties show up separated only by a single street and an inept police department, and I live and work far too close to that assigned battleground for comfort. 😔
  8. Thank you, but I'm not actually back. I just look in every once in a while to see if anything has gotten better. The proliferation of racists popping up here, and in other threads, was enough to take away any enjoyment I got from participating in these forums. Too many people that I had previously respected, if not necessarily liked, showing themselves to be beyond redemption, and the constant head-splitting attempts to help them see that their extraordinarily white European perspectives aren't the actual reality for the majority of people on the planet was making 2020 uglier than and more difficult than it already was for me. I'm giving my energy to things in the real world when it comes to tackling racism, and returned to blogging to say the things I feel like I need to say in a platform where I don't have to hold back. On the positive side, Taylor Swift surprise-dropped her best album to date last night so I've got that going on. Keep fighting the good fight - I'll be battling on another front. ✊🏽
  9. My family wasn't even here... My mother was British and my father's grandfather came over from Germany... but I absolutely wouldn't mind paying a couple bucks extra in taxes for reparations to both the ADOS community and the Native American community. Now I donate to organizations involved in those communities, but it sure would be grand if our government did the right thing and those organizations became unnecessary because we're actually taking care of ALL our people.
  10. Well, crap, Ceka, I just finished that documentary and I’m absolutely guilty of exactly what they were talking about at the end - seeing all the media and thinking everything is just awful on the south side and not seeing any of the good that’s going on. I like to think I know better and that I’m all sorts of woke, but I have miles to go and volumes to learn. One of the things that struck me most was the bit about black people not being able to make mistakes and fail at things without it destroying and defining their entire lives. Take two kids in the same circumstances, say... something stupid like stealing a car... but one is white and the other black, and the paths laid out in front of them a very different. I’ve got a lot to think about now. Thank you for waking me up a little bit more.
  11. Thanks... I’ll start there. I also think it’s important to see the violence and not sterilize it. That makes it too easy to dismiss and deny. I know Louisville is like a smaller version of Chicago. We’re the midway point between there and the Deep South, as well as between Florida and NY for the traffickers (human and drug). If people don’t see it, they don’t believe it, and that willful obliviousness is part of the problem.
  12. I am pretty out of touch here... I’m old and tragically unhip to a lot of things. I know, of course, about the violence in Chicago, and I know how parts of the city, the projects, have basically been abandoned. I never heard it called Chiraq, but I get it now. Do you recommend a place for me to start learning? A website, book, blog? Or should I just hit google and keep going?
  13. And Mississippi is... well, when other states fail at something, they console themselves by saying, “At least we aren’t Mississippi!” The fact that they woke up is a huge deal.
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