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Lucia Nightfire

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Posts posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. Same reason I don't want to see limited quantities items. There is a flood of demos and gacha listings with every search without using those filters.

    If I find something interesting, THEN I can click on it and see if there is a demo.

    Sadly, many things don't even have demos so searching ONLY demos will cause you to miss a lot of stuff, IMO.

    One thought of solace is that gachas hopefully will become more and more rare to encounter so there may be a day when I no longer have to filter limited quantities listings.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, IttyBittyKitty Littlepaws said:

    I'm not a bot, nor am I using a tp hammer.  I am going through a folder of landmarks - with thousands - trying to delete anything that is no longer valid.  But, I can't.  I keep getting this error saying there is a limit of 6 per minute.  What is happening?  I don't know why this is showing up now?

    As explained in the comments above, it is a bug that happens when you try to teleport to a region that is down or non-existent.


    Something else that probably won't be fixed this year.

  3. 1 hour ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    At its most basic, BOM is simply a series of coding that tells a mesh body part to apply a SL system layer to specific parts of said mesh body part. Appliers have nothing to do with it. Its not technically a BOM if its an applier. If we start mixing up the two systems then people will get very very confused. 

    If those anime/furry/feral heads/bodies use an applier to add skins/tatts/makeup, they are NOT BoM. They are an applier system. If they use system layers then they have to use SLUv as you the system mesh is based on that. 

    I'm not talking about appliers. I'm talking about BoM.

    BoM is not SL system body UV exclusive.

    Said anime/furry/feral heads/bodies use BoM without using SL system body UV format wearables.

    The textures in the wearables only need to use the same UV as the mesh heads/bodies they are being worn with.

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  4. On 11/3/2021 at 6:24 AM, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    If your custom mesh doesnt use the SLuv it wont be BOM. I assume you are talking about a mesh body? BOM removes the need for an applier entirely. You wear the clothing/skin/tattoo/makeup layer and off you go. 

    Unless I'm misunderstanding the target application, I just wanted to mention that BoM is not SLUV exclusive/dependent.

    It just has to use textures with UV layouts similar to whatever head/body/body part they're meant for.

    There are currently anime/furry/feral heads/bodies that use BoM that are certainly not SLUV.

  5. 12 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Very clever. But, now when you get UP you see the back of the wall so still not what I think of as normal behavior.

    If a sit object uses either camera at/eye offset or llSetCameraParams(), when you stand up your camera should be released.

    If it is actively following you, ie, not alt cammed on anything and you are using Rear view, it should go behind you.

    If there is a wall in between you and its following distance, it might go behind it.

    It would take some kind of environment monitoring camera control AO/app to prevent this.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

    But does that explain why furniture that used to work just fine no longer does? And with the Linden viewer with absolutely NO changes except an EEP setting?   I have never done anything fancy with my furniture and again, it isn't just my furniture and not just me and not just Firestorm, so I am completely stumped. All I know is that I don't feel that I can put it out for SALE in the current condition and climate.   If there is a way to fix this issue for everyone then that would be useful to know.    I am not good with scripts however so there is no way I can write anything :D. 


    The same issue occurs for all uses that have tested and in at least FS and LL viewers (maybe others, not sure).


    Appreciate you taking the time.  

        touch_end(integer i)
            if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
                if (llGetLinkKey(llGetNumberOfPrims()) == llGetOwner())
                    llOwnerSay("You must be sitting on me in order for me to capture your camera position and rotation.");
        run_time_permissions(integer i)
            if (i & PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA)
                rotation cam_rot = llGetCameraRot() / llGetRot(); //link relative camera rotation
                vector cam_pos = (llGetCameraPos() - llGetPos()) / llGetRot(); //link relative camera position
                llSetLinkCamera(LINK_THIS,cam_pos,cam_pos + llRot2Fwd(cam_rot));
                llOwnerSay("Camera view captured! Stand up, resit and press ESC to see camera offset.");

    Save a copy of this script in your inventory.

    Drop into your furniture.

    Sit on the furniture.

    Alt-cam your furniture and adjust your camera angle to the desired view.

    Click the furniture and receive the message your camera was captured.

    Stand up, resit and press ESC if your camera wasn't already following you.

    You should now see the same camera angle you captured earlier.

    The script is based off of the example here. I was going to post the script I wrote a few years ago, but it is more complicated.

    The way camera offset works is, it will check the first link that has a camera offset set and will use that for all sitters unless the link a sitter is sitting on has one set itself, in which case, that will be used for that sitter.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. On 11/4/2021 at 9:23 AM, Chic Aeon said:

    What I see with the two pieces at the location above is no camera eye & at offset set nor llSetCameraParams() usage.

