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Toysoldier Thor

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Everything posted by Toysoldier Thor

  1. OK Pam... Lets see how fast LL will respond to your JIRA on a Merchant suggested SLM enhancement then we will see why I might be giggling here in RL. Although I will give you this much... the fact that YOU are submitting the Jira and that a Linden has publicly asking you to submit the Jira... the chances that LL will act on the Jira within the year moves it to the FAINT HOPE phase. I am involved in a JIRA regarding a bug that was detected and reported to LL as a JIRA back in 2008. This bug impacts all creators and SL residents that work with animated textures on a prim or are looking at this animated prim. The JIRA sat completelely dead in LL's eyes for almost 2 years. It only got actioned because I publicly embarassed LL on Twitter by getting the Phoenix Team to agree to look at the bug. I suspect Rodvik told the LL development team to look at it so LL doesnt look like a bunch of goofs. Sadly, LL has now simply moved the JIRA to "we see the problem but it might be considered to be a fix in some future version of code upgrade".... ie. this bug will never be fixed. So... slapping LL for suggesting a JIRA get created in order to get action.... well justified.
  2. Dakota Linden wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Dakota, it would be simple enough to put some kind of info up when someone starts a review, stating something to the effect that: * reviews should not involve delivery problems, as these are not done by the merchant * merchants should not be negatively rated for customer service if the customer has never contacted them These things are only fair. A merchant should only be held responsible for what he has control over; we can't control deliveries and we can't handle customer problems if they do not contact us. It is not right to be negatively reviewed for things we have not done wrong. Hey Pamela, This is a fantastic idea. And now for typical reply: Have you created a Jira Feature Request for this? LOL This is something that would need to be added to the site by the Dev Team so creating a Jira asking for that feature would put this on their radar for future updates once DD is rolled out. ROFL!!!!!!! hehehehe LOL !! Sorry for laughing.... LL Commerce Team / Deve Team actually listening to one of the Merchant's requested features??? ROFL! Yeah history has clearly shown how often LL listens and responds to Merchant's requests to fix SLM missing, unimplemented xstreet features or implement new functions. JIRA or NO JIRA. LL has to first get through your private list of internal goodies they want for SLM - like the FB LIKE button. ROFL! Well thanks Dakota for making my day - I had something to smile / laugh at on a Monday.
  3. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: You might be being a wee bit sarcastic...but clicks lead to sales, whether they buy anything or not, and they don't even have to be a second life person. get yourself some product posted on that blog and get yourself 150 clicks all at once, and you'll see that in action. Sarcastic??? You think?? lol But although I am truly convinced that this generation of the LL Commerce Management team is just as lost confused on where they want to go with SLM as were past generations of the LL commerce Team, I am not stupid. If Brooke belives its so important to place these little 5 minute FB LIKE buttons on all our listings... then I might as well do what ever i can to get ppl to click these buttons. Just like the SLM Rating system, getting ppl to press the button has got nothing to do with if the customer actually LIKE the products - heck with FB LIKE - the visitor to my product pages doesnt even have to buy my product. So... the wise Merchant will do whatever possible (promotion / pr / friends and relatives) to click this button. Im crazy.... crazy like a Toy.... ooops - FOX
  4. Ohhh well - since us Merchants cannot get LL Commerce to fix SLM features and improves functions in SLM that we want - an dthey just want to add their own lil wishlist of goodies into SLM at random will (I do strongly suspect this requested feature came from and was implemented because of Amanda Linden who has a deep love, passion, and belief that FB is still the future of SL's marketing success), then we might as well try to use what ever crumbs LL Commerces wants to bring down from the mountain.... In that spirit... I am putting out a call / notice / deal to anyone who reads this post (merchant or customers or forum reader)... If you go to my SLM store items and press the FB LIKE button on 10 of my items... you will get a FREE INWORLD HUG FROM ME !!! If you FB LIKE all of my SLM Store Items - I WILL SING YOU A SONG INWORLD AT MY KARAOKE HANGOUT (condition - I have to pick the song ) So there you go folks - Start Clicking my FB LIKE BUTTONS!! I would include a link to my SLM store but that might constitute a possible violation of the forum posting rules so just click on my signature image below
