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Toysoldier Thor

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Everything posted by Toysoldier Thor

  1. where and how did to Pass a test? That is another hurdle I came across when tonight I thought I would create a basic mesh CAE and import it just to see the basic process... I got a warning that "You dont have rights to upload mesh models". LOL I dont? I can load sculpties but not mesh? seems LL wants to make it rocket science to create and use mesh. So whats the passing grade to have the rights?
  2. I am sure there is an easy answer to this but this was my first quick shot at importing a mesh model from my 3D tool and it failed. I created a model in Sculptris. Awsome freeform sculpting tool. When I created it, I was asked to bring it into SL to show it at a UWA art challenge. I thought I would try to do my first mesh import and I knew that Sculptris could not generate DAE files so I exported the model to OBJ and imported it into my Zbrush. Then I used Zsculpty in Zbrush to generate the DAE. Zbrush had no errors in doing it and created the file. I thought - woo hoo this might even work... Then I tried to import it into SL. And when the load model screen came up there was an X on the LEVEL OF DETAILS screen saying that the Triangles and Vertices for the DAE model were N/A. So basically it failed. I am using the latest version of Zsculpty (9B i believe). Any answers why? PS - this is a 2D photo of the model in Sculptris (and the OBJ import to zbrush looks identical). http://toysoldierthor.deviantart.com/art/Swimmers-TheArrival-RawPhoto-277105084 I have the CAE file if it helps someone figure out why SL thinks there are no triangles or vertices in it.
  3. Sassy Romano wrote: I'm going to work on making Toy my sleeping partner... HAHA! I might be Cheap but Im not Easy.... (hmmm come to think about it... Im easy to - DAMN!)
  4. Hmmmm what will I work on doing in 2012? hhmmm Create a new sculpty pack. All my sales since August of 2010 - which have been relatively solid and stable until August of 2011 when my sales made a significant reduce shift (settling at about 30% less than before August) - have been on products I created prior to August 2010. I havent made a new Sculpty Pack in about 16 months (I got addicted to the SL Art World). So I vow to get my butt back to making a couple new landscape Sculpty packs for SL and the other open sim worlds I sell in. I cant complain though - considering the monthly revenue my sculpty packs make me and that I spend about 5 hours a month on my store - it has been an amazing cash cow for me! But Time to give my store a boost with some new products! I said in August when Mesh officially enterd the main production grid of SL that Mesh will not be mainstream adopted until about Q2 of 2012. Well the good news is my predictions are tracking to be pretty accurate. Although you can buy and use Mesh - the lack of stable viewer support, lack of creators, tons of mesh-related technical problems and limits that havent been figured out, and the technical complexity of the new technology have all proven to be factors that influenced my prediction. BUT, I still believe that Mesh will continue to mature and grow in adoption. The goofy current statistic of "18% of all sims that have at least one mesh on it" from LL had little meaning except to prove that mesh's adoption is much slower than LL predicted. But I still believe that the hurdles of mesh will start clearing up and by Q2 of 2012 it will be a viable technology for MAINSTREAM creators/merchants to start creating mesh products. So althogh mesh is still not a viable alternative to Sculpties for large sized landscaping and terrains creation (too costly to scale up), in 2012 I will start experimenting with the process of how a MESH is generated and optimized and imported into SL and properly packed and sold. Maybe I will even create an experimental Mesh Landscape pack to see how it sells compared to my sculpty landscape packs. Try to survive the envitable arrival and deployment of production Direct Delivery into SL MP. We know LL's hisotry of deploying even maintenance changes and we have all witness the horrid pain of their major transitions of systems. So we all have to expect the transition to DD will not be fun for most of us Merchants in MP. Once I survive it, then I need to adapt to it and leverage it if it can be leveraged somehow. My strategy to transition to DD is to be the latest of adopters to DD. I will stay on Magicboxes for as long as LL allows us Merchants to use it. Unlike a lot of complaints I read here about horrid "magicbox" blamed delivery issues, I rarely have delivery problems. Yes they are slow delivery at night but they get to my customers almost all the time. DD is not a huge benefit for me. SO... I will let the merchants (those that are Beta testing it now) that love being early adopters do all the hard work. Let them find all the glitches in LL's code and system. I will enter DD when everything seems stable and no more DD complaints show up in the forum. There - that is my list. In the meantime I will play with my Art, Art Gallery, Karaoke singing (shameless plug - that tonight is my first ever real SL singing gig at 11pm), and generally enjoying SL's daily life.
