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diamond Marchant

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    Nullius in Verba

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  1. Exactly. Some say VHS beat Betamax because of porn support. It’s not that simple but this history was known to Jobs. My brief research into subreddits on this suggests that defaults are what matter. A determined user can access adult content and a determined developer can provide it.
  2. Speculation on WHY the Clarification of policy disallowing ***** happened... I believe that the timing of the scandal-that-shall-not-be-named verdict and the announcement of changes to the child-avatar policy is COINCIDENTAL. The later is driven by the first topic in Enhancing Our World Together: Important Updates for the Second Life Community, the Second Life Mobile App. In order to be accepted into the Apple App Store, an app must adhere to Apple's App Review Guidelines. Sections 1.1 and 1.2 address "objectionable" and "user-generated" content. An app must adhere to the guidelines by default. I speculate that the recent changes are necessary to meet this requirement. The timeline is determined by when Linden Lab expects to place the SL Mobile App in the Apple App Store. There will be NO compromise on this policy, only innocuous tweaks.
  3. Fashion review... I liked Kiera's hair clips. Tommy looked fine but perhaps a little too much like a bouncer.
  4. Version LH - Security System // V2.3.2 supports the "Allow Group" feature, which will remove a non group member from your parcel following a 15 second warning. You get the security system by clicking House Controller in front of your Linden Home and clicking on that menu item. Don't forget to set your parcel to your desired group. This version comes with a notecard titled "Using the Second Generation Linden Homes Security System", which explains the operation of this device (in English).
  5. Kindly use for discussing issues relating to Linden Home selection. This topic is for discussing new regions (having the SSP prefix).
  6. Where I Am After 250 Pages of Discussion 1. Only speculation as to why TOS was changed given that the triggering event was investigation and a verdict of "nothing to see here" was issued. The previous TOS seemed to cover child-avatar issues. 2. Realization that this issue does not effect me directly as I have zero contact with whatever communities are being targeted. I actually avoided BA5 events because they were advertised as "family friendly". 3. Realization that this issue could effect me if it escalates, as I am often in the company of (and appreciate) tinies, furries, animals, chimeras, anime, etc. 4. Remain interested in the part of the Linden post that concerns "making updates to our internal policies". This is why I started another thread where we can give input on the communications/relations between Lindens/Moles and residents. These polices will effect all of us, regardless of our RL age, avatar presentation or roleplay preferences.
  7. I thought the actual crisis was a false allegation of misconduct by Lindens posted by an anonymous source, which LL investigated and found to have no merit. Is there an additional “child avatar crisis” that has yet to be disclosed and is new? Is this really about EU laws? The novel crisis in the US concerns sites like PronHub and RL age verification imposed by a few states.
  8. Six new regions have been added to the north Ranch coast. Getting closer to Bleaberry Tarn.
  9. The title of the topic is a direct quote from the blog referenced in the OP. The topic is motivated by the stated desire of Linden Lab to "minimize the perception of conflict of interest and favoritism in our interactions". This suggests they need to stop doing the things that contribute to this problem. I hope effective communication will INCREASE. Also, it may be more than a simple "perception" problem. My suggestion concerning alts does seem extreme and I imagine that they might simply have a stated policy about keeping a firewall between alts and Linden/Mole avatars. For example, an alt should not gain any advantage in acquiring a Linden Home. They might already have such policies.
  10. I third the recommendation. Assuming the photog is just shooting and not expecting to do any further digital processing or editing, the recommended amount is similar to what a DJ might receive in tips for an equivalent time period.
  11. In a recent Linden Lab blog post, we find... (The title of this topic is a section heading in the quoted post) I have some suggestions. Guiding Principle Lindens and Moles should not behave as if they are residents. Rather, they should provide services to residents, primarily in the areas of infrastructure building, governance/moderation and communication (customer relations). Residents entertain themselves, hence, Lindens and Moles need not bother. Recommendations (including but not limited to) - Lindens/Moles interact with residents only within the scope of their duties. - Opportunities for resident participation in Linden Lab sponsored events are communicated in a public manner with complete transparency. - Linden Lab does not favor particular charities via free regions or Linden/Mole participation. Charities need to pay their own freight and only residents participate. - Linden Lab does not favor particular community organizing, events, or games by residents. All residents need to be on an equal playing field. - Linden/Mole alts (for enjoying Second Life as residents) are subject to monitoring from an internal governance group. Using an unmonitored alt would result in termination. Too extreme? How about prohibiting obvious conflicts of interest or establishing a firewall policy. - (sorry, this one is rather specific) Temporary reterraforming/repurposing of Bellisseria regions for events is not allowed. Hope this helps
  12. Dylan was…. a man? Golly! This thread reminds me of an eyewitness radio broadcast by a reporter named Herbert Morrison… yanno… concerning the Hindenburg.
  13. Are we being Swift-ed (Jonathan, not Taylor)? ‘Tis a Modest Proposal.
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