  5. I am not sure why so many ppl think that the "next general election" in the US will solve all the US and world economic woes. The financial conditions / state in the US that not only triggered the 2008 economic tsumani and is now initiating the next major wave of the bad world-wide economic slide we are now seeing was set long time ago! LONG TIME AGO. The US financial crisis is not a NEW phenomenom that was created by the current political powers in place. Financial messes to the biblical order of magnitude we are are witnessing now were created prior to and up to the end of the Bush administration when his administration added over $6 Trillion to the debt during his administration's reign. And much of this added debt was the first desperate knee-jerk lame attempt to avert years of clear and horrendous corrupt wall street activities (and world-wide financial corruption) which brought the world economy to the brink of pure colllapse. The same corruption that was allowed to go unchecked because of several years of near-zero US regulatory "asleep at the switch" financial controls. The mess from this unimaginable US and World-wide corruption and theft has left the current financial situation in a state that requires desperate, direct, and unfortunately very painful corrective actions in the US. What is this corrective action? Its the action that last week's US Debt Deal completely avoided. Its the action that Obama and the Democrats were suggesting. And its the corrective actions that a small yet powerful and completely naive group of ultra-right-wing TeaCup politicians doesnt belive is needed..... The US Tax Payer needs to start taking on the responsibility of PAYING BACK THE DEBTS IT OWES. You all know what that means.... MORE TAXES to generate more Government revenue to start paying down this debt. Similar to any one of us. If you go out and are irresponsible and go on spending sprees racking up credit card bills and taking out more and more loans so you can spend more .... and then AFTER you spend all this money you owe.... you turn around and say "well we have the money to pay all of you back but we do not want to pay you any more than we are now - so we promise that we MIGHT spend less and maybe some day you might get your money back - BUT we dont want to pay more than we already are - in fact we want to pay less". What so many US citizens dont realize (or do but dont care because it might impact their self interests) is that cutting government spending is not only about cutting critical social programs which in economic times like this are needed more than ever.... Cutting spending also includes the Government not giving tax breaks and credits to individuals, companies, and entire industries that dont even need the breaks. A TAX CREDIT IS = TO GOVERNMENT SPENDING. Sadly... most US Citizens see their relationship to the Government as being an "US AND THEM" feud. The US Economy will have a faint hope of recovering when this fallacy is shut down. The US Government is the US Tax Payer & the US Citizen. As such, the debts owed by the Government is the Citizen's responsibility. Ironically, the one of the least patriotic citizen of a country is one that: a) Is corrupt and a criminal of the country's economic foundation, b) Refuses to and/or tries every way in their power to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. So.... in conclusion... considering the deep rooted and biblical state of this economic crisis AND considering that the attitudes to this day by those holding political power in the US is to avoid taking fair responsibilities on the debt...... put to rest that any 2012 US general election will save the day. IT WONT!
  6. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Here is all I have to say: DEATH TO THE RATING SYSTEM!! I agree with you. I wish LL would just remove the entire rating system from SLM. Its not accurate, its not effective, its gamed and provides customers that are gullible enough to believe the rating systems with an often incorrect perception of the product being rated.... ANDDD... If LL would trash the rating system.... it would simplify the SLM that much more and give this supposedly overworked team more cycles to focus on developing and deploying more of their own internal wish list of SLM features that Mechant and Customers both didnt ask for.