  5. November..... Before you even consider "educating" or "shoving new knowledge" in the mall owner's face that HoloVendors are the new improved way that should allow you to rez demos... Remember that a limitation of the HoloVendors is that by Rezzing... the prims of the Demo "count" to the parcel/sim's total prim count. So, if you want to rent from this mall owner and you are normally aloted 100 prims for your store in the mall and you use 75 of the prims for your store setup and displays etc.... then you are only allowed 25 more prims. If you are HoloVending a 100 prim demo, then your vendor will not work or it will work if the Mall owner does not hard limit your prims but you are risking the mall owners parcel/sim hitting its limit. Also... rezzing and on demand un-rezzing still causes lag when it happens. Depending how often it happens - you still could be impacting the sim... plus the holovendor rezzers do have scripts running in them while rezzed and are listening (polling) for state changes to instruct them to unrez. This listening while rezzed also generates lag. So... again, the policy was not written by the mall owners to specifically hit your store activity. They were developed keeping in mind that dozens or even 100's of store renters are all operating in the mall with you. What might not be a lot of lag for you - even with HoloVendors - builds up with many of the renters do similar things. Mall Owners have to look at the big picture in order to provide a happy lag free experience for visitors to their mall and your store. If you really want the freedom or need the ability to have demo rezzers - the best option is for you to get your own sim or parcel.
  6. The fact that the number of scripts are low (in your case only 2), it matters how complicated and/or badly written eac script it that generates lag. You can have a prim with 10 scripts in them but the code in these scripts could generate very little lag and then you can have one script that could bring a sim to its knees. As such - as a general policy (since they dont make policies to suit individual situations) a lot of mall owners restrict or do not allow some types or even any scripts (depending). I have been in one mall that was very large and popular and the owner of the mall was VERY VERY strict on script usage in order to ensure the best visitor / customer experience. She was also fair in that she allowed script usage BUT she did a personal assessment of your store's script load. She even worked with you to reduce load by pointing out and helping you reduce wasted script loads (i.e. running a texture animation script that does not need to run or even exist after a texture has been animated). As such, you may or may not have a demo rezzer that is laggy (chances are that it is laggy), but the policy is developed on a grander scale based on history of a past issue. Demo Rezzers are normally very laggy.
  7. Fabien DeSantis wrote: Small point but these days important .. If you can't find the product dispayed in worrld it's probably an indication the person has left SL and left their products to sell on the marketplace. I know many do this these days and It's so frustrating if complex things are sold without support. Maybe builders should be required to have a store in world to qualify for the marketplace.. just a thought.. Again... this is a poor statement based on assumptions. Although technically there likely are cases that meet your assumption about the merchant having left SL.... the blanket statement paints a stroke of doubt across all your competitors whom do not fall into this category. But if you want to play this game of making statements based on assumptions... it can also be played against your business.... Lets try this statement out... Any merchant that sells products on Marketplace and Inworld vs those that only sell on Marketplace is a strong indication that you as the customer are being over charged for the products you buy from them - since they have to recoup the much higher fixed cost of running that inworld store/sim that the Marketplace Merchant does not have. So, its best that you always buy your products from Merchants that only sell on Marketplace since you will get the best value / price. So... how accurate is that statement? I bet you have a concern about that blanket statement and yet it technically is true as no Merchant wants to sell products below cost and inworld costs are significant and fixed compared to MP only merchants. Just a countering thought
  8. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Successful products have in world stores. If they don't have a store, find a merchant that does. Consider that someone making houses who cannot afford land to show them (at least a rezzer) is more than likely new and does not have a record that would tell you they will be there when you need them. Every product I make, I have on display in my store and that is around 500 products. Anything other than clothes needs to be displayed in world and evem clothes do better when we can see them on. However, as much as I appreciate your post, those who cant market, will self select out of the merchant pool and there are many, many good builders in world to choose from who do things rights. Although I understand your points Chelsea, I would disagree with the wide scope of your statement. 1) There is no rule nor is it accurate to state that only products associated to an inworld store are successful. In fact with LL's push on the power and advantage of MP, the number of inworld stores are eroding on a daily basis - not only because of the handicap that maintaining inworld stores have over MP shopping, but also because of the convenience. 2) SOME types of products may still have value-add in being shown and sold inworld but I dare say this is not the case for MOST other products on the market in SL / MP. Example... I sell packs of Sculpted terrains and I do have an inworld store. BUT, if your statement was accurate then most of my sales would be inworld so they can see the shapes they are buying. The fact is that in the 2+ years I have sold on xstreet/mp and inworld 70% + of my sales are purely on MP. So, I see your point but I think its harsh advice to tell the community not to buy products from any merchant that does not have an inworld store. Merchants without stores is not becoming the norm - thanks to LL's heavy endorsement and promotion and support of MP. inworld stores will be for the few.
