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Blush Bravin

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Posts posted by Blush Bravin

  1. 3 hours ago, Syn Anatine said:

    On the point of demo's, while I agree with you that if a demo is there and should be used, impulse buys are a thing, and sometimes people don't have in world access but love the look of an item so much they'll give it a chance. Those buyers still have the right to critize a product for its components such as animations in a review and it shouldn't negate what they have to say or be deleted simply because they didn't try the inworld demo.

    I've always seen demo's as optional, excessively and obsessively used by me (no sale if theres none) but not a 'you must try this else you must not write a review on it ever' situation.
    A lot of people shop by sight without trying, when I didn't have my in world store I still sold animations quite frequently without people being able to try them and I thought *that* is like...one of the product niches people would never invest money in without trying. I was wrong o.O

    If a demo is available and the buyer simply doesn't have the time or whatever to try the demo then they should be reviewing their shopping habits and not the creator. The creator has gone through the work of providing a demo so the customer has no business writing a negative review IMO.

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  2. On 2/11/2019 at 1:42 PM, Iren Tinkel said:

    Recently i dont get reviews removed even if i flag them and even if they are kinda "animations could be better......." so it looks like i reached limit for deleting silly reviews.



    18 hours ago, Syn Anatine said:

    If you spend a lot of time on your product and you use less than stellar animations and the customer likes your product but critizes the animations used....that's exactly the kind of review that is neither silly nor should ever be removed. The furniture looks are 50% of the value, the animations are the other 50% because who wants to have lovely furniture with crappy freebie animations from 10 years ago?

    If there is a demo available for your furniture where the animations can be seen before purchasing, then I would agree that the review is inappropriate and should be removed; however, if there is no demo then yes, the review should stand. I agree with Syn about the importance of the animations in the furniture; however, I don't think it's 50% of the worth, I think it's closer to 80%. In this day and age of SL, good looking furniture is a dime a dozen what makes furniture stand out to me is the quality of the animations.

  3. 19 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    In case you didn't know...

    That's a cartoon character on your screen that you're moving around. It's not actually you.

    This is basically just a cartoon simulation game with a chat bar attached. Or a chat bar with a cartoon simulator attached...

    What does it matter if it's nude, clothed, has a cat head, or 3 arms, running explicit cartoon animations, or whatever... as long as it's not wearing a red MAGA hat, it's all good. :P


    Considering that this person is sharing this estate with his RL family members, wife and adult children, who are scattered geographically and can't be together, as a way for his family to spend quality time together, your response is rather callous if not disturbing. I hope you didn't actually read the thread and made the commit unwittingly.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    While you can access Sansar from a regular PC, it's really designed to be used with a VR setup.  Plus, as you found from your foray into merchandise, it is designed to appeal to a different user base.  A much more affluent one, apparently.

    Sansar has always been designed to be used with both, VR and desktop, much to the annoyance of a few who wish LL would focus solely on VR. I've taken a break from Sansar but in the two years prior to my break, I always used desktop. I never really seriously considered buying a VR setup because I know I'd end up green in the face cause I can't even do RL 3d movies. I never felt as though I was missing out on anything in Sansar using desktop.

    As Chic mentioned there are tons and tons of free products in the Sansar store. Plus the fact that you don't really have to spend any money to use Sansar or to create your own experiences unless you want to. I've yet to spend $1.00 in Sansar, and yet I have made money and cashed out to RL. If you have any desire to learn 3D modeling Sansar is the perfect platform because you can upload all day long and it won't cost you a penny.

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  5. The bottom of the pic may or may not be visible depending on the resolution of the monitor. Unless I shrink my browser this is what I see. On my screen the signature of the poster is not visible.


    I had no idea there was more to those pics until one day I had shrunk the box so I could also run another program and saw there was indeed more to the image.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    So each cut is adding to the cost? I see. Still, with the modern mesh weighted so well against bodies (at least female bodies), I think general alpha layers can be added to fix most issues.

    In my experience, the times I had to use alpha cuts with the existing HUD, it is mainly around the waist, the butt and the legs. It is probably because the designer want a thinner waist or shape the butt and legs a bit different from the mesh body. Thin straps over the shoulders and hips (like a bikini) can not use cuts anyway. Deep cut cleavages has to fit well and not hide more than the nipples, because looking in from the side or top down will show the "gaps" created by alpha cuts.

    Alpha layers for covering big areas like breasts down to hips, or pants, etc, should be pretty straightforward to make, or use existing.