  7. Rose Mackie wrote: Toy, Thank you for using me to illustrate your point. Now can you tell me where it is? LOL thank you Rose.... and as for your question.... dont ask me. Dart is LL's Support Person for LL Commerce 5 Minute button adds. PS... so LL Commerce Team has the time to put in a "5 minute change" to link its SLM Market site to Facebook, but to date, - and even though I have mentioned this as one of the silliest missing features in sSLM on a few occassions - LL Commerce Team still has not developed a link from SLM to its own main www.secondlife.com site. Low hanging fruit? lol
  8. Thanks Monti - Dart wouldnt believe what I tell him... its best if others tell him that there are no 5 MINUTE CHANGES in a large organization. But... back to my question to Brooke..... the OFFICIAL SPOKESPERSON for LL Commerce... Why do you say your team has no time for anything of the Merchants long list of changes yet you authorize your team to WASTE TIME on a Facebook button which I did not hear ANY Merchant requested? My suspicion is that this change was mandated from Sr. LL Marketing Team who has a strong love affair and longing desire to be more like Facebook. I suspect I know the person in LL that told Brooke to make this happen. Amanda Linden.... is this your request to Brooke's team?
  9. I think I made my point Dart. And my point on this low hanging fruit wasting ZERO time on Brooke's team is already proving itself now... two Merchants already cannot find this announced button. So who will support the user base now for this 5 minute low hanging fruit? Priorities...... such a wasted effort a company or person that shoots from the hip.
  10. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: No, I'm just a forum-head. But I can tell you that I can work on a major task and still manage to plug in a Facebook Like button on a website in about 5 minutes. I can also tell you that I've employed small teams capable of doing the same. In fact, I'm doing that right now, fixing a major problem and a few side problems and posting to you here in the forums. I'm not doing that as fast as I could manage with a bigger team. My own backlog is pretty large. But there are some vital bits that I need to attend to first. Call it empathy. But again you speak loudly how you have no experience dealing with enterprise development and deployments by your comments. You are no miracle worker by deploying a "button on a website in 5 minutes". Anyone can add a 5 minute button to their little hobby -classed web/blog site. So lets look in more detail at your 5 minute change: The button you are talking about is not just a JOY BUZZER button that is placed on your page. It ties functionality and system interactions to other systems from that "5 minute button". So for your little itty bitty website you are likely talking about with a small smattering of traffic and of which the impacts to your change going wrong hurts no one but yourself (when you tick off your visitors if it goes wrong). Also, since your little website has such a small hobby-classed traffic, the chances of anything going wrong even for the smallest change is very low since the variety of potential scenarios testing the little button is low. Also, for your 1-man operation, if you get too many complaints from visitors, you will be there to fix it at your own sweet time. You have no Service Level Agreements / Support commitments to your visitors - much less visitors that are revenue generating merchants whos income you could be impacted. And finally, the 5 minutes of your PERSONAL TIME used on putting your little button on your website - its your priority and your call. You can do what you want. But - using your own words from previous threads - lets sit you in the BIG BOY Chair of enterprise classed system/service delivery and development.... Sites like eBay and SLM have a visitor / user base that dwarf your little self-managed site. Even little SLM has like 70,000 merchants and many times more customers/visitors that it services. As such, ANYTHING that happens or IS DONE to a system at this scale needs to be properly planned for deployment and support. As such, so this LL Commerce Developer puts in this 5 minute little button onto SLM. If LL is a mature development shop - there is no such thing as a 5 minute change and deployment! I wouldnt be surprised if LL does fling 5 minute changes into SLM - but most sites of this size WOULD NOT. Every change is first talked about as to the planning of the change, the design of the change, an approval process of the change, testing of the change on a non-production system to see if there are no adverse unforeseen affects to the change, then the change is implemented, announced to the customers, and then monitored for any impacts when deployed to the full population. Point 2 has moved in time from your little 5 minute change to a 1 or 2 day change at minimum for most companies of the SLM size. (even though all evidence is that LL does not have these mature deployment processes) Now... lets keep going, what happens after Brooke's announcement if there was unforeseen concern about the change from the community (dont tell you have never seen this happen). The button links to some site that doesnt work under certain conditions or does not work or crashes certain browsers? etc. etc. etc. Who will be at LL to support the new 5 minute change?? I can keep going Dart but see - in the BIG BOY chair of enterprise system development, deployment, support.... your 5 minute changes you do in your basement do not exist. This change Brooke approved and deployed cost Brooke's team at least a couple days of one of her team's effort - and possibly more if the little button needs to be fixed or removed. This is what wasted and poorly prioritized resource management is what I see is happening in the LL Commerce Team.