  9. The biggest problem / issue with DCMA's effectiveness as a tool to protect IP of creators in virtual world micro-economies (like most merchants in SL) is that abuses of DCMA by Virtual World DCMA griefers or someone that has some intense grudge against a creator is very possible with almost no effective risk of being prosecuted for false claims. As Chelsea has already explained very clearly in a past post, 99% of SL Merchants run a business with such a small level of revenue that it simply is not feasible to counter and punish an abuser. Most abusers know that no IP Creator in SL will spend thousands of real $ in an attempt to stop and punish a false claimant for a revenue source that would be maybe a $1000/year if they are lucky. Therefore its very easy with little effective risk for a griefer to cause great pain and loss against a legit IP Creator because LL and the DCMA regulations basically favor the claimant. As such, the best hope for most SL IP Owners is that no one hates you enough to file a DCMA against you from their anonymous position.
  10. November Velde wrote: So, this morning, I purchased something off marketplace. And suprisingly enough, it came to me in world lightning fast. Yay me, Im happily building away and I hear the "money transaction" sound. I can't figure out what it is at first and head to my account page. And there is my money back from one of the shops. I check my marketplace transaction page and it says that the item failed to deliver. I have said item. What should I do? LOL.... you gotta love LL's failsafe trusted financial transaction processing / sales transaction solution. Sadly all us Merchants assume full confidence that ANY ecommerce provisioner (like amazon.com, onlinestore.com, LL's marketplace.secondlife.com) have put in place rock solid reliable and trusted sales transaction handling systems to ensure that the buyer or seller will not be screwed because of a systems failing within the provisioner's environment. When transactions like this prove that LL's financial / sales transaction processing is not trusted, it puts into question the reputation of the system of the provisioner. We all know how immature LL Development is in solution design, coding, and more importantly their complete lack of Q/A testing. But to now have to rely upon this immaturity when LL our marketplace provisioner is deploying critical system components like Direct Delivery.... this is where this proven immaturity becomes scary for Merchants and Customers of MP.
  11. Back what claims Zanara? That cheap / free items are not the root cause to the Search issue on SLM? Simple... SL Marketplace has how many listing now? 1.4 million? Who knows what percentage of these listings make up these evil dreaded free / cheap listings that all of you are complaining about that are cluttering up a customers search for your premium product. Lets even say its 50%. Who Cares.... how big is the global Internet? What percent of the global Internet is made of of NON RELEVENT content of cheap, bogus, fake, misleading, competing websites to the content / website that you are searching for when you Google for something? And... do you succeed in finding what you were looking for with Google Search with all this non-relevent potential content? Why do you find what you want on a scale of content that makes SL Marketplace look like a drop in the ocean? Because unlike LL's deployment of SL Marketplace Search which has a totally ineffective search, the global search engines like Google have deployed effect RELEVENT QUERY Search algorithms which provides result relevent to the query. SL Marketplace basic search by query relevence does not do this. As a result, the free and cheap listings get posted near the top because LL have over manipulated their search engine with some silly intent that has poor results. A good effective search engine should not find all these free cheap listings to be an issue. and... a listing is a listing if they listing's content best meets the query by the customer.
  12. Arwen, the sad thing is that Merchant apathy on voting for JIRA issues has been proven many times when voting for LL Commerce / MP bugs and requested enhancements. As you saw from my request to get fellow merchants to JIRA vote for improved MP traffic reporting... most merchants that even read these forums either are not comfortable logging into the complex JIRA interface or just don't see a purpose as most often LL staff do not action them unless other communication and pressure from the community forces them to action the JIRA. So this is great for LL Commerce Team because they can leverage this Customer Apathy of JIRA usage (thanks to LL's own abuse of the JIRA) to argue that the issue is not important enough to waste their time on fixing bugs. LL Developers don't like doing maintenance. Its beneath them and its boring. They would rather keep coding shiny new ideas of theirs then maintain the existing system. Merchant apathy on JIRA's gives them this out.
