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Jessica Primdashian

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  1. Since i am premium + i live at the mediteranian themed houses! Love it! But for possible new options the old dutch theme could be nice as well! Old amsterdam style houses... Old dutch farms, old dutch windmills! The amsterdam canals! lots uf tullips! The possibilitys are endless, Not just amsterdam houses.... so many different dutch styles! Old dutch house: https://gyazo.com/0dec25e3dfb10bdc58b3fab66b59f27c (volendam?) https://gyazo.com/1604834691682236099ec075808f5f63 https://gyazo.com/df9daa0012a8c6e5c29b68a10e93f30b https://gyazo.com/4a348f6db545e4ad28db48f1ba161edd
  2. Yes that is a good idea, just like the luckychairs
  3. So, after reading all of this i do have a question, Are we still allowed to use a random gift giver in a club or store ? Or will this be a violation as well ?
  4. oz, Thank you for everything you did for sl and all of us, i wish you the best of luck on your new journey xoxo jessica
  5. yes i also think that marketingwise could be done a lot more than what is happening now, For exalple there is a big lgbtq scene in secondlife where they can talk in a very safe envoirment, (not counting the trolls but they are everywhere) A very good way to attrackt more lgbtq people is targeting on them, Advertising,media,blogs and so on.... Originaly i came to sl in 2007 (as this one is a new avi from 2009) but secondlife did help me alot ... I was able to be a female here... i was in the closet rl for a very very long time and thanks to sl (in 2012) i came out of this closet now living my life also in rl fully as a female, I think this is something that Secondlife could target at... As a marketing campaing i would suggest : Secondlife, : the (virtual) place where you can always be yourself. Or the place where you can be you. or the place to be yourself, Things like that, If LL is interested more in a topic like this or to have help in marketing in the lgbtq scene just let me know, In rl i work with a few foundations as well.
  6. verify you are a designer, there should be a way for this because that scam has to stop
  7. amen froukje ! i can not agree more with you, they dont do anything about the copybot stuff or the empty boxes, here is an idea for LL, you already have designers that create mesh and have to agree with some rules and answer questions the first time they upload mesh, Now what if you adjust the MP like this : any designer that wants to upload something has to verify they are the designer ? and ofcourse another option for gacha... just a little idea
  8. and here i applaud ! i totaly agree with all of this, instead of cutting groups for basic members keep it as it is and work on the stabillity, because it does not make sense to me, before we all fighted for more groups and than finaly you guys gave us more groups and everyone went nuts ! and aplauded ! but now you are taking this away again and taking the basic members back in time, meanwhile the group issues like groupchat still remain
  9. People are sending this around in secondlife now, Only the link from the website on the picture isnt working, http://i.imgur.com/0GZk4f6.png can not find any press release from ll about this, so someone is realy messing
  10. so everybody that wants to see it, needs to upate their viewer.... sigh.
  11. Hello !, Complexed club is the place for electronic music !, we are currently hiring (electronic music) dj's, every electronic music style is welcome !. Do you have a passion for music and love to share this passion ? fill in the application near the club entrance and drop it in the mailbox there. Also are we hiring hosts !. we look for hosts who share the same passion for music and know how to entertain people !, not just gesturbating haha !. Keep the crowd in movement and support the dj's !. If you are interested in any of these jobs go to our club , walk to the entrance and get your app. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TerraVillage/90/79/28 Hope to see you soon @ Complexed !. XoXo Nadine artful ( t0ranny artful) founder/owner.
  12. hello i would like to know where i can get llSetKeyframedMotion scripts, i seen this on youtube and visited the location last year also , this means you go stand on a prim ( not sit on it) and your avatar moves. Can some one please help me and tell me where or how to get this script ? here is a youtube clip i found : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvoDmtRRL6A thank you verry much
  13. Hello secondlife !, my name is Nadine artful ( full name T0ranny artful), I am the co developer from a new skill game in secondlife !. We had the opinion that it was time for a real time skill game !, its fun ... its addicting !, we had lots of people tested it and they liked it ! We also listend to opinions from people and we added an extra feature in it wich makes it possible for the game owner to make it a little less skill .... wich means you cant lose points with clicking wrong !, so does this mean in normal game mode you lose points with clicking wrong ? yes you do !, thats one of the parts that makes it a skill game !, also it gas a memory game !, wich means if you see a number in the spinbar and you had this number before and clicked it away in the playfield .... and you remember where this number was located ? you earn more points !, but there is many more ! want to find out yourself or want to see how yo play ? the following link is the direct url to our how to play video : http://www.efix.spike-source.com/Ho%20to%20play%20Efix%20SL.html And if you are going to buy your version of the game ... version ? yes version ! Efix game comes in several looks !, the original Efix , the gameboy look version ... the gothic version ... the chopper version ... and the android phone version, each game has the same gameplay but all a diffrent look and unique sounds !. For people who want their own game we also made a setup video wich guides you through it : http://www.efix.spike-source.com/Set%20up%20manual%20Efix%20SL.html There is many more i can say ... but you should try it yourself ! we have a few games set up in secondlife wich you find here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TerraVillage/131/42/23 there is also a resell vendor right there .. and you can always ask us for help and information !. Join the skill ! Best wishes from : Spike rodex ( main developer efix games) T0ranny Artful ( co developer & support)
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