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Lucia Nightfire

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Posts posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. I've never seen any other web service result in corrupt cookies as often as I have with SL's web services, if at all.

    It literally happens to me every week with either marketplace or the main site or the forums or the wiki, etc.

    This all started with their implementation of single sign-on.

    I've brought it up in the Web meetings and no one has a clue.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Dibella Charisma said:

    All I know is it skews search and people looking to chat get sent to graveyards of AFK people.

    This is because web developers continue to publicly state that they don't believe legacy search has any merit with searches and/nor do not wish to work on improving it.

    If they took into consideration the volume of use legacy search gets, particularly from TPV users, and how many businesses structure their landing points and commerce areas to yield the best traffic values, they would probably invest in a better methodology, one that cannot be easily gamed/abused.

    In a nutshell, Web is NOT taking legacy search seriously.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    All of this is suggesting that a ne'er-do-well seeking to have a squad of zombie avatars under their control is going to have to use a fresh Hud/device to get the victim's permission, then detach/take back o inventory, where they will need to somehow rename/identify it to keep track of who it will animate... You're talking about a James-Bond style evil maniac, not the typical SL scallywag?

    There are dedicated perms grabbers in "combat" HUDs that do all this extracting, retitling with target's name and returning to owner inventory automatically.

    It's been a mechanic in SL since at least 2006.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Copying while rezzed on the ground will yield a copy without stored perms, but if you copy an object that has stored permissions while it is detached and in your own inventory, the copy will retain those permissions.

    This is how griefers maintain their stockpile while griefing.

    When an perms container, which is the copy of a master object, loses perms due to the target revoking them, the owner will discard it, copy the master and wear the copy and continue.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Dahlia Bloodrose said:

    How does the Lelutka Axis face posing HUD work?  It appears to use more bones than are available for animation.  It's strictly for static poses, but perhaps that technique can be used for comparatively slow micro-expressions.  Not what you really want, but still.

    On a tangent, it would be really nice if dancing actually matched the music.  Not just the (almost) same BPM, but properly synchronized on 2 & 4 (at least for 4/4).

    It just uses individual animations, one for each face bone, and plays them all together.

    It's no different in operation than the AnyPose application that uses incremental animations per body bone.

    • Like 1
  6. Other than facilitating RP elements, Soul Stealer, Soul Taker, Soul Seize, etc. could also be animation and/or camera permissions collector objects.

    Anything owned by someone else that you sit on or anything owned by someone else that sends you a permissions dialog asking for animation or camera tracking/controlling permissions can store said permissions.

    Sometimes these use obfuscation tactics such as retitling their name to something innocuous like "Hugging HUD" or "Funny Chair" or the classic "BEER COOLER".

    The ones that are sneaky are the invisible ones set to click-to-sit that follow you around waiting for you to click something in-world. Sometimes these have child prims that cover everything around to increase the chance of you clicking something. If you don't use a TPV that prevents click-to-sit, then you'll be force-sat on these followers if you click them and permissions extraction will occur. There are other flavors of operation, but the end-result is the same.

    TPV's also have revoke permissions options on sit or stand, but sadly there are ways around these and permissions can still be extracted.

    • Sad 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    because the developer who might do the actual work hasn't been able/asked product or business to sign off on it and schedule time

    how will this advance product (and generate growth) - ?????

    how will this advance business (and generate growth) - ?????

    If it's not broken (on fire) don't fix it.

    Sighs .. modern software development, and it claims to be "agile".

    The same developer also recently changed permissions with llUnSit() and allowed a bug that I twice reported after it was allegedly twice fixed, to be released.

    The developer is now working on features of lesser importance instead of fixing the bugs they created.

    There is a conscious decision to allow these changes to release/remain with these bugs present.

    • Sad 2
  8. You would have to look at packet data to see if multiple PRIM_LINK_TARGET calls to the same link are stacked or if only end-result of all changes per link is sent in the packet.

    A link's complete visual params "should" still be sent with full updates else doing tricks like updating invisible settext to force other visual prim param updating that previously failed due to packet loss or out-of-interest-list scenarios wouldn't be a thing.

    It also isn't clear how the server "bundles" inputs either.

    You can replace a texture UUID with an integer to force an error and the server will still update everything up until that error.

    Intuition dictates trying to bundle calls by link and face as best as possible, though.

  9. 6 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    I was underwhelmed by the names too, but then I thought that, since there are no circumstances in which I can imagine spending US$39.99 to change my (or any of my alts') last names to anything, this must mean I'm probably not the target market LL can have in mind when they devise them.


    The person in charge of finalizing last name suggestions is an intellectual, but not one of business mind.

    If you bring the subject up at the Web meeting, you might see/hear what I'm talking about.

    • Thanks 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    I suppose I could try this as a conversation starter - "Hello, where do you get your underwear from ?" might be a step up from "How R U ?"

    I actually had a friend once that would intentionally obfuscate the names of EVERYTHING they wore in hopes that it would prevent someone else from wanting to create the same outfit.

    I've encountered, far more times than I can count, people who've titled their attachments with their name in possessive format ("Lucy's Head") and those who've retitled things are part of a cosplay or themed outfit.

    All of these things are not uncommon in the mod community.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ardy Lay said:

    Is this part of why creators do not allow us to rename their products after we purchase them?

    No, that is just a facet of no-mod in general, which creators use to cite everything under the sun from protecting artistic expression to deterring heavy work load on CSR's having to deal with people that break their content.

    Personification, though, is a common thing in the mod community and it does obfuscate what product someone is wearing, which could hinder someone's efforts in finding said product, especially if they don't bother asking the wearer what they're wearing nor whom/where they got it from.

  12. 2 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    looks to me from my outside point of expereince the certificate either went invalid (happens) or went expired (happens) it's not a very hard fix, just have to get it reissued and if they are using "lets encrypt" than that's pretty simple.

    Thing is, one of their QA reps said they have a process for keeping certs from expiring, but apparently it is buggy.

    Is there anything in SL that isn't? heh

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  13. On 10/2/2021 at 4:32 PM, Quistess Alpha said:

    A simple MP search reveals a store that has a lot of appliers for that avatar, for example:


    Their store has "Xolo" style skins for the "Hellhund" dog avatar created by Murder of Ravens.

    I'm looking for skins for the "Xolo" dog avatar recently created by Sugarcult.

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