  13. Your kidding me that they really need more Merchants to acknowledge that this bug is universal?? <Shakes my head> OK I will JIRA vote and watch it... but how lame is that. Since their own Q/A testing of the new function failed to notice what appears to be so obvious - once again - then I guess we all have to scream loud so that LL Commerce Team can hear us from deep in their developers cave (from from the presence of their customers). Its totally a borked function. The other JIRA from the Nov 30th deploy is the half-baked USER LICENSE feature that is nothing more than a joy buzzer since LL Commerce Team didnt think it might be important to include the fact that a potential USER / BUYER that is being asked to agree to a Merchant's EULA should be forced and actually allowed to read the terms he/she is agreeing to. i.e. LL should have allowed Merchants (and even force) to add a EULA Note to any listing that the USER LICENSE permission is enabled. So I was pretty accurate that the Nov 30th release would generate 2 JIRA. I dont think there are more than 2 - are there?
  14. Zanara Zenovka wrote: ... Nothing I said requires correction, and nothing you said corrects that in any way. I did not say why it was dropped, merely that it was. But to address the tangent you raised, please do find me evidence of "many" merchants warning of the technical difficulties of that process; I followed the debate as well as anyone and do not recall that being a major argument used at all. You followed it.... I was the #1 flag bearer's against LL's idea of imposing a Clutter Tax as a means to get rid of cheap / free listings and listings from delinquent SLM Merchants. I am sure for this issue alone Pink despised me as I was vocally against it until the day that her team had to finally admit defeat 7 months later. But... regardless, dont promote Pink's idea of a Clutter Tax as the solution to get rid of cheap/free listings. It was not and still is not the right answer to your belief that cheap / free listings in themselves is the problem for horrid SEARCH in SLM. The problem behind horrid SLM search is LL's inability to provide effective search by Query Relevence. PERIOD.
  15. Zanara Zenovka wrote: I agree search is a mess, and still believe that sales should have nothing to do with relevancy - relevancy should be based on matching search terms only (and good grief - give matches in the product name a higher rating already). But does anyone actually remember back in Pink's day when they floated a plan to institute a small listing fee, which would have removed so many freebies, unsupported items, dead merchants and embarrassing old products, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth that ensued over that, until it was dropped? Well we're now seeing the result of that. A little correction of your recall of history. It was not dropped as an idea by LL for ANY reason related to the Merchant's near universal disgust for the idea..... It was dropped - as many of us Merchants had tried to warn Pink and her team - because not only was the concept wrong - it was technically not viable to deploy with Xstreet. The LL Commerce team simply locked all doors of communications for 7 months and finally had to admit in June 2010 that they had to "shelve" the whole idea. So... it had nothing to do with our complaints against the poorly thought out tax.... it was that they finally had to admit they could not develop the tax model into xstreet.
  16. Ann Otoole wrote: I do not wish to be tracked so I insulated myself. I am not the only one that is stealthing the internet now. One main reason I do not want google or whoever up in my stuff is because I want accurate search results. Google tailors search results based on what some guy from India thinks you need to see. Forget that. Anyway, like I said, ask for it. Maybe LL will do it. It won't bother me at all since google and facebook cannot see me. There is no reason for anyone to argue against your request since they can stealth themselves and never be counted by google analytics (which, of course, means google analytics is as good as the failed GSA in SL that you hated too). I completely agree with you on what you said....... EXCEPT that you got me mixed up with others (likely Darrius) that hated GSA. I was actually - way back when - one of the cheerleaders of GSA for inworld. In RL we have two GSAs we use for our company. I am not as big an expert on deep dive search functionality like Darrius is, but I suspect the GSA technology was not the failure for poor inworld search as much as it may not have been suited for the weird type of searching it was asked to do within a virtual world OR more likely the limited skillset of the LL team working with the GSA. BTW... I dare say that since the GSA's removal from inworld search, for me personally the inworld search is even worse now. So GSA or No GSA... inworld search still sucks and does me no favors. As for if LL will actually listen to the request.... you know as well as I do that LL Commerce does not listen to its merchants... and since Brooke already made it known in spring that she has no plans to make reporting a priority, I seriously doubt the JIRA will have ANY influence at all. but at least I formall tired.