    Nowadays, you can buy mesh clothing that fits so well, you really don't need alpha cuts that much. And yes, it's not going to be difficult at all to get alphas to use with BoM. You can find them even now on the MP. There are quite a few already there from pre-fitted mesh days. Also, I'm pretty sure once BoM is widely available, there will be more creators who take the opportunity to put out generic alpha packs.

  7. 1 hour ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    (I also think some people here massively underestimate the newer generations' ability to learn computer-related things like programming or navigating SL.)

    I honestly don't think students would have any trouble learning the basic skills needed to run around in SL.  I think that's the least of the problems associated with using SL in the classroom. I know if I was having any issues with my tech, be it hardward or software, my students could always help me. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    Is using the alpha cut HUD for a mesh body so high cost to render?

    It's not that the HUD is so high cost, though it's not cheap, and there's really no reason to wear it when not in use. The real issue is that the body has to be cut up into smaller chunks in order to get all the cuts. 

  9. 37 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Chalk is cheaper. lol

    Although blackboards may be more expensive than whiteboards by now, blackboards do last longer.

    Dry erase markers, little square pieces of toweling, and the top of their desks. LOL .. can you tell I taught in a very poor district? No one had a printer in their classroom. We were all at the mercy of the one copier/printer per floor (25 teachers used it) and when it went out we had nothing for hours/days until the traveling tech got to our campus. The idea of having something as extravagant as a 3D printer was never even a consideration. I did have blackboards in my classroom. I used markers though .. not chalk unless I was doing a pastel demonstration and using the board instead of my desk cam and projecting it onto the board. Fortunately, most of us had the use of a desk cam.. for that I'm grateful.

    If I had gotten permission to do the SL project, I would have had to sign-up for the laptop cart (one per floor). So yeah, it was a up hill battle all the way around. 

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Solar Legion said:

    The specific use case was stated a bit ago and from phrasing precludes visitors.

    Perfect case when two people read the same information and yet don't come away with the same understanding. In any case, both use cases are outlined here and he can decide which one actually fits his desired result.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Estate level access set to a specific group.

    I thought he wanted to be able to allow visitors besides just his family members and didn't want to have to set the estate to a group if not necessary to secure the privacy of the homes. In that case the situation would use an orb plus ban lines for the private homes. If he only ever wants his immediate family to have access then I agree. 

  12. Just now, Solar Legion said:

    If set up as outlined earlier ... The orb's a bit overkill.

    The orb isn't overkill if someone really wants to get into your parcel to spy on you. I personally use this method to keep out a stalker who has followed me around for 8 years. The orb is only necessary to keep someone from flying over the ban lines to get into the parcel to cam the person/people inside the parcel.

  13. IMO, the Skinnery has the best body applier (lots of options with this applier) on the grid for females. It's definitely worth taking the time to demo that applier. If your gf likes the body applier there are tons of head appliers for Catwa there as well. Also, the head appliers at No Match match the Skinnery body applier, so check those out as well.

    Once you find the skin applier you like, you're gf might want to check out Izzies for additions for customizing the skin. I personally use the veins and blemishes from Izzies myself. Izzies has lots and lots of add-ons like this.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Toolinator said:

    I just don't want my kids barging into our house when we are making popcorn and stuff at 2 in the morning. 3D life set us continents apart because of our careers so I wanted a place where the family can be together virtually when we can't be together in 3D without them seeing any popcorn making lol.

    Since these are your RL kids.. I am willing to bet that they don't want to see you popping corn either! :P

    • Haha 2
  15. Just now, Bree Giffen said:

    I think a combination of 1. Turning avatar visibility off on the parcel and 2. An instant teleport ban orb with a radius larger than the parcel would be enough to stop people from seeing what happens inside a residence. 

    This is true; however, have the ban lines also gives warning to those who might try to enter the home so they are not automatically booted by the orb.

  16. I'm a retired teacher, but before I retired I contemplated how could I engage my students using Second Life. As an art teacher and world cultures teacher, I wanted to find a way for my students to engage "face to face" with students from other cultures and perhaps work together to build virtual art projects in SL.

    Unfortunately, my administration wouldn't even consider it because of the adult content found in SL. I even explained that as a school you can limit what students can be exposed to in SL. But that wasn't a good enough argument for them, because they felt that giving students access to something that they could eventually find on their own outside of the school setting was opening a door the administrators were not willing to open.

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