  11. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: It's a small team, can't help you understand how this works or how you can have a small team doing "mostly" one thing while spending a few cycles on "other stuff". Assuming those social networking bits were pretty much plug and play and took a whopping hour or two to bring you a feature to help spread the word about your products "if" you choose to use that form of marketing. But by all means, continue to turn it into something else. No disrespect Dart but unless you have inside knowledge and active involvement in the LL Commerce Team structure, activities, and planning I would rather you dont make your "guesses" as to why Brooke's team can or cannot work on Merchant requested priorities but has the time to work on her team's on list of priorities. Are you telling me and the thread that you have the authority to speak officially on behalf of the LL Commerce Team? My question was directed to Brooke and LL... not to you or any other "CUSTOMER" of LL. You clearly do not have a strong understanding of resource management and project planning priorities - otherwise you would not have made the flip flopped response. "Brookes team is really small" but "Brookes team has time to waste on small pet projects that no one requested". If I were the head of the LL Commerce Team and my team was a small as you guess - then I would kicking some serious butt if any of my team members were wasting 1 HOUR on a new feature into SLM that was not a priority. But see Dart... I work with large enterprise companies where resource management is taken seriously. .... anyway... still waiting for a response from an OFFICIAL LL SPOKESPERSON. (If you response again Dart I would have to assume you are from LL)
  12. lol - well it was you that reversed the statement. What I said is that on two sides of a coin - only one side can face up. So either Brookes team does have time for Merchant requested changes or she doesnt. That she is adding new features - that were not even a priority to merchants - is evidence that Brooke's team HAS TIME. If her team does have time - then the natural understanding is that Brooke's Team simply does not have a priority to work on Merchant concerns - only to work on her own team's secret wish list.
  13. So Brooke I have to ask.... How is it that in one post only a few minutes earlier as well as the few rare past posts from you, you make it clear that although the Merchant community keeps telling you things in the Marketplace that are still not fixed from SLX or missing or broken - you and your team is too busy to work on these issues - you are focused only on Direct Delivery... and then you post in this thread how your team has the time to add a feature into Marketplace that no Merchant even requested or cared for or had as a priority. Please explain your team's development priorities and which of your posted statements is the truth. Your team is too busy to work on the backlog of Marketplace missing fixes and features but you have a team of rogue developers that find time after hours to develop and deploy their own PET FEATURES into SLM Your team does actually have development cycles to fix the Merchant's old and growing list of unresolved SLM features but you truly do not want to fix them and are only making excuses why our requests can never be addressed Only one of them are the truth Brooke.
  14. ralph Alderton wrote: Also, I didn't like to say but if we're now helping Madeliefste with feedback : The back and front UV's for the fan should be the same size - right now the back is smaller As Vincent suggests the sticks should be stacked and there are ALSO way too many vertical verts and edges in the sticks. As there are 10 sticks that's a whole bunch of unecessary polygons Also the knob looks seriously dense with verts and edges as it appears white in the UV - more optimisation needed Since there are no prim limits for AV accessories I foresee a lot of enthusiastic mesh beginners piling on the polygons and not optimising their models. This is particularly bad with full perm creators as they will be effectively selling and distributing laggy content Actually this comment of Ralph's about the likely onslought of mesh models - many of them potentially very ineffecient and therefore also potentially very PE costly and laggy - made me think of something regarding the sale and listing of mesh models on SLM or inworld.... Can there be / will there be some new field in the SLM listings, OR, would there be a value that any responsible mesh creator would point out in a mesh listing that can tell the potential customer how efficient the mesh model is? Again, I am no mesh terminology expert but maybe you experts can think of something that a Mesh Seller can mention in their listing that would give the buyer a good indication of its effeciency on the grid. Almost like when you buy a car - the car maker would tell you the car's fuel economy (city / highway). Or when you buy a furnance or appliance - its EPA power consumption efficiency rating with others of its kind. Is this the PE value? Lets look at Made's oriental fan. A few of you are saying although its a beautiful fan - its structurally an ineffecient build for what its purpose is that its accomplishing. So... if Made told you its PE was 150 (just a number I pulled out of my hat), is that all you would need to know to be able to tell its efficiency? Or is there more that Made would have to tell you in the SLM Listing when you are buying that would give you a much more accurate impression on its efficiency? THIS is a question that goes directly to the OP's question....
