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Annika Velde

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  1. Flickr here as well :3 I started really getting into blogging last year but I like to take pictures of others as well SL photography is a super relaxing hobby to me. A few are NSFW. https://www.flickr.com/photos/91727940@N03/
  2. Have you tried Azoury? They're a very interesting shop, it wouldn't surprise me if they had some.
  3. "I live on a floating island" I said that to a friend last night when we were discussing houses.
  4. It really depends on what skin stores you are looking at as well. Some skin stores will sell the head applier as well as the skin applier together. Sometimes you have to purchase them separately. Which mesh head do you have? As Rhonda suggested, Glam affair is a good place to start if you have a Catwa OR LeLutka head because the Maitreya body come built in with the skin tones. I have a Catwa head and a Maitreya Body and use Mudskin skins.
  5. I love that everyone is having fun with this topic I feel like there's always something new we can add to this. I'm going to keep this going as I think of more things. "I tried getting into the shopping event for hours, but the sim is full ):"
  6. A long time ago, I recall something similar happened. It was when xcite stuff was all the rage and one of our friends had attached a certain *ahem* buttocks... object to the wrong attachment point. We were all cracking up at the floating item as she spun around yelling "Where is my butthole?!"
  7. "Your nipnops are poking through your clothes, need to alpha that"
  8. Omg I didn't even think of that! Maybe one day when we all have glasses with mini screens in them, we'll even get pop ups and dings to go along with that
  9. The thread "If SL were real, what crime would you be convicted of?" made me start thinking about all the things you can say in SL that would be weird in real life. I'll start! "I want his/her skin..." "Let me just take off my hands"
  10. I know i'm late to this post but Empire makes a pair called "Lupin" that have cute little pompoms coming off them.
  11. I'm attracted to avatars that take time and effort on their look (mesh or not) and that know how to accessorize well. Call me shallow but I don't tend to talk to people who have avatars that are not interesting in any way to me.
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