  17. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: I don't think that YOU get it. We are not talking avatar names here. I fought Redzone hours a day for weeks on end, so I take offense at you flying off the handle without proper information here, and equating merchants who spend a significant amount of money here to some kind of griefer dudes. MANY merchants fought that daily at significant time expense to try to protect people. Chill. We're not talking about tracking avatar names or IP addresses. If you have that much fear - then you need to log the Internet for good, or at least do some serious reading up on what goes on out there. And I'm not talking about Second Life. THE INTERNET. I could not have said it any better. Nicolette, you dont get it. Like Mickey I was a HUGE ACTIVE opponent of Redzone. I had private LL Sr. Management discussions on the critical danger of RedZone. I even lost a couple long term SL friend because of my opposition to REDZONE vs their love and use of it. I am also a RL Information Systems Architect with a specialty in networks and security and I am also one that takes anonymity of my RL identity very serious. I know what REDZONE did and I know how Google Analytics works. Your AVATAR identity has ZERO interaction with what Google Analytics tracks (and what a GA account holder can use the data for). Trust me when I say that your concepts of GA and comparing it to anything close to Redzone are not valid in any way. But if you are that scared of Google Analytics.... stop posting here and stop using the secondlife.com website... because you are being tracked by LL via Google Analytics NOW!
  18. @Nicolette: a couple points: 1) Unless you never use your internet browser, and/or you are using it and have a firewall that blocks everything known to man (like Ann seems to do), you are being watched by a Google Analytics account ALL THE TIME!! Let me ask you a qestion? Have you ever gone to WWW.SECONDLIFE.COM ? I hope you have or else you would never even be a SecondLife Resident. OOOPSIE... guess what? LL is a GA account holder and uses GA to watch all visitor traffic on secondlife.com . I guess you better stop going to secondlife. 2) As already mentioned, if you are so against basically being traffic watched by a GA account, then you have the full rights to do exactly what Ann did. Block all traffic to GOOGLE.COM. I think that is silly but do it. 3) What Google or the countless other website tracking services do with IP address is nothing like what REDZONE used it for. GA uses IP address capturing to provide GENERAL source of visitor tracking - i.e. how many visitors are from New York? Your IP address is not used to identify you as a person. This is not possible unless someone underhanded (like REDZONE was) uses your specific address and combines it with your activity to personalize it. If you have never used GA, you will see that the tracking has nothing to do with "I know that IP address X is = to Nicolette Lefevre". Please do not compare GA to a man in the basement of his home developing code like REDZONE with the primary objective of identifying you as a person and then selling it off to others as a database. That is pure fear mongering.
  19. Actually I just got a TWITTER comment to my suggestion about Google Analytics being a solution for MP store/listings traffic analysis... and it made me realize that many Merchants are not aware of how Google Analytics (and countless other websitre tracking services/tolls work). at ToysoldierThor I'm a google-a-holic, too, but giving them access to SL marketplace might be risky because that's tied to RL So to anyone that has not used Google Analytics, my proposed solution to MP using GA does not involved GA intimately integrating into MP's internals or financials or backend systems. It is not even what the computer industry calls a "SERVER SIDE" operation. What that means is that the GA solution does not even execute on the site that its tracking. GA is a small insert of Client Side executing Javascript that runs on every visitor's PC that visits the page and reports back to the Google Analytics cloud what activities the visitor did on the page and as well as some basic general information about the visitor (browser type, screen resolution, visiting IP, etc.). This might sound shocking but this kind of code is happening on almost all sites you visit. Javascript is used ALL THE TIME as is site tracking. With GA, the entire conversation is between the visitor and Google. LL's MP listing pages are only need to insert the launching GA javascript when the page is loaded. That is the ONLY integration LL would have with Google. Can visitors like ANN block GA from working? Sure they can. But you might as well pee into the ocean if your intention is to stop this form of "spying". I will post this into the JIRA too.
  20. sadly you are correct. Its bad enough that even if you get a jira with a lot of WATCHES (i.e. LL's understanding of a VOTE as opposed to the VOTE button) that LL Commerce will ignore it anyways, but when you get so much apathy by the Merchant community to want to see change that would improve their income by improving the current MP, it just proves to LL Management like Brooke that most Merchant dont care what her team has on its priority list. I tell her management team that "see we do know better than the merchants since they dont even know what they want" Its sad. But at least when it comes to MP Reporting, I tried.