  15. Pamela Galli wrote: As I have said in other threads, for some things (like the fan) I would not need to tweak the fan itself, just the texture. For other things -- say, a piece of furniture, I most likely would want to tweak the legs or back to suit my taste, which means I would want to be able to take it into Blender. Otherwise, my chair will look pretty much like everyone else's chair, except for texture, and will not be exactly how I want it to look. I do this a lot with sculpts already. I do not know which sculpty creators you use that allow you to take their sculpty creations out of SL and make a modification to it. It is not something I allow as part of my license. My sculpted design is what my customers are buying. They surely can texture the sculpted prim from my maps all they want and use the map as a texture template, but changing my sculpt map by bring it into blender - not something I allow. Surprises me that some other sculpty map 3d creators are allowing you to do that Pamela.
  16. Ralph, Although I understand what you are trying to say, in the sutuation we are and with the limits of SL permissions, Sculpty Builder Packs with full or near full perms are almost a requrement. I create and sell Master Builder Landscape Sculpty Packs - which are generally designed for a target market of master SL builders and/or builders that want to use my sculpt maps as ONE of their input materials to what they sell. I have been doing this for almost 2 years and I have 6 primary landscape packs that have been making me a solid consistent weekly sales since they each get released. 5 of the 6 of them are Full Perm. My last pack - I made the decision to make the maps NO MOD but instead offer shadow maps to service those of my customers that need MOD to use maps for templates. This last pack sells as well as my full perm packs. BUT... If I were to limit my sculpty builder packs to limited perms that dont allow my customers to make their creations by using some of mine in their builds... my sales would be dead. Would I like a royalty from each sale of each product that all of my 1000+ customers have used my sculpty maps with? SURE! but I also want to win the lottery. In SL that is not the world we live in. So... Made is doing exactly what I am doing and exactly what countless other Sculpty Map makers are doing for other builders. If 100 of my customers all want to make competing river builds using my maps - I dont really care. As long as my customers and SL residents do not steal / use illegal copies of my landscape sculpty packs. I am sure there is a % of my maps that are being used illegally and if I find them - they wont be happy campers.... but I make an awesome weekly income from 6 landscape packs that I created about a year ago. Low maintenance and great base of weekly growing customers..... I AM HAPPY.
  17. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Was also very excited at the new features of V2, and still am. While I'm not at all against TPVs and lots of choices, the downside is that not having one official viewer "period" is that it holds up the entire community making use of new features, and slows SL down from moving forward that much faster and adapting to new users and staying fresh and relevent. Not saying that TPVs should be done away with, but at the very least every TPV should be required to support the full 2.x feature set. New features should be merged into any TPV in a timely manner or be disabled until they do. Like you, I was excited that Shared Media would be a major boost to SL, in even small things like making many notecards obsolete. Instead, you could put a prim in with your packaging that points to a web page. Changing documentation at once, for all customers would be as easy as changing the web page. I do know that some people are doing well with 2.x feature related products, and I think we'll get there. But again, not against TPVs at all, but they are seriously holding us up. Probably a bit off topic but there it is. So exactly why should TPV be forced to incoprorate ALL of LL's V2 feature set? If a TPV decided not to and LL's V2 has the feature, and if the SL Community truly believes it has "must have" value, then market demand dictates that LL's V2 viewer would be the most popular viewer. It also would assume that since LL has all the feature set - TPV's should not have the marketshare they continue to enjoy. If LL put in a feature that the market has deemed not to be important - the market will speak - and it has. Clearly your love for the Shared Media feature is not shared by the majority of the SL community. If so, LL's V2 would be the dominent viewer. In fact with all the advanced features that LL's V2 has had over all the TPV's V1 deployments, the current V2 marketshare has spoke loudly that these advanced features alone were desirable. The SL Community wanted and still wants a viewer with a clear understandable UI more important than all of LL's bells and whistles. Even if there were no TPV, LL couldnt even get the SL Community go freely abandon the V1 viewer. Doesnt that speak loudly that LL clearly screwed up the V2 deployment? Finally, if you state TPV should be forced to adopt all of LL's V2 featureset, then LL should be forced to adopt the TPV's features that LL has not adopted. Although I know what you are wanting with your wishes.... I also would 100% disagree with your opinions on this matter. The TPV's have been one of the only aspects to SL that has actually forced LL to improve their product for competitve reasons. When Firestorm leaves Beta - it will push LL's V2 to the side and become the #1 Viewer.
