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Lucia Nightfire

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Posts posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. 9 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

    because there can, depending on what else is happening on the region easily be a second or so's delay before it's ready to receive messages and the simulator is ready to deliver them.

    Afraid of mentioning this disaster that is now 2.5 years old? 😉

    Dat watch count, though...

  2. 7 hours ago, Edu Csak said:

    I guess I've solved putting a llSleep(5.0); between llRezObject and llRegionSay

    Sounds like the problem is unrelated to llRequestExperiencePermissions().

    I suggest posting a bare bones script that repros the problem so that the brilliant minds here can tell you what is really the issue.

  3. There is no guarantee you'll have it sold to you, though.

    Many times LL will put it up for public auction.

    The exception seems to be with obscurely located/sized primland parcels.

    "Primland" just means small parcels in the same region you own land in already, strictly for the purpose of gaining prims, not usable sqm.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Savannah Tomorrow said:

    Hello, not sure if putting this in the right spot, I was curious if there is anything updated since 2012 on how traffic is calculated? Just curious :)

    Despite businesses, for years, structuring their region's layout to focus user landing/gathering to achieve the highest attendance based traffic possible for the ability to rank high in legacy search, developers in the Web meetings have repeatedly stated that they are not interested in improving legacy traffic calculation.

    They have stated their focus is improving web search relevance/ranking, instead.

    I, personally, would like to see individual keyword relevance score returns/rankings based on prior user keyword search matching followed by attendance.

    I would also like to see an option to rank by current attendance as traffic values can 2 - 26 hours old, meaning you often show up to an empty sim because the party ended the day before.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    That wouldn't give the No valid parcel found message.

    This is returned when all parcels in the region cannot be accessed.

    If it was an estate ban, a different message would have been received.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:

    rising sea levels? 😧

    I know what LL should do next April Fools day.

    Put in some viewer code that will show water 100m taller than what it is supposed to be at least with the first relog on that day. 😆

    Subsequent relogs will show it correctly again.

    No? Oh well...😑

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 13 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Neither support air gapping.

    Air gapping is no longer a factor the second you enter/transmit a code on/over a network or the internet.

    It is the equivalent of physically writing down a password/code for input later.

    Again, I and probably many, prefer options.

  8. 1 hour ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    mfa/2fa over sms or email at some point will be defunct, it's not secure. 

    Nothing is completely secure, given how variable an environment is.

    No one knows fully what level of "monitoring" is done on/through their computer/phone/network regardless of the OS/apps/programs/browsers/AV/ISP installed/used.

    Are some means/methods more secure than others?

    The answer is always, "Yes".

    Do some people prefer one means/method over another?

    The answer is always, "Yes".


  9. 3 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    man in the middle intercepts is why this is not ideal setup.


    3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Many of my financial providers are pushing full authenticator apps as opposed to the text & email confirmations that they currently allow.

    Most financial institutions are "still" using text or phone.

    I'm not big on email either, but a text code on my phone is still desired over a QR code and is still an industry standard.

    Times will most likely change said standards.

    One day everything might be QR codes, however retro that still seems.

    One day bionic impants might handle validation subconsciously via thought. 🧠💻🤖

  10. On 1/9/2022 at 1:37 AM, Nimue Galatea said:

    My favorite place to play Mahjong doesn't have it anymore, for some reason. It's a version of Mahjong that had a few buttons on the sides, including Hint, Reset, Highlight, etc. There was also a counter with a score. Alongside this, we had a large scoreboard with the top 10 past winners.

    I've gone to place after place looking for this version of mahjong, but the only one I can find is the version that has the tiles only, and resets after a certain timeout. That's it. 

    Does anyone know where I can find my beloved version, with a scoreboard, even?

    I actually created a mesh based Mahjong game with similar features, but never commercialized it. Maybe I should some day. 🤔

    https://gyazo.com/71b5a5163a7901edd777f9e2adaa36c4 Here is a me running a solver on an ancient beta version with not-so pretty tiles. The blank tiles are so no one can cheat by looking under the tiles on top.

    5 hours ago, amelia Peapod said:

    There is a sim called "The Risk" That sim has, (I would guess), 20 or more Mahjong boards with all of the functionality you mentioned here and then some. Search for it in places

    You mean a parcel called "The Risk" in the region "Rigs Retreat". 😉

  11. I find the timing impeccable. LL stated last Web meeting they wanted to roll out Premium Plus before the end of May and were going to announce what we'd be getting with the feature in tomorrow's Web meeting.

    Now I see that that meeting has been cancelled.

    Does this also mean that Premium Plus' planned rollout for this month has also been cancelled?

    Is this new "shiny" and its insane pricing being used as a final gauge of public interest before they commit to an equally insane Premium Plus price?


    • Like 4
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  12. 16 hours ago, LottaSinclair said:

    Thank you all very much for your replies;

    Lucia Nightfire, how exactly is this done? How did you made an animesh clone of yourself - clothes, hair, tail and all?

    I'm really curious now. I know animesh NPC companions and followers are a thing, but one of yourself, down to your clothes and accessories? 

    It might be quite simple after all, but... -mind blown-

    Everything has to be mod, rigged mesh.

    The linkset needs to be under 100K estimated triangles.

    I'm sort of cheating with the kitsune avatar as it is really 3 animesh objects with synched animations. 😆

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