  21. Harm Xue wrote: I'm pretty sure everyone would be happy to jump in and sign up for better report tools. The ones in place are indeed so pathetic, I'm just happy to retrieve at least the sales file (with more or less bugs depending on another deployment), and do my own report sheets. But requesting this by using an external app like Google Analytics, I believe it's deterring a few people from voting. If all we can get are the current reports we have, then at least, I would be quite happy with an option to reset counters (if this could be done per item, that would be awesome) and also, some way, to delete the entries of old, long forgotten items that just clutter the list. @Harm, The reason I recommended Google Analytics is for many reasons: Of website tracking and analytics tools/services, it is clearly the LEADER and no one else comes close to this tool since even enterprise operations use the free version of the tool because of the power in it. Since it is the leader, it would be the best candidate that most Merchants would already be familiar with IF they ever had an interest in site traffic analytics. Knowing LL's staffing and resourcing and limited development skillset, the option of having LL create custom developed MP site tracking reports of any value is basically not a viable option. You want proof? Look how they improved (cough cough) the level of merchant reporting when they upgraded us from XSTREET to MP. This is who we are dealing with at LL. As such, asking LL to develop custom reports is not possible. Brooke has already stated in the spring that she has very little interest in allocating any resources to improving reporting - her team has better things to do (like screwing up our MP transaction processing/delivery) to focus on reporting. Brooke stated that she envisions just giving us the data and letting Merchants (those with the skills) figure out their own reports. This benefits the technically skilled merchants but not those merchant that only know how to create and sell content. Since Brooke has no plans to spend much effort on improving MP reporting then the only feasible solution is to have LL OUTSOURCE the reporting to a vendor that is the leader in this field. Others already do it... why not LL? Now, the only issue is that as much as Google Analytics would be great to better understand my MP store's traffic dynamics, I dont believe GA will be able to provide the other critical information from MP.... SALES ANALYTICS and REPORTING. This is a set of reports that LL will have to custom write for the general MP Merchant userbase since these numbers are not captured by tracking a visitor's movements... the data is in LL's backend DB. Until LL develops these SALES ANALYSIS reports, only those merchants with the skills and/time/resources to capture their own MP sales data will have these reports since they created it themselves.
  22. Ann Otoole wrote: I have all facebook and google domains/subdomains blocked in my hosts file so they cannot track my movements. Therefore I won't be asking for any google spyware. Sorry. @ ANN LOL Seriously? You really do? You remind me of the boy that stuck his finger in the hole of a dike. Unfortunately what the fable failed to mention about this story is if there is a visible hole in the dike that the boy stuck his finger into, it would be a little too late. If you dont trust facebook (which I dont) and google for tracking your site visit, how are you blocking the countless other site trackers that use more obscure methods and are not 1/2 as trustworthy as Google? I have a better idea for you Ann to protect your safety from site visit trackers.... UNPLUG YOUR INTERNET CABLE. @Dartagan I am shocked you have never used one of the internets most widely used site tracking tools. Even LL itself uses Google Analytics to track your activities on www.secondlife.com. Major enterprises use the free service including the company I work for now. Why? its free and powerful and even integrates with several of Googles other services. I have used Google Analytics for 2 years on many of my sites and I love the tool. OMG... and you are suggesting that instead of LL doing what so many other CMS and ecommerce systems / sites do (that is to integrate Google Analytics into their customer's pages), you want LL's overworked and under skilled developers to create customer tracking and reporting for Marketplace??? /ME takes Dart's temp to make sure he doesnt have a fevor. Not only is that an idea which will never be delivered with any value, but now you will further stress out Ann who will have to block the entire SECONDLIFE.COM domain because they would also start spying on her.... ROFL!!
  23. well on JIRA u now vote by WATCHING a jira its stupid and dont know what LL would rather a person WATCH than VOTE to think its important.... but u vote by WATCHING IT.
  24. Wow... 45 Merchants have viewed this thread and only 5 votes for improved merchant store / listings traffic reporting and analysis??? Maybe most merchants dont want improved traffic reporting and alaysis. Or maybe most Merchants have not seen the amazing power of Google Analytics and how powerful it would be to better understand your customers on MP. I guess the Merchant need for improve MP reporting is a myth.
  25. Even though most merchants of MP have requested, begged, pleaded, asked for, screams, complained to LL Commerce Team to finally address the utterly useless Traffic / Sales reporting that is currently broken and not available on our store / listing pages, LL Commerce Team to date has completely ingored all our requests. They have consistently pushed it as one of their lowest priorities. I have noticed also that as important this this broken MP feature is to Merchants, I could not find a formal request to fix traffic reporting... or at least effective traffic reporting. As such and to put it clearly and formally on LL Commerce's radar, I have created a formal JIRA to request the MP traffic Reporting be addressed and to be addressed by allownig Merchants to interface their Google Analytics to their Store / Listing pages. If you are a Merchant of MP and would love to see the ability to use Google Analytics on your Store / Listings, please WATCH and VOTE for the JIRA I created. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4291
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