  18. well PayPal not doing it for LL... I just got paid out this afternoon for a submission i started on monday
  19. Hope LL at least apologized to you for openly publicly release your BETA products to the SL grid. So now a question to you Sachi.... How does a Mechant get to place some of their products into the LL main Library as an offering to the entire SL grid? If I wished to create a small set of Library Landscape Sculpties ... how do I accomplish this? How did you get your products into the LL main Library? This would be incredible PR Advertising of a Merchant's productline.
  20. ROFL.... hey dont shoot the messenger!! I just copy and pasted the LL Official grid status to this thread. PS... I just got a GROUP NOTICE urgent alert from one of the groups I belong to... warning all about the LL Library VIRUS! Seems LL is doing a great job quelling fears across the grid that the mistake they made is a mistake and is not a virus.
  21. Well its about time..... recent LL Grid Status.... [Posted 28 Jul 2011, 9:20am PDT] We are aware that residents may be seeing a folder named “Adam N Eve Avatars_OLD” in the Lost & Found. This folder will appear on relog even after being deleted. This is a known issue and nothing to be concerned about. Please keep an eye on https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-26518 for further updates. 
  22. What i do not understand about the whole LL Inventory LIBRARY content (including the folders we are all talking about that are now in our lost and found) is why the CREATOR of all this content is not converted to official LINDEN LAB creator content? If LL hires SL Creators to make LIBRARY CONTENT... it should be under the condition that LL can convert the CREATOR STATUS to LL. To me, this content in the library is created under contract by LL to be used SL GRID-Wide as part of the SL Service. As such the content should be viewed by all residents to be LL Content (even if they subcontracted a SL merchant to create it for them). 1) If the content in the library shows the creator and owner are both official LINDEN LAB content - there would be less confusion that this is official LL Library content. 2) Its a bit of unfair free marketing that select SL Merchants get by having some of their branded content be available to all SL residents which is not an opportunity open to the rest of the SL Merchant community. I would be more than willing to create a small offering of my landscape sculpties to put in the library for ALL TO SEE and hopefully generates new future business. So... where do the rest of us Merchants sign up to get to place some of our content in to the official LL SL Library?
  23. Read the Jira... I didnt see any statement officially from a LL Authority. Again... just resident experts. Secondly... even if a LL piped in on that Jira... because of the high profile of the event - ie noticed by the general public... LL should make a more noticable blog posting to explain what happened. LL should not let resident experts explain and be the spokespersons for them. LL - take ownership of your problems and be more responsible.
  24. Sadly, LL still is staying quiet as to what they screwed up. There have been non-LL voices with respected levels of knowledge that have stated they believe its just a minor screwup by LL, but until LL formally speaks up as to what they did wrong, how they will fix it, and to explain the impact of the mistake. even if its just... we made a mistake during DB maintenance that unexpectedly cause a publicly available library asset to show up in loadt adn found but this has been corrected and it causes no damage. I suspect LL will quietly correct the problem and not admit they made a mistake nor will they quell the fears from customers that this could be a virus.
  25. well i am waiting to see if Ann and everyone else is right... see if all these folders magically disappear from my lost and found.
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