    So, upon camera reset (hitting ESC) my camera will go behind my head aiming at the back of my head, which is what I currently have my view in Firestorm set for (Rear view).

    The lack of the aforementioned function usage is why zooming in/out via mouse wheel is still possible.

    This is what I've seen with such setups for years.

    I do not use Firestorm's nor any viewer's custom camera angles feature.

    I also do not use an AO that uses pre-assigned camera angles with sitting.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

    I just did another test with a couch that I made months ago for an Advent gift. It NOW has the same behavior. It did NOT when made.   I can't see that this is "Me" at all. Something has definitely changed.  I hope it gets fixed.   


    Movin' on I guess. 

    Why not file a bug report at https://jira.secondlife.com/ with steps to repro as well as steps to compare the same objects working correctly elsewhere?

    Nothing will be fixed without going through official channels.

    I'd also like to see where this is not working and where it is as described.

    • Like 1
  9. This behavior usually means no camera at/eye offset were assigned for each sit target in the furniture.

    Most furniture retailers are oblivious of these settings too.

    I've had to set them up for 44 out of 45 different pieces of furniture that I use with my adult app.

    The only reason you see it "sometimes" is when you are alt camming something when sitting.

    If your camera was "reset" and actively following your avatar, it would go behind your head on sit if no at/eye offset is assigned to the sit target you are sitting on.


    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    If FB buy SL and don't murder it on the spot, SL will grow .. massively, so will the size and scope of platform development.

    Only if the new overlords fire then hire, in that order. 😉

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    FIFY, you want '&&' because you're doing a logical operation, not bitwise (although in this case '&' would actually work the same) and it's always a good idea to make your parenthization unambiguous, despite what the order of operations might say

    With as much LSL code as I've seen from others over the years, there seems to be a disdain for parenthesis as much as there is for if statement brackets. 😆

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Benson Gravois said:

    Why would LL not sell our ro Facebook?

    I guarantee you the major stake holders would love to sell it to someone at grossly inflated pricing.

    SL is a hot mess and comes with a ton of baggage, though.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    Ah, I've not seen anything as of late that can take down an aws instance easily.   something I must not be a part of then if I'm not seeing them lol

    Do you leave Luskwood much? 😉

    If so, do you frequent the "combat" & weapons testing oriented places in SL?

    What about public sandboxes or infohubs?

    IE, places where griefing is most common.

  14. Also, you'll have to add someone to the banlist because LL just can't seem to find time to fix https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-37601

    And, if you're on a full region estate don't allow random people to fly overhead if you're on the ground or to walk onto your parcel if you're in a skybox because LL just can't seem to find time to fix https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230749


  15. If the feet "states" were separate attachments like the add-ons and layers, there wouldn't be a need for extra UI, steps or scripts. 😕

    It would also reduce complexity. I see far too many mesh bodies still using all foot states in the same linkset or the same link.

  16. On 10/30/2021 at 8:18 AM, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    we are residents of the forum, LL staff rarely come around, and since this is an abuse issue, it has to be submitted through the viewer,  each report is checked, LL might be taking action, but LL is not going to tell or reveal that to us,   also moving to a different server will not do much,  it just makes it change host instances on aws, but aws does have very good anti ddos protections in place, so there is another method they are using to crash the sim, if that's what is happening, crashing the simulator on the instance would be very hard to do since these are virtual based aws instances now, they would almost come right back up with little hiccups,   are the clients crashing or is the land being crashed?


    "this region is having trouble" or do you get another error message when these happen?   there are not many vectors now to bring down sims like the old days.

    Sadly, there are still many internal and even external ways of crashing a region.

    LL has been aware of these for years as they are sometimes mentioned on the jira and in the server meetings, but LL has yet to implement fixes for them.

    Yes, there were far more ways in years/decades past, but many still exist to this day.

  17. 1 hour ago, Mr Amore said:

    That Facebook presentation is largely describing everything Sansar already has, a VR ready metaverse with instanced content.

    Rather than hammering away at Second Life, it's far more practical for LL to bring Sansar back into their fold, add adult content,  add inworld creation tools and improve its social features.

    Sansar itself is taking a direction towards live events. And here's another recent upload showcasing some experiences, it's nothing fascinating yet the potential is there.

    I never gave Sansar's building much of a test, like many I was waiting for the game to mature.

    I see nothing has changed in Sansar since it went public beta.
    Avatar movement/camera control, world selection and world to world transfer is still clunky.
    The system avatars still look like uncanny valley claymation.
    The worlds still look like and interact with as art exhibits or collaboration-of-the-month portfolios/advertisement.
    The lighting still makes the lens flares from the Star Trek movie more attractive.
    The concurrency is still abysmal.
    How many years has Sansar had to get its act together?
    How many more years are we supposed to wait for it to happen?

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